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Published byBlaze Martin Modified over 9 years ago
The Integrated Science Instrument Module Ground Test Matt Greenhouse ISIM Project Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 23 July 2010
ISIM is the science instrument payload of the JWST 23 July 2010 The ISIM system consists of: –Four science instruments –Nine instrument support systems: - Optical metering structure system - Electrical Harness System - Harness Radiator System - ISIM electronics compartment (IEC) - ISIM Remote Services Unit (IRSU) - Cryogenic Thermal Control System - ISIM Command and Data Handling System (ICDH) - Flight Software System - Operations Scripts System ISIM is one of three elements that together make up the JWST space vehicle –Approximately 1.4 metric tons, ~20% of JWST by mass or cost 2 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
The ISIM system completed CDR during March 2009 All science instrument ETU test programs have been completed –All instrument ETUs have been delivered Flight model integration is underway on all instruments and supporting systems NIRSpec Development ModelNIRCam Engineering Test Unit FGS Engineering Model MIRI Verification Model 23 July 2010 3 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Making sure it all works …. Science instruments and each of their 9 supporting systems are individually flight qualified prior to delivery to ISIM I&T Ground testing at the ISIM element level is designed to (no order): –Verify instrument alignment with the ISIM structure –Verify instrument compatibility with the: harness system, ICDH, IRSU, FSW, & OSS –Verify design performance wrt EMI/EMC –Verify instrument compatibility with the FGS –Verify SI-to-SI compatibility for parallel mode dark calibration –Characterize thermal performance for model validation –Characterize ISIM performance stability for model validation –Correlate instrument performance in ISIM to instrument-level test results –Verify workmanship for flight environment –Measure mass properties Approximately 200 requirements to be verified at ISIM assembly level ISIM is subsequently delivered to observatory-level I&T as a flight qualified element 23 July 2010 4 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
ISIM is one of three element-level test programs GSFC SSDIF NG M8, M4 TV NG M8 GSFC SSDIF ISIM I&T Spacecraft Panel I&T OTE I&T Sunshield I&T OTE Structure I&T GSFC SSDIF, JSC 32 OTE/ISIM I&T Cryo Optics Test Spacecraft Element I&T Facility N/A I&T Responsibility Execution NASA NGST ITT ESA / Arianespace CSG S5C, S5B, BAF, ZL3 NG M8, LATF, M4 Vibe Complete Observatory I&T Launch Site I&T LV Integ Launch NG M8 NG R8 Sunshield Pathfinders (EPF/IVA) Observatory EM Test Bed (EMTB) NG M8 OTE Pathfinder Structure JSC 32GSFC SSDIF Pathfinder Optics Integration Pathfinder Cryo Optics Test NG M3 Propulsion Module I&T 23 July 2010 5 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
6 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction(s) on the title page of this document. The ISIM element test article (sans ICHD)
7 Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction(s) on the title page of this document. ISIM Test Verification Flow Receive Flight ISIM Electronics Compartment Structure with Backbone Harness FLT IEC Integration (FLT E-box) Receive Flight ISIM Structure System Functional Test Integrate: HAS,CHA, HR, Harness, SIs IEC Sine & Random Vibe Test IEC Mass Properties Deintegrate For Vib and Mass Props ISIM Mass Properties Cryo Thermal Vacuum Test w/TMS and OSIM EMI/EMC Test Acoustics Test (ISIM & IEC) Sine Vibe Test (ISIM Only) Cryo Thermal Vacuum Test w/TMS and OSIM Alignment Metrology INS-20xxx TST-20600 TST-20700 TST-20900TST-21000 TST-20400 TST-20800 TST-21100 TST-20900 TST-21200 Clean, Inspect, Pack & Ship TST-21300 INS-21301 OTE Cryo Vac At JSC TST-30000 OTE Integration & Test Program dI rI dI rI rI – Re-Integrate ISIM and IEC dI – De-Integrate ISIM and IEC ISIM Gravity Release Test TST-20910
ISIM will be tested at ~35 K in the GSFC SES chamber using a cryogenic telescope simulator (OSIM) SES chamber (27 x 40 ft) LN2 Shroud LHe shroud ISIM OSIM Vibration Isolation Supports OSIM Primary Mirror Alignment Diagnostic Module Fold Mirror 3 Tip/Tilt Gimbal Assembly LHe shroud installation and test completed July 09 23 July 2010 8 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Major ground support equipment required for ISIM I&T Primary ground support equipment: –Cryogenic Optical Telescope Simulator (OSIM) - Simulates Optical Telescope Element (OTE) with high fidelity –OSIM Beam Analyzer –Space environment simulator LHe shroud - Enables ISIM testing at operating temperature –Cryogenic photogrammetry system - Enables metrology of ISIM structure at operating temperature –ISIM Test Platform (ITP) - Simulates OTE mechanical interface at cryogenic operating temperature ISIM simulators provided to support SI-Level testing: –Ambient science instrument mechanical interface fixture (ASMIF) - Simulates ISIM structure mechanical interface for each instrument with high fidelity –Science instrument test sets (SITS) - Simulates ICDH for each instrument 23 July 2010 9 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
The ISIM structure has passed key verification tests for cryogenic dimensional reputability and distortion Carbon-fiber/cyanate-ester composite material –Primary launch-load bearing structure (warm launch) –High precision optical requirements Key dimensional requirements for thermal cycling (300 to 30 K) verified to > 25 micron precision –Repeatability: 80 microns –Distortion: 500 microns Key tests to-go: –Cryogenic and ambient strength proof tests –Modal survey 23 July 2010 10 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Key Thermal Performance Test Objectives Best-controlled opportunity for ISIM thermal testing –460 mW total power allocation to cryogenic portion of ISIM –Very sensitive to workmanship Thermal test objectives: –Thermal model correlation and validation –Workmanship/performance of critical thermal elements (heat straps, harnesses, MLI, contamination control heaters/algorithms, trim heaters, temp sensors –SI stability during multi-instrument operation –Sensitivity of ISIM to backplane interface temperature –MIRI thermal performance, heat load measurement within heat shield –IEC thermal balance, thermal cycling, transient stability, steady state surface and electronics box temperatures 23 July 2010 11 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
ISIM enclosure and passive cryogenic radiators replaced by precision controlled cryo-pannels Flight high purity aluminum heat strap assemblies 23 July 2010 12 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. Flight radiators integrated at OTIS assembly level Q meters used to verify thermal loads and flight heat strap performance MIRI cooling provided by GSE cryo-cooler compressor
IEC and Harness Radiator Flight Configuration 23 July 2010 13 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
The ISIM electronics compartment successfully addresses one of most difficult engineering challenges of the JWST The IEC accommodates 11 warm electronics boxes that must reside on the cryogenic side of the sunshield close to the science instruments Rejects ~220 W of power to space in a controlled beam pattern to achieve required observatory thermal balance and avoid thermal stray light –Radiator beam pattern verified in prototype test Key test to-go: full thermal balance Flight Shell Flight Baffle 23 July 2010 14 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
IEC & HR test shrouds simulate flight cryogenic environment with high fidelity IEC ~ 25 K Test Shroud HR with flight harnesses HR (~ 20 - 25 K) Shroud lined with black honeycomb 23 July 2010 15 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Flight cryogenic radiators are replaced by a surrogate thermal management system IEC Two Shroud Assembly LN2 shroud surrounded by dedicated He shroud plumbed to the primary chamber He shroud. Harness Radiator with –V1 Shroud Surrogate Thermal Management System (STMS) Comprised of actively controlled panels to produce environment of flight TMS to ISIM (Region 1) LN2 Shroud GHe Shroud Vibration Isolation System Optical Telescope Element Simulator (OSIM) 23 July 2010 16 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Approximately 150 optical requirements are verified or cross checked during ISIM element testing Only opportunity for testing integrated instrument suite with flight- like beam of flight-like image quality/wavefront Comprehensive optical performance test plan confirms alignment, image quality, wavefront sensing capability OPRG1 Basic optical capabilities OPRG2 Wavefront and focus requirements Calibration requirements for the MIMF wavefront sensing algorithm OPRG3 Pupil shear and rotation requirements OPRG4 Fields of view, vignetting, stray light Absolute pointing of ISIM OPRG5 Co-boresight stability vs temperture OPRG6 Performance of NIRCam wavefront sensing and control components 23 July 2010 17 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Science Instrument (SI) sensitivity verification SI-level requirements cover every filter and mode of the instrument –Verified at instrument level as part of their qualification ahead of delivery to ISIM I&T - Component-level testing combined with models Sensitivity models held under configuration control Spec values used for OTE parameters Sensitivity benchmarks will be measured on SI internal sources during ISIM-element testing for correlation with SI-level test results –POM contamination monitored with witness plates and NIRSpec spectroscopy on OSIM continuum sources 23 July 2010 18 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. JWST-RQMT-835: ISIM-153 JWST Sensitivity: SN=10 in < 10,000s Instrument m Continuum Flux Density (nJy) Unresolved Line Flux (10 -21 Wm -2 ) NIRCam2411 FGS-TF3.5100126 NIRSpec3100132 NIRSpec210000.52* MIRI105700 MIRI214.28700 MIRI9.2240010 MIRI22.51200560 * SN = 10 in < 100,000 s
Each of two cryogenic test cycles require ~20 weeks with ~ 6 weeks used for cool-down and warm-up 23 July 2010 19 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Learn more at: Watch the ISIM being built at: Read about JWST science mission objectives at: Collaborate on JWST science investigations: 23 July 2010 20 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
23 July 2010 21 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
ISIM Instrument characteristics wallet card 23 July 2010 22 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
NIRCam will provide the deepest near-infrared images ever and will identify primeval galaxy targets for the NIRSpec Developed by the University of Arizona with Lockheed Martin ATC –Operating wavelength: 0.6 – 5.0 microns –Spectral resolution: 4, 10, 100 –Field of view: 2.2 x 4.4 arc minutes –Angular resolution (1 pixel): 32 mas 2.4 microns –Detector type: HgCdTe, 2048 x 2048 pixel format, 10 detectors, 40 K passive cooling –Refractive optics, Beryllium structure Supports OTE wavefront sensing 23 July 2010 23 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
The NIRSpec will aquire spectra of up to 100 galaxies in a single exposure Developed by the European Space Technology Center (ESTEC) with Astrium GmbH and Goddard Space Flight Ctr –Operating wavelength: 0.6 – 5.0 microns –Spectral resolution: 100, 1000, 3000 –Field of view: 3.4 x 3.4 arc minutes - Aperture control: programmable micro-shutters, 250,000 pixels - Angular resolution: shutter open area 203 x 463 mas, pitch 267 x 528 mas –Detector type: HgCdTe, 2048 x 2048 pixel format, 2 detectors, 37 K passive cooling –Reflective optics, SiC structure and optics 3.6’ 3.4’ Detector Array Fixed Slits and IFU Aperture 23 July 2010 24 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Aperture control: 250, 000 programmable micro-shutters System at TRL-8 and delivered to ESA June 2010 Human Hair 90 um Dia. 203 x 463 mas shutter pixel clear aperture, 267 x 528 mas pitch, 4 x 171 x 365 array 23 July 2010 25 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
The MIRI instrument will detect key discriminators that distinguish the earliest state of galaxy evolution from more evolved objects Developed by a European Consortium and JPL –Operating wavelength: 5 - 29 microns –Spectral resolution: 5, 100, 2000 –Field of view: 1.9 x 1.4 arc minutes broad-band imagery - R100 spectroscopy 5 x 0.2 arc sec slit - R2000 spectroscopy 3.5 x 3.5 and 7 x 7 arc sec integral field units –Detector type: Si:As, 1024 x 1024 pixel format, 3 detectors, 7 K cryo-cooler –Reflective optics, Aluminum structure and optics Optical Assembly Structural/Thermal Model 23 July 2010 26 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Developed by the Canadian Space Agency with ComDev –Operating wavelength: 0.8 – 4.8 microns –Spectral resolution: Broad-band guider and R=100 science imagery –Field of view: 2.3 x 2.3 arc minutes - R=100 imagery with Fabry-Perot tunable filter and coronagraph –Angular resolution (1 pixel): 68 mas –Detector type: HgCdTe, 2048 x 2048 pixel format, 3 detectors –Reflective optics, Aluminum structure and optics The FGS provides imagery for telescope pointing control & imaging spectroscopy to reveal primeval galaxies and extra-solar planets 23 July 2010 27 Presentation to STScI Calibration Workshop: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
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