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DR Congo: Projet pour l ’ appui à la p é dagogie active (P.A.P.A.) 3/10/05 teachers discovering local resources children in front of Vanga Telecenter teacher-made.

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Presentation on theme: "DR Congo: Projet pour l ’ appui à la p é dagogie active (P.A.P.A.) 3/10/05 teachers discovering local resources children in front of Vanga Telecenter teacher-made."— Presentation transcript:

1 DR Congo: Projet pour l ’ appui à la p é dagogie active (P.A.P.A.) 3/10/05 teachers discovering local resources children in front of Vanga Telecenter teacher-made manipulative

2 Context DR Congo: Projet P.A.P.A. Complete collapse “ Retro-development ” No Bilateral Agreement Working with primary schools run by Catholics, Protestants, Kimbaguistes, Salvation Army Luozi Vanga

3 What We Found DR Congo: Projet P.A.P.A. Learning Needs Assessment –Rote learning –Lack of relevance –Concepts not informed by concrete experience or local resources... losing interest

4 What We Did (Pilot) DR Congo: Projet P.A.P.A. Trained educators in active learning techniques (w/ gender) Helped teachers harness community learning resources Guided teachers in the development of new lesson plans and didactic materials Promoted ongoing professional development through peer-to-peer training activities Introduced technology as a tool (Telecenter, DVD) applied math: sewing dissection

5 Where We Are Now DR Congo: Projet P.A.P.A. M&E Findings: –Change in Pedagogical Practice (pilot) “ There are changes taking place in the field as far as classroom methodology is concerned. ” Theory/abstract  Concrete examples (teacher) –new habits in the use of ICT (pilot) Encarta informs lesson planning Small business owners arranging for meetings and the purchase of merchandise in Kinshasa. 100 km to use Center Decrease number of transfusions... researching women’s literacy working with manipulatives

6 Where We Want to Be (Sept. 06) DR Congo: Projet P.A.P.A. “ [Manipulatives] will not be used just for demonstration but... for children to engage in activities... Eg: measuring objects, themselves, and each other with a meter stick. ”.... Continue, expand training: –120 schools, 720 teachers, 120 directors, 43 administrators Community Involvement –Classroom, project support child hands-on learning of measurements

7 Support Materials DR Congo: Projet P.A.P.A. Teacher/Trainer Kits (Didactic Materials) (885) National Curriculum distribution (885) 3000 teacher text/resource books (25/school) Student learning materials through Learning Resources Network (LRN) (20k+)

8 D.R. Congo: Projet P.A.P.A. How We Are Measuring Impact Impact Evaluation –teacher interviews –classroom observation protocols –Principal interview protocol –school visit protocol

9 An Example of Impact To-Date DR Congo: Projet P.A.P.A.

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