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Quality Coaching Coaches’ Professional Learning Program Melbourne, VIC, Australia June 10, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Coaching Coaches’ Professional Learning Program Melbourne, VIC, Australia June 10, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Coaching Coaches’ Professional Learning Program Melbourne, VIC, Australia June 10, 2009

2 Goals Participants will:  Define quality coaching  Understand conditions that optimize quality coaching  Have strategies that promote quality coaching 10/13/2015

3 Recognizing Quality Coaching  What does quality coaching look like? Sound like? 10/13/2015

4 Conditions for Optimal Coaching Coaching:  Fresh alternative  Partnership  Outcomes: teacher learning and collaboration  Job-embedded professional learning  Enhances teacher capacity  For informed decision making  Rooted in coaching conversations 10/13/2015

5 Conditions for Optimal Coaching (continued) School, leadership, staff:  Commitment to building capacity  Recognition that all learn all the time  Treat all with respect and dignity  Openness to differences  Understand purpose and process of coaching 10/13/2015

6 On a Piece of Paper  Write one word … whatever word you choose.  We’ll come back to this later.

7 A Framework  Ralph Stacy  ALIA Institute  Human Systems Dynamics Insitute 10/13/2015

8 Now … Write the word “coaching. Form a speedy group – read aloud

9 One Create Space  Everyone does the same thing.  One person (with power) can decide what is to be done.  Pros:  Cons: 10/13/2015


11 Now…  Read the word you wrote at the start in your speedy group.  Not much pattern, eh? Interesting? Meaningful? 10/13/2015

12 No Create Space  No agreement.  Everyone can do their own thing.  Pros:  Cons: 10/13/2015

13 No Create Space  Everyone does their own thing.  No plan, no direction.  Pros:  Cons: 10/13/2015

14 Now…  Finish this sentence with four words: I come from …  Make “from” your first word.  Share with your speedy group. 10/13/2015

15 Co-Create Space  Shared input.  Shared power to decide.  Response to shared interests.  Pros:  Cons: 10/13/2015

16 The Potential of Educational Coaching  Lies in “co-create” space  Coach listens and learns  Mutual problem solving  All are experts and all are learners 10/13/2015

17 Tasks for the Coach  Guide the coaching conversation  Facilitate processes  “Meaningfully disturb”  Consider experiences  Seek diversity  Create possibility  Cross boundaries 10/13/2015

18 The Coaching Conversation  Starting Out  Focusing  Gathering Information  Problem Solving  Planning  Forwarding the Action  Scheduling  Note Taking

19 Facilitate Processes  Agenda setting  Conversation facilitation  Questioning  Creating hospitality for each member’s level of contribution  Planning  Data Analysis  Best when embedded in meaningful conversation 10/13/2015

20 Help Teacher Partners Consider Experiences  Recognize tension between experience and “what they say”  Honor experience  Remain open to “what they say”  And then…  Living with the tension  Learning from the tension 10/13/2015

21 Create Diversity: Neighbor Ideas  Generating  Sharing  And then …  Reconciling  Living with contradiction  Shifting perspective  Finding “third space” 10/13/2015

22 Create Possibility  New lenses  Ask questions  Shift perspectives  New visions  Site visits  Videos  Books/articles  Conversations across grades/departments/schools 10/13/2015

23 Cross Boundaries  Share ideas  Nudge perspectives  Provide resources 10/13/2015

24 Making It Work  Be explicit about your role  Ask for administrator support – repeatedly  Be clear in your own mind  Expect the best in people  Be realistic  When in doubt … listen and learn  Remember to breathe! 10/13/2015

25 You must be the change you want to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi

26 For Further Information: Cathy A. Toll, Ph.D.

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