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Published byElinor Hoover Modified over 9 years ago
Raj Gupta and ML Jat International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) Farmers Participatory Adaptive Research for Large scale Roll-out of Resource Conserving Technologies
Challenges of South Asian Agriculture 2 - Water, labor and energy shortages - Plateauing crop yields - Large yield gaps due to poor management - Factor productivity decline - Resource and Policy fatigues - Weak networks of public-private partnerships & Extension systems - Climate changes is a new emerging challenge
Nexus of low productivity, poverty and rainfall between 78.83 °E to 86.13 ° E longitude - Low lands ( Chaur, Tal and Diara lands), shifting river courses - ‘Rice-Fallows’, Seeds, Low fertilizer Use, weak infrastructure and technologies - Little ground water development during Kharif Agricultural Productivity in USD /ha Source: Data Adapted from Ramesh Chand et al.2009
163 districts in IGP 67 districts covered 1/3 of the IGP Nine hubs with one satellite established and fully functional Hub NameArea, Mha Haryana2.75 Punjab3.9 EUP4.5 Bihar7.3 Tamil Nadu4.5 Total Area (mha) 22.95 CSISA Action Corridors
5 5. Labor, Energy shortages, High production cost Minimal tillage Zero tillage Raised bed Double no-till system New Machines 6. Diversification and ‘Fallows’ Relay/Para cropping Crop substitution Cotton –wheat) S.Cane –wheat ) Rice Fallows 7. Herbicide resistance / Weed mgt. Test new molecules Integrated weed management approach 8. Net works and Capacity Building Public –Private partnerships Trainings Traveling seminars 1.Water 2. Rainwater 3. Nutrient 4. Terminal Heat shortages Management Imbalances tolerance/ Seed In-situ moisture conservation Groundwater recharge Conjunctive use of nutrient inputs LCC/ SPAD/GS Super granules Cultivar choices Seed increase Water schedules Residue manage. Laser land leveling Raised beds DSR & remove puddling Conceptual Framework of CSISA Strategic Entry Points and Potential Options for solutions
1. Laser Leveled and bunded + 3. + Residues 4. + Control traffic 5. Paired row 6. Weed Mgt. 7. Water Mgt. AWD 8. N Mgt. 80% basal +LCC 5 Equal space Manual Other example of layering of improved technologies Farmers seed v/s Improved HYV choice Flat v/s Raised bed Planting Raised bed 67 cm v/s 90 cm Planting time late v/s Early Aged v/s Young seedling of rice # of seedling/hill (1 v/s 3-4) Manual v/s Mechanical transplanting Stepwise Layering of strategic technologies Free Wheeling 4- _ 3_ 1- Unpuddled transplanted or DSR- Zero till Wheat in flats Layering of Strategic Entry Points: An example Conventional PTR 2. Primed improved seed +/-
Schematic Diagram of Operations in CSISA Hubs
Farmers often seek immediate gains, produce more at less costs Bridge ‘geographically differentiated’ management yield gaps Strengthen Public -Private partnerships / net works Developing Technical options to match endowments of farmers Empower farmers with knowledge- provide timely solutions. Strengthen the input chain - weak / dysfunctional Training and machinery use for timely operations Inclusive of deployment of seed to facilitate technology transfer CSISA Focus of Last-Mile Delivery
Laser land leveling introduced in the region 6700 units (Farmer investment ~ USD 9.0 Million) Saved 800 Kwhr -1 units /ha during rice season in Punjab; USD 55M in India( Sidhu,2009), and saves 25-30% water at least Employs 4 persons for 125-150 days / year. Laser Assisted Precision Land Leveling
Crop Enhancement Research Untreated Gaucho Treated Crop enhancement research enthusing seed companies to Join us HD2824 not responsive to seed treatment HD 2733 respond more to Raxil K307 responds more to Cruiser
Zero v/s Conventional till Wheat : planting time effects in eastern Gangetic plains
Choice of wheat cultivars for RW and MW systems in EGP Rice -Wheat System Maize –Wheat system Common cultivars : Ufan, DBW17, HD 2967 RW System : Baaz, HD 2967, HD 2985, Ufan, DBW17 MW System : DBW 17, Ufan, Raj 4120, HD 2643, HD 2967
Turboseeder (ZT+R): Offsetting Terminal Heat in Wheat Terminal heat
Wheat Productivity and Soil compaction under ZT v/s Conventional (Rotavator) N=10, Haryana
Direct Seeded Rice becomes a Reality: Relevant to all ecologies DSR in flood prone areas DSR rice improves productivity of Wheat DSR and PTR yield can be similar at less cost and saving of water Rice hybrids useful for in irrigated areas Choice of rice cultivars and use of herbicide molecule holds the key for success in DSR DSR in uplands
Dual-purpose wheat for green fodder and grain Dual purpose wheat to promote crop- livestock integration in NW -IGP Oat + Berseem to be tried Screen new cultivars/ regeneration? 18t/ha of Green fodder – USD $600ha Sole Cut for green fodder Berseem
Cotton- Wheat System Relay planter developed ( for timely planting of wheat in cotton) About 10% gains in cotton yield due an additional pick Gain in wheat yield are nearly 1.0 ton / ha (USD 200) Obviate seasonal labor shortage
Emerging Cropping Systems Shift from Rice –Potato (DSR- Potato+maize) - BINA7 – (Potato+Maize) likely benefit ~ USD 1000 Rice-Rice Rice-maize/pulses Cane –Wheat - Sugarcane + wheat /onion/garlic ~ USD 1750 (Intercropping becoming real) Rice-potato-wheat/sunflower Rice-potato-maize in north west
21 800 tons seed of elite crop cultivars for Eastern Gangetic plains Seed Systems
New CA Machinery Developed for Large Scale Adoption Bucket Spreader PCR planter High clearance Axle less multi-boom lost cost sprayer
HubsPublicPrivateNGO K. Club Ser. Prov. Coop Soc. MediaTotal Punjab1190273335 Haryana22101381247 EUP9943340463 Bihar121124201454 TN 85 3 0 0 0016 Partnerships: Indian Hubs Public- KVKs, SAUs, ICAR, State Deptt of Agri Private- Bayer, Syngenta, Devgen Seeds, Monsanto, Hariyali,
Some Lessons Learnt ‘Take it to Farmers’ for accelerated adoption of CA Seed systems for region specific cultivars Laser assisted precision land leveling a huge success Use 'Rice fallows' for additional food Weed management -cropping system specific Hybrid rice do not compete with full season rice cultivars in low lands. Promote maize Hybrids in monsoon season Promote residue management and Relay cropping of mungbean in wheat Promote diversification and intensification
CA based RCTs evaluated in farmer participatory mode 19 RCTs inclusive of elite cultivars Area coverage>75000 ha Household benefitted>50000 Number of trainings on CA practices> 125 Participants in training program (Farmers)5000 (18000) Adaptive trials>700 Technology roll-out demos3300 Plus New machinery development/ refinement6 Seed Increase of elite germplasm800 tons Public-private partnership forged in 9 hubs180 Salient Achievements (Year 1)
CKB website operational Hub domain characterized Better bet practices identified Technical operational manual on web 4 Facts sheets in progress E-learning module soon to become available CKB
Percent Yield Gaps
Framework for seamless integration of the Experimental Platforms–Adaptive Research-Technology Delivery efforts
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