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Pages 647 in text book. Aeaea: home of Circe, the enchantress and goddess Alcinous: kin of Phaeacia. Odysseus tells the story of his adventures to Alcinouss.

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Presentation on theme: "Pages 647 in text book. Aeaea: home of Circe, the enchantress and goddess Alcinous: kin of Phaeacia. Odysseus tells the story of his adventures to Alcinouss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pages 647 in text book

2 Aeaea: home of Circe, the enchantress and goddess Alcinous: kin of Phaeacia. Odysseus tells the story of his adventures to Alcinouss court Calypso: beautiful nymph goddess who keeps Odysseus on her island for 7 years

3 Charybdis: female monster who sucks in water 3 times a day to create a dealy whirlpool Cincones: people living on the southwestern coast of Thrace who battled Odysseus and his men on their journey. Circe: enchantress and goddess who turns Odysseuss men into swine

4 Cyclops: a race of brutish one-eyed giants (one of the Cyclopes who live solitary lives as shepherds supposedly on the island known as Sicily) Erebus: dark area of the underworld where the dead reside Eurylochus: a member of Odysseuss loyal crew Lotus Eaters: people who feed Odysseuss men lotus plants to make them forget Ithaca

5 Phaeacia: island kingdom ruled by King Alcinous. The Phaeacians are shipbuilders and traders Polyphemus: son of the sea god Poseidon and blinded by Odysseus Sylla: female monster with 6 serpent heads, each head having a triple row of fangs

6 Sirens: sea nymphs whose beautiful and mysterious music lure sailors to steer their ships toward dangerous rocks Teiresias: famous blind prophet from the city of Thebes. Odysseus meets him in the Land of the Dead Thrinakia: island where the sun god Helios keeps his cattle

7 Antinous: one of Penelopes main suitors; an arrogant and mean young noble from Ithaca Eumaeus: swineherd, one of Odysseuss loyal servants Eurycleia: Odysseuss old nurse Eurmachus: suitor of Peneople Eurynome: Penelopes housekeeper Penelope: Odysseuss faithful wife

8 Philoeteus: cowherd, one of Odysseuss loyal servants Telemachus: Odysseuss son

9 Apollo: god of poetry, music, prophecy, medicine, and archery Athena: favorite daughter of Zeus; the great goddess of wisdom as well as war and peace. She favored the Greeks during the Trojan War. She is often called Pallas Athena Cronus: Titan (giant god) who ruled the universe until his son Zeus overthrew him Helios: sun god

10 Hephaestus: god of metalworking Hermes: messenger god Poseidon: god of the sea, brother of Zeus. Poseidon is called Earth Shaker because he is believed to cause earthquakes. He is an enemy of Odysseus Zeus: the most powerful god. His home is on Olympus

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