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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 654237 WP3 - Strengthen.

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Presentation on theme: "This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 654237 WP3 - Strengthen."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° 654237 WP3 - Strengthen and expand Science Gateway and e-Infrastructure related services Roberto Barbera (UNICT) 12 May 2015 - London

2 Outline 2 Objectives Partners and effort Deliverables & milestones KPI’s Relations with other WP’s Tasks’ description and proposed implementation

3 Objectives 3 Expand and extend activities carried out in past projects in order to consolidate the African e-Infrastructure services and to include the very challenging goal of supporting the creation of an African Open (and Linked) Data Infrastructure, interoperable with and federated to (through the adoption of international standards and guidelines) those emerging in EU and in other regions of the world Combine Open Access repositories with Science Gateways in order to deal with very important topics such as the discoverability, reproducibility and extensibility of science products

4 Partners and effort 4

5 Deliverables and milestones 5

6 KPI’s 6

7 Relations of WP3 with other WP’s – (1/3) 7

8 Relations of WP3 with other WP’s – (2/3) 8  WP1: Training and education materials WP1  : Feedback on deployment and user satisfaction  WP2: Services to CoP’s and to univ. teachers and pupils Topics for discussions on the web forum WP2  : CoPs’ and teachers’ requirements Feedbacks and validations through the web forum

9 Relations of WP3 with other WP’s – (3/3) 9  WP4: Background materials and services for dissemination and training WP4  : Support to “best advertise” the outputs and impacts of WP3 Feedback from trainees  WP5: Background material for the Data Management Plan Topics and materials for scientific publications WP5  : Guidance Support to make critical decisions (see later)

10 T3.1 - Support the creation of federated and interoperable Open Access Document and Data Repositories in Africa, compliant with EU and other international guidelines (UNICT) 10 Identification of already existing Open Access Document and Data Repositories in the region and inclusion in web based directories such as OpenDOAR and the CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base

11 The CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base 11 The CHAIN-REDS Knowledge Base for OADR’s and DR’s will be completely re-engineered and included in the Sci- GaIA website

12 T3.1 - Support the creation of federated and interoperable Open Access Document and Data Repositories in Africa, compliant with EU and other international guidelines (UNICT) 12 Promotion of the Open Access Initiative (OAI) standards and of the OpenAIRE guidelines to make contents (both papers and data) stored on the African repositories more discoverable, searchable and hence visible worldwide

13 Current status 13 77 OADR’s and 7 DR’s in Africa currently included in the KB Several technologies used to build the repositories Only 52 OADR’s and 1 DR have working OAI-PMH endpoints

14 Current status – Compliance of OADR’s with OpenAIRE guidelines 14

15 Current status – Compliance of DR’s with OpenAIRE guidelines 15

16 T3.1 - Support the creation of federated and interoperable Open Access Document and Data Repositories in Africa, compliant with EU and other international guidelines (UNICT) 16 Federation, through the use of Linked Data standards and Semantic Web technologies, of African Open Access Document and Data Repositories and to make them accessible and searchable from a unique entry point included in the project website

17 The CHAIN-REDS Semantic Search Engine 17 OADRs Data Repos. OAI-PMH Harvester (running on grid/cloud) Linked-data search engine Semantic-web enrichment End-points Harvester (running on grid/cloud) The CHAIN-REDS SSE will be completely re- engineered and included in the Sci-GaIA website

18 T3.1 - Support the creation of federated and interoperable Open Access Document and Data Repositories in Africa, compliant with EU and other international guidelines (UNICT) 18 Feasibility study for the creation of a pilot service to issue Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) compliant with the Handle System to be associated to documents and data

19 members in Europe 19 All EU partners of Sci-GaIA have at least one DataCite member

20 20 Only one member in Africa members in the world

21 The European Persistent Identifier Consortium 21 No members in Africa

22 Past experiences with APHRC and the PID service at GRNET 22 “The African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC) is a leading pan-African research institution headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, that conducts high quality policy-relevant research on population, health, education, urbanization and related development issues across Africa.”

23 Past experiences with APHRC and the PID service at GRNET 23 All data sets in the APHRC portal have been issued PIDs The code has been released:

24 Past experiences with APHRC and the PID service at GRNET 24

25 Decisions and actions 25 Fortunately, we don’t start from scratch as we already have experience in making open data citable. However: We need to establish as soon as possible a Sci-GaIA- related member of either DataCite or EPIC in Africa Do we start with a “catch-all” service ? Led/managed by whom: Ubuntunet/WACREN/CSIR ? Membership requires financial investment (limited). We need to find the required money within the project and ensure sustainability after its end  Shall we contact African members in RDA ? With DataCite we can use a hosted service; with EPIC we need to install and maintain the service If we manage to do the above we can have a massive impact on the establishment of an Open Data Infrastructure in Africa

26 T3.1 - Support the creation of federated and interoperable Open Access Document and Data Repositories in Africa, compliant with EU and other international guidelines (UNICT) 26 Provision of a ready-to-install-and-configure appliance to quickly build and populate Open Access Repositories compliant with OAI, OpenDOAR and OpenAIRE standards/guidelines

27 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – requirements, choices and motivations 27 Requirements: Open source Standard compliant Well supported Scalable up to O(10 6 )-O(10 7 ) resources (to begin with) Choice: Invenio ( – actual version: 1.1.3 + our add-ons Motivations: Fully compliant with OAI-PMH and Marc21 standards Co-developed by an international collaboration comprising institutes such as ​ CERN, ​ DESY, ​ EPFL, ​ FNAL, ​ SLAC and used by about 30 scientific institutions worldwide ZENODO (OpenAIRE flagship repository) and SCOAP3 are based on Invenio The CERN Document Server contains more than 1.3 million documents

28 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – the pilot 28 papers data federated authentication Automatic ingestion in place from:

29 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – alternative reputation systems 29

30 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – alternative reputation systems 30

31 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – examples of document and data resources 31 Data stored on:

32 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – example of software resources 32

33 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – resource upload and DOI registration 33 is a registered domain of:

34 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – visibility 34

35 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – compliance with OAI 35

36 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – compliance with OpenDOAR 36

37 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – compliance with OpenAIRE 37 Guidelines 3.0

38 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – compliance with OpenAIRE 38 Includes funding information: EU FP7, EU H2020, other CRISes

39 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – open science reproducibility and extensibility 39

40 40 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – data search and discovery

41 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – data inspection 41

42 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – data (re-)analysis 42

43 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – data (re-)analysis 43 Data are retrieved from Jobs run also onCloud

44 Introducing the INFN Open Access Repository – summary 44 Science 2.0 vision can be implemented only if the “openness” paradigm becomes pervasive in research Science outputs’ reproducibility and extensibility are key to walk through the “knowledge path” in both directions The Open Access Repository is a pilot data preservation repository of science products meant to serve both researchers and citizen scientists; what makes OAR different from other repositories is its capability to connect to Science Gateways and exploit cloud resources worldwide to easily reproduce/extend scientific analyses

45 Actions 45 We need to sign an MoU with INFN to re-use the OAR in Sci-GaIA (written in the GA and straightforward) Guidelines to automatically install an OAR clone with Ansible playbooks are in preparation and will be released with D3.1 at M4 (August 2015) We need to identify CoP’s interested in sharing their data and support them in deploying an OAR clone We need to connect the new repos to the DOI/PID service and to the Science Gateways (especially the Africa Grid Science Gateway) We need to support the repo managers to join OpenDOAR and OpenAIRE

46 T3.2 - Support the creation of an African Policy Management Authority and the establishment of Identity Federations to be connected to eduGAIN (CSIR) 46 Creation of other CAs in other countries in sub-Saharan Africa and their organisation into an Africa Policy Management Authority (AfricaPMA) Expansion of the IdPs both in terms of number and size and their consolidation into Identity Federations to be connected to eduGAIN

47 Issues and actions 47 Grids are much less pervasive and supported than just a couple of years ago, especially in Africa To create an AfricaPMA we need first to explain very well the benefits to the NREN’s and the other AAI stakeholders, besides the “Grid world” We need to make all countries already having a CA work together in synergy to reach a critical mass: Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Malawi (?), Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania Concerning IdF’s We need to promote Service Providers and train people about how to turn a web service into an SP We need to support the inclusion of the GrIDP “catch-all” federation in eduGAIN to make the evolution of IdP’s and SP’s faster and smoother

48 Some examples of SP’s – wi-fi access gateways 48 10 campus (smart-)city global

49 Some examples of SP’s – e-learning environments 49

50 Some examples of SP’s – scientific web journals 50

51 Some examples of SP’s – data repositories 51

52 Some examples of SP’s – miscellanea 52

53 T3.3 - Support the operation and development of the Africa Grid Science Gateway (DIT) 53 The Africa Grid Science Gateway will continue to be operated to provide a platform for demonstrations at workshops and other dissemination events that will be organised by WP4. This will be the main aim of Task 3.3. The Africa Grid Science Gateway will be moved from Catania to Dar es Salaam at the DIT premises. DIT will also take over the responsibility of operating it and integrating in it the new demonstrative applications that will be identified by the project through WP4 activities Moreover, the Africa Grid Science Gateway will act over all the project lifetime as a testbed where to test the new Certification Authorities and the Identity Providers whose creation will be fostered and supported by Task 3.2

54 Actions 54 Ansible playbook to automatically deploy and configure a Science Gateway are almost ready We need to speed up the works at DIT

55 Thank you!

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