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Winter Words By: Anthony T. Sexton. Table Of Contents TTTT hhhh eeee F F F F rrrr oooo zzzz eeee nnnn M M M M aaaa nnnn IIII tttt ’’’’ ssss T T T T iiii.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter Words By: Anthony T. Sexton. Table Of Contents TTTT hhhh eeee F F F F rrrr oooo zzzz eeee nnnn M M M M aaaa nnnn IIII tttt ’’’’ ssss T T T T iiii."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter Words By: Anthony T. Sexton

2 Table Of Contents TTTT hhhh eeee F F F F rrrr oooo zzzz eeee nnnn M M M M aaaa nnnn IIII tttt ’’’’ ssss T T T T iiii mmmm eeee t t t t oooo C C C C llll eeee aaaa nnnn U U U U pppp TTTT uuuu rrrr tttt llll eeee ssss D D D D aaaa yyyy O O O O ffff ffff


4 The Frozen Man There was a guy named Frozen Man. He doesn't like his name because he never got frozen. He looked out the window and saw snow. The man was happy and he said it’s a good time to ride my snow bike. So the man rode his snow bike and he went so far that he got frozen. All the kids giggled at him. It was the best day ever!


6 It’s Time to Clean Up Winter is over and now it is time to clean up all the snow. There is a lot of snow to clean up! The man named Jeff has a snow truck. He is cleaning all of the snow up. All the children are sad that winter is over. So all the kids went home and played their games. But not Jeff he went home ate cookies and went to bed.


8 The Turtles Day Off Turtle was playing with his friends, rabbit and bird. They were playing tag, hide and seek, freeze tag and lots more. They even drunk hot cocoa and ate cookies. Turtle has to go home in a minute. So they played as long as they could. Turtle had so much fun. He had to go home, ate a snack, then went to bed. Good night everybody!

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