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Parlay Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) Working Group Ravi Jain, John-Luc Bakker, Ken Erney Frank Suraci & Vernon Mosley

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1 Parlay Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) Working Group Ravi Jain, John-Luc Bakker, Ken Erney Frank Suraci & Vernon Mosley {rjain,jbakker},, {suracif,mosleyv} Emergency Telecommunications Workshop 26th -27th February 2002, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France An SAIC Company Copyright ©2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Telcordia is a registered trademark of Telcordia Technologies, Inc.

2 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 2 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Outline  What is NGN?  What are NGN APIs?  ETS enabled APIs –Objective of working group –ETS overview –Parlay/3GPP OSA/ETSI SPAN 12 Architecture  Parlay ETS Near term activities  Standardization activities

3 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 3 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Next Generation Networks VOIP/3G SCP HLR PSTN 2G (GSM) SS7, TCAP, INAP SIP, MGCP ANSI-41, MAP, CAP

4 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 4 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. NGN Parlay/OSA Gateway  10+ companies doing prototypes, demo’s and actual products that enable third party application development based on APIs Protocol Adaptation Layer (Mapping UML to underlying Protocols) Framework Call ControlUser InterMobilityCharging MGCP SIP INAP CAP MAP, ANSI-41 Parlay Distributed Software Bus Parlay APIs 16 APIs ETS Development Environment Applications ETS Applications DBs Telco Protocols

5 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 5 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Networks Protocol Adaptation Layer (UML to Whatever) Framework Call ControlUser InterMobilityCharging MGCP SIP INAP CAP MAP, ANSI-41 Parlay Distributed Software Bus Parlay APIs 16 APIs GETS Development Environment Applications GETS Applications DBs Applications VOIP/3G SCP HLR PSTN 2G (GSM) SS7, TCAP, INAP SIP, MGCP ANSI-41, MAP, CAP Next Generation Network Architecture

6 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 6 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. APIs for Emergency Telecom Services (ETS)  The goal is to enable advanced and flexible ETS by allowing services to be developed using open, standard APIs rather than monolithic, stovepiped applications  Since the Parlay API is applicable to IP, wireless and PSTN any hooks introduced into the API apply to all networks  The Parlay API actually consists of a set of APIs for call control, mobility, user interaction, etc  Our first contribution is to put a hook into the call control API so that NGN calls or sessions can get High Probability of Completion –This extends the current capabilities possible in the PSTN to IP as well as wireless networks

7 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 7 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Objective  Identify requirements and introduce contributions for Parlay APIs that enable equipment manufacturers, network operators, and service providers to develop and offer a wide range of priority services to authorized users that aid in a high probability of completion for emergency traffic during a crisis situation when networks may be restricted due to damage, congestion or faults

8 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 8 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. ETS Overview  ETS enables effective communication for emergency operations during times of severe network congestion due to man-made or natural disasters –Basic service includes priority access, user authentication, and enhanced routing, exemption from Network Management Controls –Several countries already offer some emergency telecommunications services:  Canada: Line Load Control to deliver priority dialtone  USA: GETS  Japan: “I Am Alive” via web site registration

9 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 9 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. ETS Overview (continued)  Need to extend A/IN, 3G based and switch-based priority services defined for ETS calls to Next Generation networks and open APIs such as Parlay  Background white papers etc: –Vernon Mosley’s presentation to the Parlay group at San Diego, 5/23/01  See –See also IETF Drafts and Recommendations E106, F706  3 Parlay ETS proposal presentations have been made at San Diego and in Munich  Simple example in Parlay: Enhancing Calling_Party_Category parameter for call control by new value

10 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 10 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Parlay/3GPP OSA/ETSI SPAN 12 Architecture  The APIs encapsulate underlying protocols such as SIP or ISUP  Applications are agnostic of underlying technology and thus highly portable or/and can serve multiple networks (both IP, Mobile, and PSTN)  There are Call Control APIs, Mobility, Presence, Policy, User Interaction, …

11 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 11 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Essential network features for the successful operation of IEPS Inspired by ITU-T Recommendation E.106  priority call origination  priority call setup, including priority queuing schemes  exemption from restrictive management controls, such as call gapping Inspired by ITU-T Draft F.706  extension of other APIs such as Multimedia Call Control, Presence and Availability, Mobility (Location)

12 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 12 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Standardization  Mid December, the Parlay Group approved the charter for the Parlay ETS Working Group  During the last Parlay meeting, February 5-7 in Hong Kong, the Parlay ETS Working Group held its first face-to-face  A contribution was submitted to Joint Working Group such that its APIs would support call marking –The contribution was accepted –Further contributions ETS enabling the Parlay APIs are in the works!  3GPP SA1 does not have an ETS requirement yet (a study group is working in this)  An IETF working group is proposed, a third BoF discussing its charter is on the agenda for IETF #53

13 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 13 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. API’s for Open Service Access; ONE API for ONE developer community PSTN/ISDN OSA (Open Service Access) UMTS OSA (Open Service Access) Joint API Group Current Workflow Reference in ITU-T Roadmap JAIN 1.) Requirements introduced by individual bodies 2.) create the API that supports the superset of all requirements. (Joint meetings) 3.) Results are transferred back to individual bodies

14 ETSI EMTEL ETS – 14 Copyright © 2002 Telcordia Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Questions?

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