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Comparative Performance Measurement Highlights And Standing Committee on Performance Management Task Force Update October 2009 Mara Campbell Organizational.

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1 Comparative Performance Measurement Highlights And Standing Committee on Performance Management Task Force Update October 2009 Mara Campbell Organizational Results Director Missouri Department of Transportation

2 A Road is a Road

3 How States Differ Climate Population Topography Organizational structure State economies

4 Focused on knowledge sharing, Based on rigorous measurement methodologies, Designed to minimize additional data collection, and Reported to protect DOTs from unfair scrutiny. Construction Project Cost & Schedule Performance

5 A total of 20 states participated Significant buy-in to the process 28 best practices from nine states! Construction Project Cost & Schedule Performance

6 A total of 32 states participated 12 high-performing states identified Five agency best practices and four contractor best practices Pavement Smoothness Performance

7 Fatalities Accident Reporting System data Best practices identified in governance, budgeting and technical methods Highway Safety Performance

8 Bridge Conditions has 35 states participating Incident Management still in the process of soliciting states New Projects Underway

9 Task Forces Status Reports Goal AreasCandidate Measures Recommended Measures National Goals Issues Safety A.Annual fatalities(3-5 yr. moving avg.) B.Major injuries  Number of Roadway Fatalities · * 3-Year Moving Average of Annual fatalities · * Number of Major Injuries · 4 * Number of fatalities by emphasis area (such as impaired, inattention, etc) Reduce the national total by 50% in twenty years Yes-definition of major and tech support Preservation A.Pavement PSI or Remaining Service Life B.Pavement IRI C.Bridge % structurally deficient by deck area A. YES B. Pavement Condition Index C. Structurally deficient bridges by desk area Interstate and other NHS –no goal at this time More uniform definition of pavement structural adequacy; national goals or targets need to be a function of funding levels

10 Task Forces Status Reports Continued Goal AreasCandidate Measures Recommended Measures National Goals Issues Congestion Travel time index; Travel delay; Total travel time; Buffer Index; Congestion Cost; Economic Benefits  Travel Delay  Travel Delay per Commuter  Congestion Cost Nothing yet. There should be two specific components: a congestion measure and pop/job/ or economic growth Differences In technical capabilities/ problems/ agreement on measures among states and MPOs Systems Operations Urban:traveltime Reliability; Snow removal time; Rural:Road closure index; Customer satisfaction None yetNothing yetMeasures to use and comparability

11 Task Forces Status Reports Continued Goal AreasCandidate Measures Recommended Measures National Goals Issues Environment 1.GHG ( or surrogate based on VMT) 2.Climate change adaptation cost 3.Water quality The three shown are likely; others to be explored noneRefining measures and measurement techniques Freight/ Economics 1.Truck travel time/speed/reliabili ty 2.Border cross time 3.Double stack train bridge clearance; heavy train track capability none Refining measures and measurement techniques

12 It can be done! Common definitions are a must States do benefit from comparative performance measures Comparative performance measures can identify best practices Lessons Learned

13 Continue to elevate the importance of comparative performance measures. Continue to spotlight best practices among high-performers. Launch more comparative performance measures. Next Steps

14 Questions?

15 Thank You! For more information, contact: Mara Campbell Missouri Department of Transportation (573) 526-2908

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