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Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany i 04.04.2012 1 Innovation in road renovation and construction ----intelligent.

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1 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 1 Innovation in road renovation and construction ----intelligent road construction technology----

2 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 2 About us Poligate Ltd. is a company of the adinotec Group, based in Griesheim, Germany. Poligate Ltd. is specializes in developing and marketing innovative products for the industrial and construction sector. One of the innovative products we offer is a method for stabilizing soil, using our polymer nanoSTAB ® by which roadbeds and other traffic routes can be reinforced without having to excavate or exchange the soil layers of the roadbed. This method is as well suited to constructing new roads as it is to renovations. This service goes beyond delivering additives for soil stabilization and includes planning and performing precisely coordinated construction measures. Our method allows us to perform road renovations and constructions faster and more cost effectively than conventional methods. It is also a major step forward in the global goal of reducing environmental impacts from CO 2 emissions.

3 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 3 Executive construction companies, as well as the builder, can profit from this innovative technology and gain a considerable competitive advantage. We deliver our polymer, the necessary expertise and equipment, and, of course, the project-accompanying quality assurance, from the planning stages through after care A higher qualification is reached by training of the staff on our technology. The building measure can occur with lower, but well trained personnel application. Our quicker construction methods bring personnel and equipment cost saving as well as reduced stoppages and traffic jams, resulting in a less stressful experience for the road user and a much higher acceptance in the population.

4 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 4 Preliminary Survey Building a high quality long-lasting roadbed hinges upon detailed data gathered in preliminary surveys. The more precisely information is gathered at this stage, the more optimized the final construction plan can be drawn up and fixed. For this reason we partner exclusively with qualified institutes to perform the necessary soil analysis using the latest measuring technologies and methods. Using the findings on existing geological and soil mechanical conditions in the individual layers, we then develop an optimized mixture ratio of binding agent and our polymer nanoSTAB ® leading to the most long-term economical result.

5 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 5 Stabilization Depending on the exact situation, a typical construction project could be as follows: The existing surface is milled through, using specially developed machinery to break down the milled material and crush it into very small pieces. Different milling machines are used depending on the specific soil type and milling depth. The nanoSTAB ® mixture and the binding agent are mixed into the milled material. For this process, the binder is applied by a spreading vehicle and the polymer is added through adjustable nozzle bars immediately in front of the milling machine. After the roadbed has been worked in this manner,it is levelled off by a grader and then thoroughly compacted. The surface can be opened to traffic or cleared for further works after a very short time.

6 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 6 Quality Assurance In civil engineering, quality must be of the highest level. To achieve and guarantee our objective of producing lasting, low-maintenance roads, we depend upon our internal quality management and also employ highly experienced and independent institutes for external quality assurance from the outset. That way, even unexpected problems or the slightest deviations from the construction plan can be responded to immediately. Project-related test reports from our own internal quality management or from the independent laboratories combination with the daily reports are integral parts of our site monitoring and documentation.

7 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 7 Product In the characterized process our product nanoSTAB ® is added. nanoSTAB ® is a non-toxic, environmentally friendly and water-soluble polymer additive that is milled together with hydraulic binders into the roadbed to be stabilized or renovated. nanoSTAB ® provides a high water-impermeability and therefore significantly contributes towards reducing frost damage in the roadbed or road surface. Given its rapid reactivity combined with the hydraulic binder, roadbeds constructed in this way reach a high early hardness, which means these surfaces can be opened to traffic or cleared for application of the road surface after a very short time. The compressive strength values exceed are much stronger than the German standards. Due to the flexural tensile strengths and the flexibility of the stabilized base course achieved with nanoSTAB ® the tendency to form cracks is minimized, ensuring greater stability and durability. Due to its ability to immobilize contaminants present in the soil, nanoSTAB ® is especially well suited to use in environmentally sensitive areas.

8 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 8 Comparis on of Road Structure The nanoSTAB ® method drastically reduces the thickness of the required roadbed construction, and its higher quality allows for a reduced asphalt pavement profile 4 cm 6 cm 40 cm 4 cm 6 cm 10 cm 50 cm Asphalt surface course Asphalt base course nanoSTAB ® Asphalt surface course Asphalt binder layer Asphalt base course Ballast base layer Example for a standard road Depending on the existing or expected volume of traffic our innovative structuretraditional structure

9 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 9 Advantages during the building planning phase Low investment costs given a significantly smaller vehicle fleet. The fleet of heavy vehicles normally required for transporting soil material from and to the site is almost entirely dispensed with. Additional cost saving due to a reduction of the asphalt pavement required. Work is performed up to 5 time faster by in situ stabilization of the roadbed, allowing the road surface to be applied sooner and the road to be reopened to traffic earlier

10 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 10 Advantages during the constructio n phase Nearly unlimited applicability, since the milling machines can even work in confined areas. Considerable cost savings since there is no need for existing roadbed material to be removed and no need to transport new material to the site. This reduces the necessary machinery and personnel and reduces costs for fuel and maintenance. Fewer and shorter weather-related construction stoppages, because the nanoSTAB ® method can be applied up to temperatures of -2 to -3 degrees Celsius. Traditional methods in comparison cannot be applied below temperatures of +5 to +6 degrees Celsius Reduction or prevention of frost damage given the low water permeability of the prepared roadbed. Minimized or reduced maintenance costs given high compressive strength and flexural tensile strength of the roadbed. Immense reduction of CO 2 emissions.

11 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 11 Example In a model calculation for renovation of a 17 km long, approximately 30 m wide road section of a 2x4 lane motorway, the following comparative values were calculated between conventional renovation and renovation using our nanoSTAB ® method: At an estimated transportation distance of approximately 20 km and an average fuel consumption of approximately 40 l per 100 km, the nanoSTAB ® method would also reduces fuel consumption by approximately 624,320 litres. Conventional Renovation Application of the nanoSTAB ® Method 510,000 m²/~2,000 m² per day amounts to approx. 255 working days. Vehicle fleet required: Removal of existing material: 510,000 x 0.6 m³ amounts to approx. 20,400 truck runs Delivery of new material: 510,000 x 0.6 m³ amounts to approx. 20,400 truck runs Total: approx. 40,800 truck runs 510,000 m²/~8,000 m² per day amounts to approx. 64 working days. Vehicle fleet required: Removal of existing material: not applicable amounts to zero truck runs Delivery of cement and polymer approx. 1.780 truck runs Total: approx. 1,780 truck runs

12 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 12 Environment Aside from immobilizing contaminants present in the soil, the amount of heavy vehicle transportation to and from the construction site, and thus the CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere, are reduced to a minimum. For example, in the model calculation described above, with a fuel saving of approximately 624.320 litres, the reduction of CO 2 emissions can be calculated at 624,320 l x 2.647 kg/l, or namely 1,652,575 kg CO 2. Alternately blocking each of the 4-lane sides of the road during renovation work, with a traffic incidence of approximately 130.000 cars per day, results in additional CO 2 emissions of approximately 79.000 kg CO 2 per day from vehicles caught in a jam. By employing the nanoSTAB ® method, and thus reducing the construction time by 223 working days, CO 2 emissions are reduced by an additional 15,089,000 kg.

13 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 13 Comparison comparison of the nanoSTAB ® method against the traditional method for road renovation

14 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 14 Comparison Construction Duration Construction with the nanoSTAB ® method is approximately 5 times faster than with the conventional construction method. For example: construction time for 1 km road ( 10 m width ) with nanoSTAB ® method needs 2 days Construction time for 1 km road (10m width) with conventional method is 10 days (base course and binder course) MaterialExisting soils can be stabilized in situ. By repairing existing roads the asphalt pavement can also be milled and used for the stabilization of the roadbed. Existing soil and/or asphalt layers must be excavated and removed. New material has to be delivered Load Bearing Capacity It is not necessary to remove the existing soil. With the specific modification of the nanoSTAB ® polymer with the binding agent every required load bearing capacity can be obtained with the existing soil Load bearing capacity is limited in accordance with existing material. If higher load bearing capacity is needed, the existing soil has to be exchanged for new material. Processing or workmanship Through the high hydration heat, resulting from the reaction of nanoSTAB ® and the binding agent, the nanoSTAB ® method can also be employed at temperatures up to -2 or-3 degrees Celsius. (Air temperatures about minus 6 degrees) Using traditional construction methods the building activities must be stopped when temperatures fall below 5 or 6 degrees Celsius. nanoSTAB ® conventional

15 Nanoplan GmbH Bunsenstraße 5 64347 Griesheim Germany E-Mail: i 04.04.2012 15 Comparison durability Due to the addition of nanoSTAB ® the resistance of the roadbed against frost damage and dynamic stress as well as the water impermeability rises significantly. Due to the elasticity of the single particles movement in the road bed is reduced and thereby the abrasion between the single particles By the traditional method the singles particles can move more or less freely in the soil. Thereby the abrasion rises. Due to the water permability entering water can flush out fine aggregates of the roadbed and thereby produce new voids or magnify existing voids. By this way settlements in the road bed are generated and with that damages in the asphalt pavement. impact of soilExisting contaminants are immobilized, and there is rarely a need to dispose the existing material. Contaminated soils must be disposed on dumping grounds. environment impact Due to the shorter construction duration and reduced equipment needs, the nanoSTAB ® method reduces CO2 emissions and thereby the pollution of the enviroment. For example: For 17km of highway repair work the CO2 output would amount to 75.386 kg. Due to the longer construction duration and the greater need for equipment, CO2 emissions for the same work with conventional methods would amount up to 1.727.961 nanoSTAB ® conventional

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