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Fuels for internal combustion engine are compound of molecules Magnetic movements already exist in their molecules and they therefore already have positive and negative electrical charges. These molecules have not been realigned, the fuel is not actively inter locked with oxygen during combustion, the fuel molecule or hydrocarbon chains must be ionized and realigned. The ionization and realignment is achieved through the application of magnetic field created by ‘Fuel Energizer’.
Fig showing Fuel Energizer
When fuel flows through a magnetic field, such as the one created by the fuel energizer, the hydrocarbon change their orientation and molecules of hydrocarbon change their configuration. At the same time inter molecular force is considerably reduced or depressed. These mechanisms are believed to help disperse oil particles and to become finely divided This has the effect of ensuring that fuel actively interlocks with oxygen producing a more complete burn in the combustion chamber
More mileage (up to 28% increase) per liter due to 100% burning fuel. No fuel wastage. Increased pick-up. Reduced smoke. Smooth running, long term maintenance free engine. 30% extra life for expensive catalytic convert
HOW TO INSTALL? Magnetizer fuel energizer (eg: - Neodymium super conductor –NSCM) is installed on cars, trucks immediately before carburetor or injector on fuel line. On home cooking gas system it is installed just before burner.
Comparison of vehicles and a 40% reduction harmful emission is achieved
Particulars Test Without The N.S.C.M. Test With The N.S.C.M. Difference Total Hydrocarbons (THC) 0.016 0.010 -37.5% Carbon monoxide (CO) 0.014 -12.5% Nitrous Oxide (NOx) 0.115 0.005 -95.6% Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 461.73 362.19 -21.5% Non Methane Hydro(NMHC) 0.013 0.006 -53.8% Miles Per Gallon (MPG) 19.35 24.66 +27.44%
About Hydrogen Hydrogen, the lightest and most basic element known to man, is the major constituent of hydrocarbon fuels. It has one positive charge (proton) and one negative charge (electron), i.e. It possesses a dipole moment. it occurs in two distinct isomeric varieties (forms) - Para and Ortho. It is characterized by the different opposite nucleus spins. In fact Ortho hydrogen is more reactive than its Para hydrogen counterpart.
A strong enough flux field developed by Magnetizer change the hydrocarbon molecule from its Para state to the higher energized Ortho state. Hydrocarbons have basically a "cage-like" structure. That is why oxidizing of their inner carbon atoms during the combustion process are hindered. The access of Oxygen in the right quantity to the interior of the group of molecules is hindered. In order to combust fuel, proper quantity of oxygen from air is necessary for it to oxidize the combustible agents.
For many years, designers of the internal combustion engines have had one goal: to oppose the effect of molecular association of the hydrocarbon fuel and to optimize the combustion process The feed and exhaust systems have be perfected, the ignition controlling electronics has been perfected, the fuel/air mix metering devices have been brought to perfection, and finally the catalytic Converters have been found indispensable Hydrocarbons form the so-called associations, close molecular groups, interior of which is deprived of access of the suitable amount of air; the lack of oxygen impedes the full combustion.
Therefore, all serious research has been aimed at bringing about fuel reactivity with oxygen(oxygenated fuels); since increased oxidation means increased combustion, and the following rules had to be taken into consideration Rule 1: Unburned hydrocarbon (HC) as well as carbon monoxide (CO) emitted from a vehicle's exhaust system can be viewed as the additional fuel reserve. Rule 2: Hydrogen's chemical reaction, determined by its valence is affected by a magnetic field since proper magnets are the prime source of control of the position of electrons.
Rule3: The application of a proper magnetic field enforces beneficial changes in fuel structure and enhances its general reactivity in the combustion process. Rule 4: If a hydrocarbon molecule could better bind with oxygen molecules, then the toxicity of fumes would be considerably limited and in principle, one could dispense with catalytic converters.
When hydrocarbon fuel (methane molecule) is combusted, the first to be oxidized are the hydrogen atoms. Only then, are the carbon atoms subsequently burned (CH4+ 2O2= CO+ 2H2 O). Since it takes less time to oxidize hydrogen atoms in a high-speed internal combustion process, in normal conditions some of the carbon will be only partially oxidized; This is responsible for the incomplete combustion. The carbon-oxygen reaction is far less energetic. Magnetizer application on fuel is first indicated by the amount of increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) produced which has been validated by state emissions control devices.
Furthermore, as the pollutants decrease, the combustion efficiency increases. The drop of HC & CO emissions is easily proven by comparative gas flue analysis & Opacimeter emissions tests. The stoichiometric tests indicate reduction in hydrocarbon HC (unburned fuel) approx Up to 92% and carbon monoxide (CO) up to 99.9%, due to the Magnetizer use As HC goes down, mileage goes up. This results in scientifically measurable emission reduction/combustion Fuel Energizer saves fuel by increasing combustion efficiency, less CO is being emitted; thereby, less fuel is being used.
Rule 2 Altering the spin properties of the outer shell ("valence") electron enhances the reactivity of the fuel (and related combustion process). The Magnetizer's extremely strong magnetic field, with sufficient flux density to have the required affect on fluid passing through it, substantially changes the isomeric form of the hydrocarbon atom from its Para-hydrogen state to the higher energized, more volatile, Ortho state thus attracting additional oxygen.
Rule 3 Hydrocarbon molecules form clusters called "associations.“
Due to the application of the Magnetizer a high power, permanent magnetic device strong enough to break down, i.e. de-cluster these HC associations. These "new" hydrocarbon molecules have one more important characteristic: they not only dissolve and eliminate carbon varnish in the combustion chambers, on the surface of jet nozzles, spark plugs and exhaust pipe, but do not allow new and harmful deposits to reform. the Magnetizer installation (5-10 minutes thereafter) engine will undergo the so-called Stabilization Period i.e. the time of the gradual disappearance of prior carbon varnish sediments and the total magnetic saturation of all ferromagnetic metal.
Rule 4 The application of the MAGNETIZER® fuel energizer's intense & focused magnetic field converts fuel molecules to a positive charge It sets them in order, which increases the attraction of negatively charged air molecules, boosted by the MAGNETIZER®, type "MAE", the selective (negative) Air Energizer. It is also highly recommended by us to utilize coolant energizers "ACE-A" (auto) or "TCE-B" (truck) since they ameliorate the physical properties of the coolants by reducing their viscosity and surface tension.
Fig showing fuel energizer
As a result, the corrosion and scale deposits are dissolved, and the new ones do not form in the whole cooling system; the engine gets back 100% of its heat transfer ability and can be exploited longer. Moreover, the magnetized coolant prevents cavitational erosion as well as magnetizes engine, advantageous for the combustion. They are installed on the rubber line (preferably lower), connecting the radiator with the engine. The chief function and purpose of a catalytic converter is to convert engine's unburned hydrocarbons and reduce by oxidizing burning), all carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (vapor). A converter neutralizes exhaust, which has left the combustion chamber of an engine.
Most catalytic converters require air pumps to initiate catalysis. Catalytic converters with air pumps reduce gas mileage - the Magnetizer increases gas mileage and performance. Catalytic converters require a light-off temperature to be attained before they become operative. The Magnetizer is instantaneous. Catalytic converters are subject to meltdown under rich gas mixtures - the Magnetizer is not. It is a fully permanent device The Magnetizer can easily be transferred from car to car with almost no labour. Converters cannot
The Magnetizer units cost a fraction of the cost of the catalytic converter system.
Catalytic converters have a finite lifetime under optimal conditions, shorter under adverse conditions. It is important to note that although it takes a bit of time for the Magnetizer fuel system to stabilize, one finds the "Magnetizer Energizer Systems" constantly work better and better as time goes on. The Magnetizer is totally friendly to the environment. The converter is not fully so.
Special Benefits of The Fuel Energizer:
Up to 28% Fuel saving on your mileage per litre Increased acceleration Reduction in AC drag Upto 40% Reduction in Carbon Monoxide emissions Reduction in exhaust smoke Extends your engine life, cleans out carbon deposits Upto 30% increase in life of your catalytic convertor exhaust system A smoother running engine
The "Golden Seven Steps Rule"
The way to ensure that you will gain the best results from The Fuel Energizer is by following the easy Golden Seven Steps mentioned below. Fully service your vehicle at the recommended service time. Clean your carburetor/injection system fully during service. Add a fuel additive to your fuel when filling to maximize on the fuel saving . Check your Engine oil level on a regular basis.
If we can bind up all the available oxygen with the hydrocarbon fuel, there simply will be no oxygen left over to form the unwanted nitrogen compounds. It appears that magnetic treatment is the simplest means of achieving this feat The Magnetizer fuel treatment has shown decreases in unburned hydrocarbon by % and CO reductions of %. Stoichiometrically, there is very little oxygen left to produce any additional toxic compounds with nitrogen.
Check your water level on a regular basis.
Check your tyre pressure on a regular basis. Check the coolant level on a regular basis.
CONCLUSION By establishing correct fuel burning parameters through proper magnetic means (Fuel Energizer) we can assume that an internal combustion engine is getting maximum energy per liter as well as environment with lowest possible level toxic emission
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