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Assessing Online Learners: Basic Tools Presented By Darek Sady Blackboard University April 12, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing Online Learners: Basic Tools Presented By Darek Sady Blackboard University April 12, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing Online Learners: Basic Tools Presented By Darek Sady Blackboard University April 12, 2005

2 Agenda Building Assessments Assessment Lifecycle New Question Types in App Pack 3 Building Assignments Use-case scenarios

3 Building Assessments Online Tests and Surveys Objective vs. Subjective Questions Question Types vs. Content Delivery and Grading options **New** Partial Credit Options

4 Assessment Lifecycle Creation –Using Pools or building from scratch Delivery –Options, feedback and availability Completion by Student Grading - “!” in Gradebook –Automatic vs. Manual item grading Student Review –Viewing feedback and grades

5 5 **New** Question Types – App Pack 3 Calculated Formula Calculated Numeric Either/Or File Response Fill in Multiple Blanks Opinion Scale/Likert Quiz Bowl Hotspot Jumbled Sentence

6 Calculated Formula Create variable- based questions by using brackets [] Create an answer formula using the WebEQ tool – provide method for Blackboard to solve the problem Partial Credit and Unit requirements can be specified

7 Calculated Formula - continued Instructor-defined variables can be used on both sides of the equation Answer formula is solved for missing variable

8 Calculated Formula - continued Variable Ranges and Decimal Places can be defined Blackboard will calculate variable answer results

9 Calculated Numeric Accepts numeric answers in a blank field Answer range can be specified Does not allow for partial credit

10 Either/Or Similar to a True/False question Several answer label options Can change answer orientation

11 File Response Similar to an Assignment – allows instructor to collect file from students Students can upload file from local computer or content system (if available)

12 Fill In Multiple Blanks Create variable-based fill in questions Students can be provided with a text based list of potential answers Instructor must devise potential student answers for each variable Similar to single fill in blank question Partial Credit Option

13 Opinion Scale/Likert Similar to a multiple choice question Answer numbering, orientation, and partial credit can be configured Answers can be displayed in random order Often used for assessing opinions in a survey

14 Quiz Bowl Jeopardy-like questions – answer presented first Partial credit can be partially based on included interrogatives Similar to a “fill in the blank” question

15 Hot Spot Image is uploaded, and correct portion of the image is marked as correct Student clicks on image to mark answer Automatically graded

16 Jumbled Sentence Create variable- based questions by using brackets [] Create list of potential answers that will appear throughout the sentence Partial Credit can be specified

17 Building Assignments Used to Accept Files from Students Manually Graded Gradebook Integration with Enhanced File-Management Capabilities More Robust than the Digital Drop Box Allows for Direct Instructor-to-Student Communication via the Comments/Feedback Feature

18 Building Assignments – continued Assignment Tool Assign Points Determine Instructions and Options Attach Files Access Completed Assignments via the Gradebook

19 Assignment Lifecycle Creation –Enter Text, Files or HTML, Delivery – Assignment Content Tool –Availability and options Completion –Student Files and Comments Grading Student Files –Read, Submit and Collect Comments and Files –Create Instructor Notes and Files –Manage Assignment Files Review – Feedback My Grades or the Original Assignment

20 Comparison Assessments –Automatic Grading –Highly Flexible –Several Delivery Options Assignments –Simple –Allows Reusability of Existing Files –Provides Direct Communication/Feedback Between Student and Instructor –Option of Notating Individual Student Submissions

21 Assignment Use-Case Examples Research paper drafts –Instructor can read students work and comment directly back within gradebook Homework Submission –Multiple files of any type can be submitted by students and stay organized by student E-mail Reduction –Reduce e-mail file attachments and start keeping student files within the Blackboard course Attendance Options –Use the comments box without file submission for tracking attendance

22 Questions?

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