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Ch. 15: Graph Theory Some practical uses Degree of separation- Hollywood, acquaintance, collaboration Travel between cities Konigsberg bridge Shortest.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 15: Graph Theory Some practical uses Degree of separation- Hollywood, acquaintance, collaboration Travel between cities Konigsberg bridge Shortest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 15: Graph Theory Some practical uses Degree of separation- Hollywood, acquaintance, collaboration Travel between cities Konigsberg bridge Shortest path Least cost Schedule exams, assign channels, rooms Number of colors on a map Highway inspecting, snow removal, street sweeping Mail delivery Niche overlap- ecology Influence graphs Round-robin tournaments Precedence graphs

2 Collaboration graphs Bacon ## people 01 11902 2160,463 3457,231 4111,310 58168 6810 781 814 Erdos ## people 01 1504 26593 333,605 483,642 587,760 640,014 711,591 83,146 9819 10244 1168 1223 135

3 See book and written handouts on Graph Coloring, mailroute, and Konigsberg bridge

4 Euler paths and circuits- definitions Euler circuit – a simple circuit containing every edge of G Note: circuits start and end at the same point Euler path – a simple path containing every edge of G Practical applications of Euler circuits:

5 Konigsberg bridge Konigsberg bridge problem

6 B C D A

7 Are there Euler paths or circuits for these graphs? A A A B A B C C C BD C D D E F B E AB CD

8 … A B CAB A B C C D C D D

9 Q—When is there an Euler circuit or path? A connected multigraph has an Euler circuit iff each of its vertices has _______. A connected multigraph has an Euler path but not an Euler circuit iff it has exactly _____.

10 Does this graph have an Euler circuit or Euler path? (look at degrees)

11 Hamilton circuits and paths Just touch every vertex once and only once We are not concerned with traveling along each edge Practical applications of Hamilton paths and circuits:

12 Do these graphs have Hamilton paths or circuits? A AB A B CA C C B D CD DE FB E AB CD

13 Hamilton paths and circuits A A B CAB BC D D ECD

14 Hamilton paths and circuits A BA B A B C C D CD DEF G E


16 Hamilton paths and circuits


18 Traveling salesman- p. 845

19 use Brute force or nearest neighbor approximation

20 hw

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