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VALUING MEDICAL EDUCATION HISTORICAL CONTEXT. 2002 ACAD. MED. SURVEY Systematic/rational tuition distribution Track resources spent on education Address.

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2 2002 ACAD. MED. SURVEY Systematic/rational tuition distribution Track resources spent on education Address chair’s mistrust of hidden money Prove faculty can teach & be compensated Provide incentive for faculty to teach Make educational mission more visible

3 TRACKING SYSTEMS Time based Contact hours only Contact hours + prep time RVU based Relative weight each teaching activity


5 CHALLENGES Defies quantitative assessment & analysis Concerns about validity Measure quality? How?

6 AAMC 2000 “Each medical school should establish guidelines and a metrics system that are consistent with the particulars of its education mission and how that mission relates to the tradition and culture of the institution”


8 8 Med Student Educational Value Units (EVU’s) Formal teaching is easier to measure than teaching in the ‘work place’ (i.e. labs, clinics, hosp, etc)!

9 FAM III Overview  Implementation is effective FY12 and phased in over four years  Maintains activity-based general fund flows for IDC, tuition & space for all departments  All taxes held centrally  Includes implementation of a new rent rate – Apply by room type, not use – Standard agreement for renovations across all departments  Includes GF reduction to all depts (including MSA) equal to Provost reduction of 1.5% IDC Tuition Facilities Base Allocation General Fund Allocation 9 “Core Allocation”

10 How will funds be distributed to Departments under FAM III?  all taxes will now be paid centrally by the Deans office (previously paid by Departments)  Departments will receive 40% of indirect costs after phase-in (previously 85%)  New rent rates based on space type  General Fund reduction to all Departments (and Deans Office) equal to Provost reduction of 1.5%

11 FAM III Tuition  Medical Student Tuition −Departments receive 40% of tuition (previously 100%) −Salary support for clerkship directors directly funded by Deans Office −Distributed using a Educational Value Units (EVU) model ▫Will move to a one-year lag (previous two-year lag) true-up ▫“Review of EVU methodology currently underway”  Graduate & Undergraduate Student Tuition: departments receive 40% of tuition as part of Core Allocation and balance of tuition less fees is returned in Base Allocation  Master’s Tuition will continue to be handled as a commitment and returned to the department based on what was paid 11


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