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Presentation on theme: "ABINGDON HIGH SCHOOL Block Schedule Study"— Presentation transcript:

1 ABINGDON HIGH SCHOOL Block Schedule Study
3/28/2017 Financial Impact Staffing Needs Impact on Itinerant Teachers

2 Traditional Scheduling
3/28/2017 Financial Impact THE DEBATE –-COST Traditional Scheduling Compared To Block Scheduling

3 3/28/2017 Financial Impact INCONCLUSIVE

4 Factors Impacting Cost
3/28/2017 Factors Impacting Cost Implementation Cost Staffing Needs (of 1 schedule vs. another) Instructional Time Itinerant Teachers

5 Implementation Cost -- Study
3/28/2017 Implementation Cost -- Study Development Activity: Pre-Block study informational seminars Who/ Where Central office administration Building level administration Faculty Estimated Cost Registration fees range from $100 to $350 (per person) Travel expenses

6 Implementation Cost -- Study
3/28/2017 Development Activity: Visits/discussions with other block scheduled schools Who/ Where Teachers -- administrators Various school sites Estimated Cost Cost of Professional Leave Travel expenses

7 Implementation Cost -- Development
3/28/2017 Development Activity: Lesson design Teaching Strategies Time utilization Who/ Where Consultants – on site Conferences - workshops Estimated Cost Up to $3000 per consultant $100 to $350 registration fees -- Travel expenses

8 Implementation Cost -- Development
3/28/2017 Development Activity: Curriculum Alignment Blue Print Alignment Pacing Guides Who/ Where Central Office Personnel – Classroom Teachers Hosted at individual schools – Summer In-service Estimated Cost Cost of Professional Leave Travel expenses

9 Implementation Cost--Growth
3/28/2017 Development Activity: Monthly departmental meetings to share ideas, practices for instruction Who/ Where Department chairs, lead teachers -- administrators In schools and central office Estimated Cost Cost of training materials, duplicating cost Travel expenses

10 Implementation Cost --Growth
3/28/2017 Development Activity: Ongoing professional development Who/ Where Conferences, workshops, in-house training Varies Estimated Cost Registration fees range from $100 to $350 Travel expenses

11 Student-Teacher Ratio
Staffing Needs 3/28/2017 Student-Teacher Ratio

12 Student/Teacher Ratio Model 1-- 7 period day (7 period, 7 A/B)
3/28/2017 Student/Teacher Ratio Model period day (7 period, 7 A/B) Number of Students per Teacher Number of Full Time Teachers Required Based on 1000 students 500 students 25 56 28 22 64 32 20 70 35

13 Student/Teacher Ratio
Model 2--Modified Block (3-50min & 2-blocks) OR (2-50min & 3-blocks) 3/28/2017 Number of Students per Teacher Number of Full Time Teachers Required Based on 1000 students 500 students 25 56 28 22 64 32 20 70 35

14 Student/Teacher Ratio
Model 3—8-Period Day (4x4) OR (8-A/B) OR (4x4 Hybrid) 3/28/2017 Number of Students per Teacher Number of Full Time Teachers Required Based on 1000 students 500 students 25 53 27 22 61 31 20 67 34

15 3/28/2017 Instructional Time Direct Instruction

16 Direct Instruction Model 1-- 7 period day (350 minutes)
3/28/2017 Direct Instruction Model period day (350 minutes) Teacher’s Instruction Day Planning, Parent Contact, Duties Direct Instruction Percent of Time teachers spend directly involved in Instruction 100 minutes 250 minutes 71%

17 Teacher’s Instruction Day
Direct Instruction Model 2--Modified Block (3-50min & 2-blocks = 330 Minutes) OR (2-50min & 3-blocks = 330 Minutes) 3/28/2017 Teacher’s Instruction Day Planning, Parent Contact, Duties Direct Instruction Percent of Direct Instruction 90 minutes ( ) 240 minutes 73% 100 minutes ( ) 230 minutes 70%

18 Direct Instruction Model 3—8-Period Day (3-blocks = 270 minutes)
3/28/2017 Teacher’s Instruction Day Planning, Parent Contact, Duties Direct Instruction Percent of Direct Instruction 90 minutes ( ) 270 minutes 75%

19 Student/Teacher Ratio Hours of Instruction Scheduling Travel Time
Impact on Itinerant Teachers 3/28/2017 Student/Teacher Ratio Hours of Instruction Scheduling Travel Time

20 Impact on Itinerant Teachers Model 1-- 7 period day (350 minutes)
3/28/2017 Impact on Itinerant Teachers Model period day (350 minutes) Itinerant Teacher’s Instruction Day School A (2-50 min) 100 minutes Teaches 2 Classes Cost Factor 29 % School B (3- 50 min) 150 minutes Teaches 3 Classes 43 %

21 Itinerant Teacher’s Instruction Day
Impact on Itinerant Teachers Model 2--Modified Block (3-50min & 2-blocks = 330 Minutes) 3/28/2017 Itinerant Teacher’s Instruction Day School A (50 min & 1 block)= 140 min Teaches 2 Classes Cost Factor 42 % (from 29% to 42%) (gain 40 min) (School A gains 13% more teaching time ) School B (2- 50 min) 100 minutes (lose 50 min) Teaches 2 Classes (instead of teaching 3 classes) 30 % (loss -13%)

22 Itinerant Teacher’s Instruction Day
Impact on Itinerant Teachers Model 2--Modified Block (2-50min classes & 3-blocks = 330 Minutes) 3/28/2017 Itinerant Teacher’s Instruction Day School A (1 block) 90 minutes Teaches 1 Class (losses 1 class/section) Cost Factor 28 % No noticeable difference in time, but loss of 1 class School B (50 min & 1 block)= 140 min Teaches 2 Classes 44 %

23 Itinerant Teacher’s Instruction Day
Impact on Itinerant Teachers Model 3—8-Period Day (3-blocks = 270 minutes) 3/28/2017 Itinerant Teacher’s Instruction Day School A 90 minutes Teaches 1 Class Cost Factor 25 % (29% to 25%) School B 180 minutes Teaches 2 Classes 50 % (43% to 50%)

24 Closing Educational Debate should not be about the schedule –
3/28/2017 Closing Educational Debate should not be about the schedule – It should be about using the schedule to meet the individual needs of the individual learner –

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