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Cypher IV Mathematics Leadership Project/Yukon Education Assessment Pilot March 27, 2013: Digging Deeper Into Numeracy Nets - Using The Collaborative Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Cypher IV Mathematics Leadership Project/Yukon Education Assessment Pilot March 27, 2013: Digging Deeper Into Numeracy Nets - Using The Collaborative Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cypher IV Mathematics Leadership Project/Yukon Education Assessment Pilot March 27, 2013: Digging Deeper Into Numeracy Nets - Using The Collaborative Planning Cycle To Help Move Student Learning Forward Gr. K-3 & 3-6 Groups 4 PM - 6 PM Gr. 6-9 Group 7 PM - 9 PM

2 Audio Setup Wizard & Group Norms - DO THIS NOW PLEASE Please run the Audio Setup Wizard prior to each meeting. –Tools –Audio –Audio Setup Wizard Please scroll through the first few slides and reread the technical group norms and discussion group norms prior to each meeting.

3 Before - Technical Group Norms Run the audio setup wizard prior to each session Turn your mic on and off as needed Once a timer has expired, wrap up your conversations and turn off your microphone Use the step away button, emoticons, hand up/down buttons when appropriate Alert us to questions that go unanswered in the chat box Use the chat box to make connections as other people are speaking

4 Before - Discussion Group Norms Share book title, page, etc. All voices must be included and participants must feel included –Let people pass –Take turns –Interrupt politely –Show enthusiasm –Give everyone a chance to respond before you take a second turn Everyone must have their ideas respected Listen Thoughtfully –As others share, listen and think about how to respond, what connections can you make, what questions do you have, how does this make you feel, what picture do you get in your mind as you hear this speaker? The discussion should move us to new understandings

5 Before - Information Page http://yukon-education- s+Leadership+Project+Information+Page+2012+- +2013 for all of the info that you will needhttp://yukon-education- s+Leadership+Project+Information+Page+2012+- +2013 –The people in this group who are not in the Cypher IV Mathematics Leadership Project, just focus on the Numeracy Nets Sessions and ignore the Yukon Education Literature Circle Meetings Yukon Education, Mathematics Consultant 1000 Lewes Blvd., Whitehorse, YT Y1A 3H9 867-667-8249 (Phone) & 867-393-6339 (Fax)

6 Tonight! Digging Deeper Into Numeracy Nets - Using The Collaborative Planning Cycle To Help Move Student Learning Forward –4 PM - 6 PM (Grades K-3 & 3-6 Groups) –7 PM - 9 PM (Grades 6-9 Group)


8 Materials Numeracy Nets Binder: Bridging the Gap Between Assessment and Instruction Grades K-2, Grade 3, or Grade 6 Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Grades K-3, 3-5 and/or 5-8 by John Van de Walle Headset with a microphone (Optional) Student data (overview charts for each student, student samples, and personal notes from activities) to inform your discussions

9 Learning Objectives (AFL Strategy) Use Elluminate Live! with increasing ease Continue to build/refine the self-assessment table Continue to build up the summary data chart Review the “Three-Part Format for Problem-Based Lessons” Continue to set the stage for increasing the number of checkpoints (re)assessed Dig deeper into the numeracy nets to enhance student learning by: –Completing Step 7 of the cycle for Checkpoint 6 (K-3 Group) The student solves a variety of + and - problems, using personal strategies & Checkpoint 2 The student uses numbers to describe quantities Checkpoint 5 (Grades 3-6 Group) The student chooses addition or subtraction to solve problems. That is, analyze student work and evaluate the instructional plan –Completing Step 8 of the cycle. That is, Reassess: repeat cycle or move to another Checkpoint (or both) Outline future meeting plans

10 (Re)Introductions Grades K-3 Group –Cynthia Freeman (Carcross) –Kim Ramsay (Whitehorse) - Sends her regrets for tonight but updated data and sent classroom samples –Nita Connolly (Atlin) –Tanya Duchaine (Whitehorse) Grades 3-6 Group –Jane MacArthur (Carcross) - Bridge building tonight but updated data –Kendra Haines (Ross River) –Lois Moore (Whitehorse) –Sherry MacInnis (Atlin)

11 Future Meeting Objectives In future meetings most of us will continue with the literature circle. Next one is Wed., April 3 @ 8 PM Next session: Apr. 17 from 4 PM - 6 PM –Preparing for the final May session called “Sharing our Stories” –Continue working on any of the checkpoints prior to the session and submit data All three groups will be together in May for the final session of “Sharing Our Stories.” –In the spirit of the ownership piece of assessment for learning, I will be send out invitations for some people to listen in and participate including administrators, consultants, superintendents etc.

12 You Can, Toucan, Math This is a book that I ordered for you since it could be used within the context of the “3-Part Format For Problem- Based Lessons” for the checkpoints about solving a variety of addition and subtraction problems.





17 Before - Introductory Reflections Reflect Stems (This is a Pause-and-Think Self- Assessment AFL Activity – Phrases and Prompts from p. 22 Knowing What Counts: Self-Assessment and Goal Setting Second Edition by Kathleen Gregory, Caren Cameron, and Anne Davies) –I feel good about… –Two things I remember are… –One question I have is … –One thing that is new for me is … –I am responding to students’ learning needs by … –If I could do something again differently, I would… –Another way I use the Numeracy Nets resource in my classroom is... –Numeracy Nets are like... because... (The purpose of the use of metaphor is to engage participants in discussions and reflections on beliefs.) Connection - castseries/20081001/ castseries/20081001/ –Other?

18 Before - Continue to Build the Self-Assessment Data

19 Before - Continue to Build An Excel Data Summary Chart

20 Grades K-3 Data






26 Grades 3-6 Data






32 Grades 6-9 Data





37 Reflection Stems What do you see? What surprises you? What patterns do you notice? What trends and patterns do you notice over time? What similarities and differences do you see across the various data sets? What pieces of data stand out from the rest? What questions do you have? Other?

38 During - Step 6: Implement the Instructional Plan (Review) The grades K-3 group is doing Checkpoint 6 Activity 3.1: Equations With Number Patterns, pg. 73 and/or any of the linked activities using the Three-Part Format for Problem- Based Lessons and, if time permits, any of the linked activities associated with Checkpoint 2. The grades 3-5 group is doing any of the linked activities associated with Checkpoint 5 using the Three-Part Format for Problem- Based Lessons.

39 During - Step 7: Analyze Student Work & Evaluate The Instructional Plan

40 During - Step 7 & 8 Of The Cycle Analyze student work and evaluate the instructional plan. –Referencing the Three- Part Format for Problem- Based Lessons, describe the lesson that you delivered. In the before portion of the lesson I... In the during portion of the lesson I... In the after portion of the lesson I... –Has the instructional plan addressed learning needs? How do you know? –Id strengths and continuing needs relative to the Checkpoint. Determine what worked and what didn’t. Discuss how the instructional plan contributed to the observed strengths and try to identify what needs to happen in subsequent instruction to address the continuing needs.

41 From Last Time - Classroom Samples From Kendra Grades K-2 Checkpoint 5 Grade 3 Checkpoint 3

42 From Last Time …12 Ways To Get To 11 This was the first book that I sent in the mail since it could be used within the context of the “3-Part Format For Problem-Based Lessons” and for the checkpoints about partitioning and solving a variety of addition and subtraction problems.

43 5+3+2+1=11

44 12 Ways To Get To 11 - OC Sample From Last Year

45 12 Ways To Get to 11 - Kendra





50 This Time - Classroom Samples From Cynthia

51 Partitioning 15 Video Clips

52 Partitioning 15 Video Clip #1 Grades K-2 Checkpoint 5 Grade 3 Checkpoint 3

53 Partitioning 15 Video Clip #2 Grades K-2 Checkpoint 5 Grade 3 Checkpoint 3

54 Partitioning 15 Video Clip #3 Grades K-2 Checkpoint 5 Grade 3 Checkpoint 3

55 Partitioning 15 Pictures

56 Last Time - Mental Mathematics Strategy Classroom Sample - Kim Grades K-2 Checkpoint 6 Grade 3 Checkpoint 7 74-55 When Kim is here next time, she will show us a video clip of an addition sample

57 During - Step 7 & 8 Of The Cycle Reassess: Continue assessing your students needs and working on the checkpoints Please refer to p. 17 of the Numeracy Nets book for the Collaborative Planning Cycle.

58 Labeling Collections (Checkpoint 2 Grades 1-2) Invite students to count and write number labels for collections, such as buttons or keys, that they have sorted and graphed into catgories of their own choosing. Have them show how they know there are more in one group than another. Ask: How do you know eight is more than seven? Would eight elephants be more than seven elephants?

59 Snap (Checkpoint 2 Grade 2) Organize students into pairs. Have students use adhesive dots or drawings to make sets of cards with groupings of up to 6 dots randomly placed. When playing, have students say the number of dots on the cards if there is a match. Later, add number cards where students match numbers to dots arranged in domino patterns up to 10. (Rules for the regular game: a/snap.htm) a/snap.htm

60 Hands Up (Checkpoint 2 Grade 2) Have two students face each other, then clap their hands three times before holding up 5 to 10 fingers. Have them show all the fingers on one hand and some extra fingers on the second hand. Together, students say how many fingers are help up altogether.

61 Separating Objects (Checkpoint 6 Grades 1-2) Ask students to describe the different ways a group of objects can be separated. Use toy animals, counters or playdough to represent a story, such as: Five birds in a tree. Three flew away. How many birds left in the tree? Focus on the use of terms, such as “flew away,” “left” and “three from five.” Ask: Which key on our calculator takes away?

62 Inverse Relationships (Checkpoint 6 Grades 1-2, Checkpoint 5 Grade 3) Have students us materials (beans, play people, toy animals) and diagrams to model inverse relationships through stories. For example: Have students visualize sheep in a paddock. They have to separate them into two groups. Ask: If five sheep move to another paddock, how many will be left here? How do you know? Focus on the idea that knowing how many sheep are in one paddock enables us to know how many are left in the other.

63 How Many? (Checkpoint 6 Grades 1-2) Have students use materials, such as pine cones or bottletops, to model an addition story involving change and then compare their answers. For example: Four butterflies are in your garden. If three more fly into your garden, how many will there be? Ask: Are the answers all the same? What if we counted them another way? Suppose the butterflies flew around? Ask students to count the total in different ways. Record in a picture and symbols.

64 Imagining (Checkpoint 6 Grades 1-2) Have students mentally add or take away two from a small collection of objects, such as five plastic animals. Ask students to imagine that they have taken away two animals. Ask: How many animals will be left? Repeat by adding three, four and five animals. Focus students on working it out by counting on; thinking of four as two and two and counting on by twos; and thinking of five as three and two.

65 Moving Items (Checkpoint 5 Kindergarten, Checkpoint 6 Grade 2) Ask students to model stories about the movement of items from one group to another, such as Ten in the Bed (Dale, 1999). Ask students to describe each combination of those in and out of bed. There are ten altogether and three are in the bed; how many are on the floor? If you’re the only one left out of ten in the bed, how many are on the floor? Students record the combinations.

66 Number Combinations (Checkpoints 5, 6 Grade 1, Checkpoint 3 Grade 3) Ask students to represent and record all the combinations of a given number using everyday materials (beans, pop can tabs, straws, rocks), story contexts, and games. Display the addition number sentences and discuss, focusing on two at a time. For example, ask: Is 4+3 the same as 3+4? Use your beans to show how it is the same and how it is different. Ask: If Nita has three beans and Pat has four, will there be the same number of beans if they swapped, so that Pat has four and Nita has three? Why?

67 Same Amounts (Checkpoint 5 Kindergarten & Checkpoint 3 Grade 3) Have students move objects to develop the idea that the same amount can be partitioned into two groups in different ways without changing the quantity. For example: Six students sat down to eat pieces of fruit. At first three had bananas and three had apples. Then two had bananas and four had apples.

68 Three Groups (Checkpoint 3, Grade 3) Extend other activities to partitioning into three groups.

69 Marble Bags (Checkpoint 3, Grade 3) Have students start with 16 marbles in one bag and work out how many different ways they can put the marbles into two bags. Ask them to record the combinations and look for patterns in the number sentences to help find other possibilities. Extend by asking: If there were 19 in the bag, would your pattern still be helpful?

70 Patterns (Checkpoint 3, Grade 3) Have students drop materials, such as beads, blocks and counters, onto a card divided into three sections, and record the different combinations for each number up to 18. Ask them to organize the number sentences into a pattern to see if they have found all possible combinations. Ask: Is 7+6+5 the same as 6+5+7 or 5+6+7?

71 Favourite Number (Checkpoint 7 Grade 3) Have students make, describe and display a poster about their favourite number, showing the various number combinations. For example: Eight is four and four. It is five fingers on one had and three on the other. It is four pairs of shoes.

72 Breaking Up (Checkpoint 7 Grade 3) Have students use materials grouped in tens, such as linking cubes, popsicle sticks and base ten blocks, to show how they might break up a number to calculate. For example: 86+47, shown as 86+4 to make 90 and then add 43. Have students record the breaking of numbers and movement from one number to the next with a written explanation or with numbers and signs.

73 Adding Ten (Checkpoint 7 Grade 3) Suggest students use a number line and calculator to add ten to any number. Have students write 3+10=13 and 13+10=23. Ask: Which of the digits in 23 will change when you add ten? Why? What happens when we add ten again? What if you take away ten? What if you add nine? Take away nine? Continue this for one to ten.

74 Partitioning (Checkpoint 7 Grade 3) Have students build on Adding Ten, and partition numbers to help calculate. For example: –“five and something”, so with five and eight you know eight is five and three more. So it’s 5+5 is ten and three more –expand this later into “ten and something” –think of nine as “one less than ten”, so think of 9+8 as “ten and eight less one” –eight is “two less than ten”, so 8+7 is “17 minus two” –seven and six could be “double six and one”

75 More Chunks (Checkpoint 7 Grade 3) Adding Chunks - Begin a counting sequence at 1. Have students take turns to count aloud the next 10, using their fingers to keep check. After several students have counted, ask students to predict where the next student will stop. Ask: Can you think of another way to find the next group of ten without counting by 1s? Repeat later with each student counting the next 5. More Chunks - Extend Adding Chunks, above, by starting at any number to nine. For example: Start at 3 and use fingers to count aloud to 13 then move to another student to count ten more. After several students have counted, ask students to predict where the next student will stop. Ask: Can you think of another way to find the next group of ten without counting by ones? Later, link to numbers in a column on a 100-chart and extend, adding into higher numbers.

76 Compatible Numbers (Checkpoint 7 Grade 3) When adding a list of numbers, ask students to look for numbers they can combine more easily. Focus on adding the numbers that combine to make ten first, then go back to add others. For example: 7+2+5+4+3+6 Ask: Which numbers add together to make ten? Is this way of adding a string of numbers more helpful than adding in the order they are written? Why?

77 Number Relationships (Checkpoint 5 Grade 3) Ask students to write two different number sentences for a combine situation. For example: There are five students in our class with curly hair; how many do not have curly hair? (They could write 5+?=27 or 27-5=?.) Ask: What is the difference between the two sentences? How does each number sentence tell the story? How would you solve each one?

78 Secret Numbers (Checkpoint 5 Grade 3) Show students how to play a calculator game, Secret Numbers, to practise inverting number sentences. Organize students into pairs. One student secretly enters a number into a calculator and then adds a number they both agree on, such as five. The student with the calculator shows their partner what the new number is. The partner says what the original number was and checks it on the calculator by entering a subtraction. For example: The first student secretly enters seven, adds five and gets 12. The partner says “The number was seven”, but must check on the calculator by entering a subtraction (12-5), not be entering 7+5.

79 Number Relationships (Checkpoint 5 Grade 3) Invite students to use linking cubes, Base Ten Blocks, Cuisenaire rods or a number line to show a relationship, such as 14+6=20. They can then write as many addition and subtraction sentences as possible. Ask: If I know 14+6=20, what else do I know? Include examples such as 20=6+14 and 16=20- 4.

80 After - Round-table Sharing Reflect Stems –I feel good about… –I used to… but now I… –My goal is… I will know I am on my way when… –One thing that worked today was… –One question I have… –Two things I remember are… –If I could do something again differently, I would… –Our discussions tonight have made me realize that … –One thing that I will try in my classroom after this session is … –One thing that I have to tweak in my practice is …

81 After - Homework (Re)submit the Data Sheet as you continue to work on all of the checkpoints. Try to send in a visual that you would like to speak to at the final celebratory session when we will be “Sharing Our Stories.” (May 8, 2013) If you are in the literature circle then keep reading and the next session in Wednesday, April 3, 2013 @ 8 PM The next numeracy nets session is Wednesday, April 17, 2013 from 4 PM - 6 PM

82 Questions

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