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Studying Life. Characteristics of Living Things  Many characteristics constitute living Are cars living because the move? Is a fire alive because it.

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Presentation on theme: "Studying Life. Characteristics of Living Things  Many characteristics constitute living Are cars living because the move? Is a fire alive because it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studying Life

2 Characteristics of Living Things  Many characteristics constitute living Are cars living because the move? Is a fire alive because it is giving off energy?

3  8 Characteristics Made up of cells Reproduce Universal genetic code Grow and develop Obtain and use materials and energy Respond to environment Maintain a stable internal environment Change over time (as a group) - evolution

4 True/False Living Things have at least one cell.

5 Made Up of Cells  Smallest living unit Can grow, respond, and reproduce Highly complex  Unicellular – one cell  Multicellular- many-celled Different types of cells

6 Reproduction  Asexual – single parent Cell divides into two Portion splits off to form new organism

7 Sexual – two different parents Unite to produce first cell of new organism

8 True/False Living Things contain genetic information.

9 Universal Genetic Code  Based on DNA Determines the traits of every organism

10 True/False Living Things grow. Living Things grow and develop.

11 Growth and Development  All organisms grow during at least part of their lives  Eggs –> maggots –> flies = development  Cells become different from one another Skin, WBC, RBC

12 True/False Living Things eat. Living Things require an energy source.

13  Need materials to stay alive  Metabolism Combination of chemical reactions through which a organism builds up or breaks down materials as it carries on with life  Energy sources Light, chemicals, animals, plants Obtain and Use Materials and Energy

14 True/False Living things move. Living things respond to the environment.

15 Response to the Environment  Organisms make changes to adjust to environment Too cold? What does your body do? What does a cold-blooded animal do? Light comes from one direction – What does a plant do?

16 Living Things breath Living Things exchange gases and produce waste.

17 Maintaining Internal Balance  Homeostasis Process by which organisms keep stable internal conditions  What do you do when you are thirsty?  What happens when you have a fever?

18 True/False Living Things change over time (a very long time).

19 Evolution  Basic traits inherited from parents usually do not change As a group, over time, any kind of organism can change Takes Hundreds or thousands of years

20 Are Viruses Alive? Viruses: Has genetic material Can evolve in response to immune system.  Need a host cell to reproduce.  Acquire energy from their host cell.

21 Homework due 8/30 Explain the main differences between living cells and viruses. Are Viruses alive? Give three supporting details. (see chapter 1 and p. 544)

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