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Energy From the Past Energy from the Past Wind Energy Wind is caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. The earth is made up of.

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2 Energy From the Past Energy from the Past

3 Wind Energy Wind is caused by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. The earth is made up of different types of land and water, so it absorbs the sun’s heat at different times and rates. During the daytime the air above the land warms up more quickly than air over water. The warm air over the land expands and rises and the heavier, cooler air takes its place, creating wind. At night, the wind reverses because the air cools down more over the land than over the water.

4 Wind I II In the same way, the large winds that circle the earth are created because the land near the earth’s equator is warmed up more quickly by the sun then the land near the North and South poles. Today, wind energy is used mainly to generate electricity. Wind is called a renewable energy resource because the wind will blow as long as the sun shines.

5 Solar Energy The sun is one of our main energy sources. Without the sun, none of us would be alive. The sun gives off more energy in one second than people have used since the beginning of time. In the time where I live, we use the sun for many different things. One thing is the sun is very important for heat. The sun gives off warm energy, which can keep things warm for a long period of time. Along with that, when farmers planted their crops, the sun would give off the light they needed to keep the crops from dying.

6 Wood energy is another source of energy. If there was no wood, humans may not have discovered fire for heating, or using heat for cooking. Wood that came from trees would be the main source of heat, along with the sun. When wood caught fire it would create energy. Before they had to use two rocks to get a spark. Wood energy

7 Fire energy Fire is a heat that is produced from wood energy. Again fire is heat energy used for many different things. For example, cooking, keeping warm, security, and many more things. Fire can be a very helpful energy resource, but it can be dangerous if it gets out of control.

8 Horse and ox energy was used to pull many different kinds of machinery around the farm. This was very helpful because the farmer wouldn’t have to pull very heavy implements, and they could grow larger crops, and work for a longer time. Horse and Ox energy

9 Peat has been used as a form of energy for at least 2000 years. It was useful as an alternative to firewood for cooking and heating. Peat is the first stage of transformation of plant matter into coal. Peat forms into wetlands or peat lands, also called bogs, moors, muskegs, pocosins, mires, or peat swamp forests. Peat is like a replacement for wood. Peat energy

10 Water energy is a very important source of energy that we used in the past. Water was used for many different things. A mill is an example of water energy because the water would flow through and make the mill turn to crush the wheat. They would also use water to cook food when it was boiling and to drink for hydration. Water energy

11 Slave energy Slaves were one of work energies. People would use slaves to do manual labour, like to row a boat, or work the land. If slaves didn’t do what they were told they would get whipped or beaten. People who wanted slaves would pick those who were less fortunate, or didn’t have a place to live or were in jail. Maybe sometimes they didn’t have a reason to pick them. Slaves were never a good energy source, but they were used.

12 The End

13 The cultivator was pulled by horse if the farmer could afford one. They could also use an ox. The early farm plough was pulled by the energy source of man or horse. o Early Farm Ploughs o Cultivators

14 o Combines Early combines were driven by as many as 16 or more horses. Later they were pulled by a steam engine and then combined into a single machine by George Stockton Berry. o Threshing Machines The threshing machine was powered by horse.

15 o Steam Engines The steam plough, although able to plough ten times the area that horses could plough in a day, was cumbersome and costly, and had only a limited impact on farming in Europe or the United States. Thus the horse remained the main source of power until the early twentieth century (1900s).

16 Bibliography farming.htm wind.html mn_type=homework mn_type=homework] tml Kidssearch/

17 By: Kelsee, Lexie, and Nicole

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