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Welcome to Meet the Teacher! Priestman Street School (Mrs. Davies’ Class) September 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Meet the Teacher! Priestman Street School (Mrs. Davies’ Class) September 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Meet the Teacher! Priestman Street School (Mrs. Davies’ Class) September 15, 2015

2 It’s Time to Write! Please take the note pads and pencils/markers provided and write a letter to your child.

3 How to Reach Me Telephone: 453-5424 (between 8:00am- 3:45 pm) E-mail:

4 Safe Arrival We have a Safe Arrival Program to ensure our students get to school safely. Any student who is not present in class by 8:10 a.m. will be recorded as “unexcused absence” and a call will be made to your home. Tardy - If your child arrives later than 8:10 they will be changed from “unexcused absence” to “tardy”. If you know ahead of time please call and leave a phone message or e-mail indicating the day of absence with Mrs. Bubar. If your child is too sick to go outside then he/she should not be at school.

5 Bussing The school district requires written 24 hour notice if you are going to change your child’s permanent bus stop to another permanent stop. For bussing details please see Mrs. Bubar.

6 Class Schedule Phys. Ed. Music Library Art French Culture You and Your World Math Literacy

7 Phys. Ed Students receive Phys. Ed. 4 times a week Twice with Mr. Roach and Ms. MacGregor and 2 class gym times Students should dress in comfortable clothing

8 Music Students receive Music twice a week Susan Hayward

9 Library Students visit the Library once a week. Mary Clarke

10 Art Every Tuesday Students should not dress in their best clothes on these days.

11 French Culture 30 minutes per week Songs, stories, basic French vocabulary

12 You and Your World All About Me Safety The Past Consumers Physical Environment Changes Air and Water Nutrition Earth Day Life Cycles Technological Change

13 Mathematics Number and Operations Working with numbers to 100. Patterns and Relations Describe, extend, compare & create Data Management Gather & record data and graph it Shape and Space Non-standard measurement, 2D & 3D, calendar

14 Mathematics Math Facts Strategies Flexible Math Groups

15 Literacy Reading: Independent/Instructional level Nov. Report: H/I March Report: J/K June Report: K/L

16 Writing: Nov. Report – 5 sentences, 25% of grade 2 spelling words, 50% of punctuation/capitals March. Report – 7-10 sentences, 65% of grade 2 spelling words, 65% of punctuation/capitals June Report – 10-12 sentences, 75% of grade 2 spelling words, 75% of punctuation/capitals

17 Word Work Spelling Encourage your child to try to spell on their own first, then help them. Spelling lists will be going home soon. (Grade 1, 2, and 3) Sight Words Differentiated sight word lists will also be going home soon. (Grade 1, 2, 3)

18 Homework There will be homework Monday to Thursday each week. All homework should be returned every day. 20 minutes per night Spelling, math facts, reading (RAH RAH), writing, a math/literacy sheet. Duo-tang with the work for the week Weekly Work duo-tang her/mrs-davies

19 Assessment Students will be evaluated in three ways: Through observations/anecdotal notes/interviews and conferencing with individual students Through monitoring of in-class work and participation Through various tests and student portfolios Report cards will be sent home in November, March, and June. There is a grade two provincial reading assessment which will be administered in late May.

20 Class Rules Please see our posted classroom rules and our Class Promise. Classroom discipline: Positive behaviour is rewarded in various ways - (“STAR” over the announcements, “bucket” for stickers, verbal praise, free time, certificates, etc.) Negative behaviour is addressed with a strike system resembling a stoplight. 1 st time - warning 2 nd time – car moves to yellow light 3rd time – car moves to red light – time out, note home. All strikes are erased at each section of the day. There is a school wide discipline policy.

21 Field Trips UNB Science Playhouse Clay Café Middle/High School Theatre Productions

22 Nutrition Children should bring a healthy snack along with a nutritious lunch to school each day (no lunch on Wednesday). We are not able to heat or reheat lunches. Hot lunch/milk will be available. Popcorn will be on Fridays - $1.00 WE ARE A NUT AND FISH FREE SCHOOL.

23 Housekeeping Items Medications – forms in office Birthday invitations (include last name, class) Labeling items (books, clothing, footwear, money, etc.) Lice (check periodically) Toys at school (can bring, but only for recesses)

24 Questions? This is your time to ask questions! Please remember that I value your comments, questions and concerns. Your feedback and contributions will help to make this the best possible year for you and your child. Thanks for coming! Lisa Davies

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