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Mary Plemons Cherri Kehoe Natalia Chancellor 1 st Grade Teachers Alliene Mullendore Elementary 817-547-1998

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2 Mary Plemons Cherri Kehoe Natalia Chancellor 1 st Grade Teachers Alliene Mullendore Elementary 817-547-1998 817-547-1997 817-547-1996 Conference Time 1:30-2:15

3 Welcome to Curriculum Night! If we don’t answer your question, please write it on a sticky note along with your contact info. We will be happy to find the answer for you! If we don’t answer your question, please write it on a sticky note along with your contact info. We will be happy to find the answer for you!

4 Goals and Expectations Our goal for all of our students is to teach both independence and responsibility. Our goal for all of our students is to teach both independence and responsibility. Responsibility for actions at school/home Responsibility for actions at school/home Independence and responsibility in all learning situations Independence and responsibility in all learning situations Math Expectations Math Expectations Know math facts through 12 for addition & through 20 for subtraction FLUENTLY Know math facts through 12 for addition & through 20 for subtraction FLUENTLY Math facts test each week Math facts test each week Word Problems Word Problems Texas Go Math! assessments Texas Go Math! assessments Writing Expectations Writing Expectations Write a story using complete sentences, correct punctuation & capitalization and descriptive details – 3 writing assessments/year Write a story using complete sentences, correct punctuation & capitalization and descriptive details – 3 writing assessments/year Learn to spell sight words correctly Learn to spell sight words correctly Reading Expectations Reading Expectations Please be reading with your child for a minimum of 15 -20 minutes nightly! Please be reading with your child for a minimum of 15 -20 minutes nightly! 60 words per minute is our end of the year fluency expectation. 60 words per minute is our end of the year fluency expectation. DRA Level 18 by end of year DRA Level 18 by end of year Master all 32 Sight Word lists Master all 32 Sight Word lists Data Folders Data Folders Reading: ISIP Scores Reading: ISIP Scores Math: Math Facts mastered; Star Math Scores Math: Math Facts mastered; Star Math Scores Sight Words mastered Sight Words mastered

5 Homework Spelling Words (backward letters may be counted incorrect) Spelling Words (backward letters may be counted incorrect) Spelling pattern will be taught. Specific lists will not be given Spelling pattern will be taught. Specific lists will not be given Practice in fun ways! Practice in fun ways! Sight Words Sight Words Each student expected to master the District Required weekly list Each student expected to master the District Required weekly list Assess weekly Assess weekly Reading Reading Daily reading for 15-20 minutes/Books in a Bag – 9/14/15 Daily reading for 15-20 minutes/Books in a Bag – 9/14/15 Library – help remind them to pick “Good Fit” books Library – help remind them to pick “Good Fit” books Math Math Math Facts Weekly Quizzes Math Facts Weekly Quizzes Flashcards/Number Recognition Flashcards/Number Recognition Daily follow-up practice at home Daily follow-up practice at home Read/write numbers to 120; count up to 120 objects Read/write numbers to 120; count up to 120 objects

6 Grades Grades will appear as letters on your child’s report card. Grades will appear as letters on your child’s report card. Limited Progress (LP)– concept has been introduced, practiced in multiple ways, and student has been worked with one-on-one or in a small group – still not meeting Standard expectations (below 70) Limited Progress (LP)– concept has been introduced, practiced in multiple ways, and student has been worked with one-on-one or in a small group – still not meeting Standard expectations (below 70) Progressing (P) – Student is still learning concept and making progress, but Standard not yet met (70-89) Progressing (P) – Student is still learning concept and making progress, but Standard not yet met (70-89) Met Standard (M) – has met Standard expectations Example: ELA TEK 1.12A “Read independently for sustained periods of time.” (90-100) Met Standard (M) – has met Standard expectations Example: ELA TEK 1.12A “Read independently for sustained periods of time.” (90-100)

7 Discipline “ PAW-sitive DAY” “ PAW-sitive DAY” Private conversations are held with students at each level about their choices Private conversations are held with students at each level about their choices Compliments and Concerns Compliments and Concerns Levels of Discipline Levels of Discipline Warning – Folder written in Warning – Folder written in Level 1 – No stamp Level 1 – No stamp Level 2 – Panther Den Level 2 – Panther Den Level 3 – Buddy room Level 3 – Buddy room Level 4 – Office – parent is called and asked to come conference with the child in the office Level 4 – Office – parent is called and asked to come conference with the child in the office ***Money Exchange coming soon***

8 CHAMPS C onversation C onversation H elp H elp A ctivity A ctivity M ovement M ovement P articipation P articipation S uccess!!! S uccess!!!

9 Field Trips Don’t wait until the last minute to sign up as a parent volunteer! Don’t wait until the last minute to sign up as a parent volunteer! Must apply EACH year!! Approval does not carry over from year to year. Must apply EACH year!! Approval does not carry over from year to year. Use the student laptops to sign up tonight! Use the student laptops to sign up tonight!

10 Volunteering & PTA Volunteering & PTA Volunteering Volunteering Visit BISD website at Visit BISD website at Click “Volunteer Application” Click “Volunteer Application” Fill out/Submit form Fill out/Submit form Will be notified upon approval Will be notified upon approval PLEASE don’t wait until the last minute! PLEASE don’t wait until the last minute! PTA Membership $6.50 PTA Membership $6.50 Simply donating $$ to help organization run Simply donating $$ to help organization run Do not have to attend PTA meetings to be a member Do not have to attend PTA meetings to be a member Helps with cost of field trips, school activities, etc. Helps with cost of field trips, school activities, etc. Students can be sponsored if parent wants to donate more Students can be sponsored if parent wants to donate more

11 Lunch Lunch Lunch Money can be submitted online. $2.40/meal. Adult meals are $3.50 ****If there is money in the account, your child CAN AND WILL purchase snacks and ice cream every day unless you place a block on the account*** (and that snack is what they eat first!!) When you send lunch money to school with your child PLEASE put the money in a bag or envelope and label it with your child’s name and the amount of money enclosed.

12 Birthdays Parents may send cookies or treat bags to school HOWEVER we are not allowed to hand them out until dismissal. Parents may send cookies or treat bags to school HOWEVER we are not allowed to hand them out until dismissal. PLEASE consider that we have only a few seconds to hand out such treats. Put yourselves in our places – would you want to ask 20+ different students if they want a vanilla cupcake with chocolate icing or a chocolate cupcake with vanilla icing or a vanilla cupcake with blue icing or a chocolate cupcake with pink icing!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE NO CUPCAKES!!! PLEASE consider that we have only a few seconds to hand out such treats. Put yourselves in our places – would you want to ask 20+ different students if they want a vanilla cupcake with chocolate icing or a chocolate cupcake with vanilla icing or a vanilla cupcake with blue icing or a chocolate cupcake with pink icing!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE NO CUPCAKES!!! Treat bags or cookies ONLY. Treat bags or cookies ONLY.

13 Miscellaneous Title 1 Compact Scholastic book orders will be sent home on a regular basis AS LONG AS SEVERAL KIDS ARE ORDERING BOOKS. Every purchase helps contribute books to our classroom. Please check your child’s communication folder on a DAILY BASIS. Please remove all papers from the pockets DAILY. Parent Conferences – before end of 1 st Six Weeks Send in those Box Tops!!!! Wish list: Glue sticks, cardstock paper, printer ink Your favorite 1 st Grade Team thanks you for being here tonight!

14 Questions or Concerns? Thanks for all of your support. You are your child’s FIRST teacher! You are your child’s FIRST teacher!

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