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Kids Learning is Fun Learning to Read.

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2 Kids Learning is Fun Learning to Read

3 Reading is making meaning from written or printed words and symbols. Reading

4 Book Handling Book handling is basically how to read and hold a book. We open a book from right to left. We read from top to bottom and from left to right.

5 When they learn to read, children learn sight words learn to read words using the letter/sound relationship learn ways to predict what certain words are by using what they know get the meaning of words from the meaning of a sentence or paragraph learn to predict the sequence of events or actions and what might happen next

6 When they learn to read, children learn how to comprehend the text learn how punctuation is used understand the basic story structure through the grammar usage understand the meaning of texts and are able to look at them critically determine what is the purpose or type of text they are reading

7 This is a lot to learn!!!

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