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January 30, 2012 1.________a special tax on goods made in one country and sold in the U.S. 2.__________are products one country buys from another country.

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Presentation on theme: "January 30, 2012 1.________a special tax on goods made in one country and sold in the U.S. 2.__________are products one country buys from another country."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 30, 2012 1.________a special tax on goods made in one country and sold in the U.S. 2.__________are products one country buys from another country. 3._________ is a company that does business in many countries and has facilities and offices in many countries. 4.The price at which one currency can buy another currency is _________. 5.____________are products made in one country and sold in another. 6.________is a complete ban on a product or all products from another country. WORD BANK exports, tariff, exchange rate, imports, embargo, multinational corporation 7.Approximately how many different products does Coca-Cola sell worldwide? 8.What is domestic business? 9.What is favorable exchange rate? 10.What is a trade deficit? PBMF Quiz 1 Open Notes

2 Monday, January 30, 2012 Objective: Students will identify the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. Warm Up: Below is a list of the three forms of business ownership we will be studying. Research each type and list 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of each in your 1 st 9 weeks Journal: Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation Complete Coca-Cola Assignment

3 Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012 Warm up- look up the following terms with regards to business ownership: Liability Finance options for small business tax implications for small businesses. We will discuss in class Activity: Individually read client stories called “sweet opportunities”. Prepare a written recommendation as to which type business organization you believe would best suit each case. Provide reasons for the recommendation. Also list one disadvantage with a suggestion on how to minimize the negative effect - 1 Page – 12 pt font Objective: Upon Completion of this lesson, the student will describe and contrast forms on business ownership.

4 Friday, Feb. 3, 2012 Objective: Upon Completion of this lesson, the student will describe and contrast forms on business ownership. Warm Up Questions: 1.What accounted for the differences in your recommendations? 2.Why do you think most new businesses are sole proprietorships? 3.Under what circumstances might a business operating as a sole proprietorship or partnership decide to incorporate?

5 February 3, 2012 Activity: In groups of four (no more than 4) research what has happened to the founders and businesses featured in ONE of the case studies. You need to turn in at least one page of notes per person addressing the following questions: 1.Company introduction/history 2.What has happened to the founder of the business? 3.Is he or she sill involved in the company? 4.What other things has he or she done 5.Who owns the business? 6.How has the business changed? 7.Has the company been involved in any mergers or acquisitions? 8.What products does the company sell? Once your entire groups’ notes have been approved you may begin creating a presentation in Powerpoint. Each group will create one presentation addressing each of the questions above.

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