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Take Notes 1 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Notes Return to slide.

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1 Take Notes 1 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Notes Return to slide

2 Take Notes 2 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 J200: Journalism and the Mass Media Wednesday 10 Sept. 2003 Taking the 1st ( Amendment)

3 Take Notes 3 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 News of the day  Quiz on Blackboard from 10 p.m. Sept. 10 until 9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 12  Make sure you are started on the OASIS tutorial  “ Times Names First Editor for Standards ” onal/10PAPE.html

4 Take Notes 4 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Keys to evaluating the media  What are common sources of noise or static?

5 Take Notes 5 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Keys to evaluating the media  What are common sources of noise or static?  Who were the senders of the message? The receivers?

6 Take Notes 6 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Keys to evaluating the media  What are common sources of noise or static?  Who were the senders of the message? The receivers?  With what symbols was the message encoded? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using these symbols?

7 Take Notes 7 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Keys to evaluating the media  Through what channel was the message sent, and by what technology or means?

8 Take Notes 8 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Keys to evaluating the media  Through what channel was the message sent, and by what technology or means?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of the channel and technology?

9 Take Notes 9 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Key questions to evaluate the media  What were the motivations of the principal actors? Why did they enter into the communication process?

10 Take Notes 10 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Key questions to evaluate the media  What were the motivations of the principal actors? Why did they enter into the communication process?  What was the nature of the message, the content of the news, i.e. what was considered newsworthy? By whom?

11 Take Notes 11 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Key questions to evaluate the media  What were the motivations of the principal actors? Why did they enter into the communication process?  What was the nature of the message, the content of the news, i.e. what was considered newsworthy? By whom?  What were the principal effects of the message on the sender? On the receiver?

12 Take Notes 12 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Key questions to evaluate the media  How was society affected by this type of message? Whose interests were helped? Were any group or class’s interests harmed?

13 Take Notes 13 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Key questions to evaluate the media  How was society affected by this type of message? Whose interests were helped? Were any group or class’s interests harmed?  Were there any important exogenous variables (outside influences) on the communication process (e.g. the social or political context — including censorship, licensing or other regulation).

14 Take Notes 14 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 The Mother-of-All quizzes  How many freedoms are in the First Amendment?  5.

15 Take Notes 15 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 The quiz  What are they?

16 Take Notes 16 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 The quiz  What are they?  Freedom of religion  Freedom of speech  Freedom of press  Right to petition the government for redress of grievances  Right to assemble

17 Take Notes 17 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 The 1st Amendment to the U. S. Constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. — The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

18 Take Notes 18 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Connect to Freedom Forum  Freedom Forum  Freedom news / survey a_reports/index.aspx

19 Take Notes 19 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Survey of Americans….  In 2003, Americans’ support for their First Amendment freedoms – shaken by the events of Sept. 11, 2001 – appears to be returning to pre-9/11 levels.  About 60% of respondents indicated overall support for First Amendment freedoms, while 34% said the First Amendment goes too far.

20 Take Notes 20 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Survey of Americans….  52% said media ownership by fewer corporations has meant a decreased number of viewpoints available to the public; 53% said the quality of information also has suffered.  Almost eight in 10 respondents said owners exert substantial influence over news organizations’ newsgathering and reporting decisions. Only 4% said they believed there is no tampering with story selection or play.

21 Take Notes 21 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Survey of Americans….  54% favored maintaining limits on how many radio, television and newspaper outlets may be owned by a single company, but 50% opposed any increased regulation.  65% favored the policy of “embedding” U.S. journalists into individual combat units; 68% said the news media did an excellent or good job in covering the war in Iraq.

22 Take Notes 22 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 Survey of Americans….  48% said they believe Americans have too little access to information about the federal government’s efforts to combat terrorism – up from 40% last year.  About 55% of those surveyed opposed a constitutional amendment to ban flag- burning, up from 51% in 2002.

23 Take Notes 23 J200 - Week © J.T.Johnson 1999-2003 _____________________________Fall 2003 U.S. Media Ownership Concentration  Watching the Media: Who Owns What - guide to what the major media companies own. Columbia Journalism Review. Also: an  interactive chart of the Big Ten's media holdings, from The Nation. ml

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