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September 17, 2012 Please get the following: the handouts off the counter the handout from Friday a writing utensil.

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Presentation on theme: "September 17, 2012 Please get the following: the handouts off the counter the handout from Friday a writing utensil."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 17, 2012 Please get the following: the handouts off the counter the handout from Friday a writing utensil

2 REMINDERS!!!! You will have a vocab quiz on Friday – the vocab packet will also be due, completed, on Friday! We will be having a unit test over all concepts for Unit 1 this Wednesday!

3 Unit 1 Test Review Material: For your Unit 1 test, you will need to know the following plots or main ideas for the listed reading materials, as well as key concepts discussed: –“Checkouts” – understand the transition model and how to apply it to any type of situation, as well as the literary examples discussed on the handout, “Young Love” –“Pancakes” – understand the transitional model, as well as how it applied to Jill’s life and Pancake House meltdown, as well as the literary examples discussed on the handout, “Rabid Perfectionist” –“Survival Skills” article – understand how the transitional model applies to this article (Step 3 – Coping) –“The Necklace” – know about the character motivation of the Loisels, as well as for the speaker in the poem, “Luxury;” understand the difference between Pride and Pragmatism when dealing with problems and how it applies to both literary works –“Spending Spree” – understand how to formulate an argument, as well as how this article fits into Pride vs. Pragmatism –“Princess and the Tin Box” – understand the idea of what a parody is and how it is created; know examples of exaggeration and irony from the story –“Spoiling our Kids” article – apply the concepts discussed to today’s society

4 Spoiled Brats… Now, I want you to read the article you picked up yesterday! As you’re reading, write down ideas that you agree with. Write down any ideas you disagree with, as well! Next, after reading, please answer the following questions in your notes: –Are wealthy parents to blame for their children becoming so- called “brats?” Why or why not? –The author feels the parents are substituting their money for their time. They are spoiling their children out of guilt for lack of attention! Do you agree with her diagnosis? Why or why not? –What lessons do you feel children who have wealthy parents should learn in order to be successful adults in this world?

5 Changing Gears… Thurber, the author of The Princess and the Tin Box, addresses the human quality of greed. We are starting a new unit that looks at the idea of human morality! On a piece of notebook paper, take a moment to come up with your own definition for what morality means to you!!! Then, write down the questions listed below and come up with your own answers: –What makes humans different from animals??? What are the characteristics that distinguish us from the animal kingdom? –How do we inherently know what is right vs. wrong? Then, take the “Morality Quiz” – it will definitely open your eyes to idea that our world is NOT simply black or white, but that we live with many GRAY areas that call upon us to make our best decisions!!!

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