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 Wednesday April 29, 2015 Agenda  Review Choices  Hint: Your Essay question is about price and when they change. Announcements  Study Guide is due.

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Presentation on theme: " Wednesday April 29, 2015 Agenda  Review Choices  Hint: Your Essay question is about price and when they change. Announcements  Study Guide is due."— Presentation transcript:

1  Wednesday April 29, 2015 Agenda  Review Choices  Hint: Your Essay question is about price and when they change. Announcements  Study Guide is due Tomorrow!  The Test is Tomorrow!  Test Corrections are due Friday.


3  Vote: Trash-ketball or Study Guide Time?

4  Voting Time TrashketballStudy Guide


6  When talking about supply, Too Much of something is called:

7  Surplus

8  What phase of the business cycle has highest unemployment and lowest GDP?

9  Trough

10  What phase of the business cycle is characterized by lowest unemployment and highest GDP?

11  Peak

12  A tax added to imports is called a:

13  Tariff

14  Completely cutting off trade with a country is called a(n):

15  Embargo

16  Which industry in North Carolina was hurt by NAFTA moving furniture and textiles down to mexico?

17  Manufacturing

18  Which type of competition has one dominant company and some smaller competitors?

19  Monopolistic Competition

20  What type of competition are all the companies roughly the same size with no advantages?

21  Pure Competition

22  What is the Law of Demand?

23  Lower the price, the more people are willing to buy

24  Law of Supply?

25  The higher the price/profit the more businesses are willing to sell that product

26  What organization do you contact for shifty business practices?

27  Better Business Bureau

28  If a solicitor keeps calling your house, how do you get them to stop?

29  Do Not Call List

30  When reading a lease you should….

31  Read the Fine Print/Read “The Everything”

32  What scheme/scam is it when someone uses your personal information to buy things or take out loans?

33  Identity Theft

34  What type of scheme are you recruiting more people and making money off of them?

35  Pyramid/Multi-Level Marketing

36  What type of insurance should a person that has their own house get?

37  Home Owners insurance

38  What type of insurance should someone that is getting an apartment or living in a house they don’t own get?

39  Renter’s Insurance

40  What type of insurance helps pay for medical bills?

41  Health Insurance

42  What type of insurance should someone get to help pay for their costs after they die?

43  Life Insurance

44  What is one way to improve your credit score?

45  Pay Bills on Time/Early, Things in your name, Credit Card paid off each month, Open Bank ACcounts

46  What is the Risk/Reward Trade Off?

47  Higher the Risk, the Higher the REward

48  What are stock holders paid quarterly?

49  Dividends

50  When you are young you have plenty of time to recover from risky investments. What is a high risk investment?

51  Stock

52  The older you are, the less time you have to recover from risk. What type of investments are low risk?

53  Bonds, CDs, Savings

54  Principal*Rate*Years = Amount Is this Simple or Compound Interest

55  Simple

56  Amount=Principal(1 + Interest Rate)^Number of Years Compound or Simple Interest

57  Compound Interest

58  What does “Pay Yourself First Mean?”

59  Put Money into savings First

60  What type of Economy does the US Have?

61  Mixed

62  What type of Economy is controlled by a village?

63  Traditional

64  What type of economy is free of government regulations?

65  Market

66  What type of economy is controlled completely by the government?

67  Command

68  Another name for choices with time or resources is :

69  Trade-offs

70  The value of the trade- off you didn’t decide to do is:

71  Opportunity Cost

72  What is the Division of Labor?

73  Breaking a job into smaller tasks

74  What is the price Equilibrium?

75  Where Supply and Demand meet (Where profit is maximized)

76  What is a consumer?

77  Individual who purchases goods and services.

78  The Incentive to produce what consumers want, because this will make them money is called:

79  Profit Motive

80  What is the relationship of education to income?

81  Higher the Education, the higher the income

82  What is scarcity?

83  Fundamental problem

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