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7 th Grade Week 36 Agenda & Obj. 5/6/13-5/10/13 Monday: Review MCA Prep!! Demonstrate command of…standard Engl. Grammar…simple, compound, complex…

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2 7 th Grade Week 36 Agenda & Obj. 5/6/13-5/10/13 Monday: Review MCA Prep!! Demonstrate command of…standard Engl. Grammar…simple, compound, complex… & Determine two or more central ideas… & Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn… Analyze how particular elements of a story interact (eg how setting shapes the characters or plot). Determine meaning of words and phrases… Tuesday & Wednesday: Testing & Novel Study Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn… Determine meaning of words and phrases… Determine meaning of words and phrases… Analyze how different elements of a story… Thursday: Review Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn… Determine meaning of words and phrases… Determine meaning of words and phrases… Analyze how different elements of a story… Friday: Quiz & Wrap up Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn… Determine two or more central ideas… Analyze how different elements of a story… By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature and other texts…

3 Daily Writing: Nature 5/6/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Green is the prime color of the word, and that from which its loveliness arises.” ~ Pedro “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~ Albert Einstein

4 Monday: MCA!!! Show me your roots part 2 & hand in your reading test prep. Hand out pre-reading & vocab. Planner Journal title: FTM Pre-reading due tomorrow. Friday quiz on FTM vocab part 1, roots 1 & 2, and FTM reading (chapters 1-5 – only 27 pages)

5 Multiple Choice Questions all Read the question and all answer choices before marking anything. Go back to the text! Think about your justification for the BEST answer. Remember – they will try to “trick” you with other good answers, but there is only one BEST answer.

6 The Process of Elimination Eliminate choices that you know are incorrect. If you can eliminate two wrong answers, your chance of choosing the right answer is greater. Don't guess blindly, but if you have time to think about the best answer choice, make it! I know C isn’t the answer!

7 Key Words key wordsphrases Find key words or phrases in the question that will help you choose the correct answer. Make sure you understand what the question is asking. Be sure you are responding to the question that is being asked.

8 Skip, Return, Check If you finish early, check to make sure you have answered all questions and that you’ve chosen the BEST answer.

9 Monday: Review 1.Competition! In groups of 3 or 4, listen to the passage and answer the multiple choice questions. 2.Review roots & vocab. 3.Work on pre-reading questions.

10 Daily Writing: Trust 5/7/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “Love all, trust few, do wrong to none.” William Shakespeare “Learning to trust is one of life’s most difficult tasks.” ~ Isaac Watts

11 Tuesday & Wednesday: Freak the Mighty Show me Journal title: FTM Pre- reading Planner o Due Thursday: Read & finish FTM questions part 1 (chapters 1-5). o Friday quiz on FTM vocab part 1, roots 1 & 2, and FTM reading (chapters 1-5 – only 27 pages)

12 Tuesday (7A) & Wednesday (7B): Freak the Mighty 1.Think.Pair.Share o Share your ideas on the pre-reading with a partner (3 minutes). o Class discussion. 2.Read background on King Arthur. 3.Hand out books/take numbers. 4.Popcorn read and work on study guide questions. IF EVERYONE is on task today (not staring off into space) and EVERYONE gets their questions & diagram done by tomorrow, maybe we’ll watch part of the movie…

13 Daily Writing: Friendship 5/8/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: Who is your best friend? Why? Explain him/her. “A friend is one who knows you, and loves you just the same.” ~Elbert Hubbard

14 Tuesday & Wednesday: Freak the Mighty Planner o Due Thursday: Read & finish FTM questions part 1 (chapters 1-5). o Friday quiz on FTM vocab part 1, roots 1 & 2, and FTM reading (chapters 1-5 – only 27 pages)

15 Tuesday (7A) & Wednesday (7B): Freak the Mighty 1.Think.Pair.Share o Share your ideas on the pre-reading with a partner (3 minutes). o Class discussion. 2.Read background on King Arthur. 3.Hand out books/take numbers. 4.Popcorn read and work on study guide questions. IF EVERYONE is on task today (not staring off into space) and EVERYONE gets their questions & diagram done by tomorrow, maybe we’ll watch part of the movie…

16 Tuesday (7A) & Wednesday (7B): Freak the Mighty 7A: When you get back from the test, read silently and actively work on your study guide questions due TOMORROW! IF EVERYONE is on task today (not staring off into space) and EVERYONE gets their questions by tomorrow, maybe we’ll watch part of the movie… Planner o Due Thursday: Read & finish FTM questions part 1 (chapters 1-5). o Friday quiz on FTM vocab part 1, roots 1 & 2, and FTM reading (chapters 1-5 – only 27 pages)

17 Daily Writing: Mitch 5/9/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: “An escalator can never break; it can only become stairs.” ~ Mitch Hedberg “A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.” ~Mitch Hedberg

18 Thursday: Review Show me your questions part 1. 7A: After you show me your questions, grab a crossword puzzle, then let’s go finish the MCA test (good luck!!!). Planner Study for the quiz tomorrow! FTM vocab part 1, roots 1 & 2, and FTM reading (chapters 1-5 – only 27 pages)

19 Thursday: Review 1.Vocab crossword puzzle. 2.4 corners review of study guide questions ONLY : o QUIETLY walk to one of the corners. o Write something you remembered from the study guide questions or the novel on the piece of paper. o I will ask a question to the table. o The person who buzzes in first and answers the question correctly, can stay in the game. o LISTEN while your peers are answering the questions! 3.Journal writing…

20 Thursday: Review Journal title: Escaping Problems Unable to deal with things that bother him, Max becomes introspective when he wants to escape from problems. Describe a time when you tried to escape from a problem. What did you do to escape? What was the outcome? What did you learn from the experience? At LEAST a page!

21 Daily Writing: Weekend 5/10/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: What are you looking forward to this weekend? Why? Explain! What are you dreading this weekend? Why? Explain!

22 Friday: Quiz & Wrap Up Don’t forget to ALWAYS bring your novel & another book/novel to class. Results of the buddy system Mon/Tues. Planner Due Monday: 1.Write new roots (part 3) in your notebook. 2.FTM vocab worksheet. 3.Sentence variety worksheet.

23 Friday: Quiz & Wrap Up 1. No talking during the quiz! 2.When you’re done: 1. Journal title: escaping problems (due at the end of the period – at least a page). 2.Work on late work 3.Write the new roots & vocab in your notebook. 4.Work on sentence structure worksheet. 5.When you’re done with all that, read silently!

24 Buddy HW System New Buddy Homework System! o The group that turns in ALL of their homework on time for the next two weeks gets: A late HW pass per group member. To pick the game during gym! o Rules/stipulations: o If a group member is absent, this counts against turning in HW on time. UNLESS the group member turns in the homework when everyone else does. o Using a late HW pass counts against the team. o NO COPYING OR DOING WORK FOR EACH OTHER! o If more than one group turns in all of their HW, I’ll look at times tardy or absent. o If more than one group turns in all of their HW and has never been tardy or absent, I’ll give everyone in those groups late HW passes and Mr. Hickman will think of something special for those groups during gym.

25 Buddy Groups Group 1: Idil Saynab Muna Rakia Latifa Group 2: Sagal Sahro Habso Fatma Najma Group 3: Abdullahi A. Omar Zuhayb Abdirahman Group 4: Marwan Jabir Abdullahi H. Siyad Group 1: Hafsa Khadija Sundus Caisha Samira Group 2: Miski Asha Habsa Hanna Aisha Hibaaq Group 3: Yasin Abdulahi A. Abdisalam Abdulqadir Group 4: Ramadan Yusuf Wako

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