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Published byArchibald Baker Modified over 9 years ago
Honors World Literature August 3 rd, 2015 Welcome to class! Please complete the student information sheet. (There is a front and back side) Syllabus information: Please make sure the final page is signed and returned. Summer Reading: Just briefly… Video: Who was Esmerelda Santiago…In her own words (6 minute video) NB_9xiE.& NB_9xiE.& Discussion: How is the test set up? Pre-test (not really, but…) Discuss results of your “pre-test” Video: In search of the real Frankenstein Complete the questions as you watch the video. No, we will not finish today. Homework: Bring back the signed syllabus, When I was Puerto Rican assignment is due tomorrow BEFORE we take the test.
Honors World Literature August 4 th, 2015 Turn in your signed syllabus today. Forgot it? Turn it in tomorrow. The White Stripes: Prior to test…Use your questions (2 from each chapter) to review. Don’t have the right answer? Make sure you get the right answer! Summer Reading test: When I was Puerto Rican Finish the In Search of the Real Frankenstein video with guide. Let’s discuss the guide when you are finished. Homework: Signed syllabus (if you forgot).
Honors World Literature August 5 th, 2015 Take out your Video Guide: Let’s finish In Search of the Real Frankenstein Let’s discuss the questions to make sure you have all the answers completed for your notes. Media Center: Complete the webquest today. Whatever you do not finish becomes homework. (We are coming back. You do not need your backpack.) If you are finished with the bequest, you may turn it in today. Homework: If you did not finish the webquest, it is due tomorrow. If you need to turn in a syllabus, please do so as soon as possible. FYI: We have an SLO pretest on Monday. If time, Video Clip: Frankenstein or Miracle? Both?
Honors World Literature August 6 th, 2015 Turn in your completed webquest. Late is a 50%. If it is mostly done, that would be a better grade… First 10: Video Clip: Frankenstein or Miracle? Both? The Pros and Cons: What could go right? What could go wrong? Brainstorm with a partner to come up with at least five benefits and five negative consequences regarding this type of surgery. If you can come up with more on either side of the argument, that would be just fine with me. Share your findings. Gothic/Romantics PowerPoint Notes Complete the notes and keep them in your binder. Yes, there will be a quiz in your future. Video Clip: Let’s meet the Hollywood version of the monster watch?v=1qNeGSJaQ9Q Homework: Read Intro to the Author handout and The Story of Prometheus. If you finish in class, you will not have homework.
Honors World Literature August 7 th, 2015 Finish Gothic Notes from yesterday Review The Story of Prometheus Video: The Story of Prometheus Question: How do you think this ties in with Frankenstein? After all, it is called The Modern Prometheus… Frankenstein Vocabulary Frankenstein novel: Let’s read the letters together to get started today. Complete the handout that goes along with this section. Homework: Have a great weekend.
Honors World Literature August 10 th, 2015 SLO today. Journal handout: Please keep this journal sheet in a safe place in your folder. You will have journals of some sort quite often. When the sheet is completed, it will be handed in for a grade. Today’s journal: Have you ever done something you terribly regret? Consider this as you write your journal: Did your actions impact another? Did your actions make you embarrassed? Did you admit your guilt right away or did you live with it awhile? Did you try to redeem yourself? What did you do? How did it feel when you “made things right”? What else can you add? Let’s look back at the Rime of the Ancient Mariner It’s an allusion…and allusions are deep, man. Let’s take a look at the Allusion handout. Work with a partner on the back of the sheet Homework: If there is something that you would like to add to your poster next class period, bring it with you. You will have most of class to work on this assignment. An abandoned ship, sometimes called a ghost ship, is covered by rime in the North Sea. Rime is a type of frost that is common in polar conditions.
Honors World Literature August 11 th, 2015 Allusions: As a class, let’s review the handout. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Summary handout Shmoop video summary: Now that you are “clear” on the allusion, it’s time to visualize the poem. It’s group work time! Read through the handout and directions with me. Rime of the Ancient Mariner group work: As you work… Use your handout to remind yourself of the expectations. If I have to yell over you to get your attention, you are too loud. We will begin presentations first thing next class. Homework: Chapters 1-6 quiz is tentatively scheduled for Friday. We may have to move it to Monday. We shall see…
Honors World Literature August 12 th, 2015 Rime of the Ancient Mariner presentations. Remember: Everyone participates equally. Hand in your visual when you are finished presenting to the class. Back to Frankenstein! Finish the Letters and complete the chart for Walton vs. Stranger Chapter 1 and 2 in class Complete questions as we read. Homework: Finish the remaining part of Chapter 2. Complete the questions on the handout that apply to these chapters.
Honors World Literature August 13 th, 2015 Review Chapter 2 in class Make sure your chapter questions are up to date so you can review for the quiz. Vocabulary from Chapters 1 and 2 Chapters 3 and 4 in class Complete questions as we read. Homework: Chapter 5 and complete questions that apply. Quiz over Letters and Chapters 1-6 on MONDAY!
Honors World Literature August 14 th, 2015 In partners, continue working on the two questions from last class in your handout. Review Chapter 5 Read Chapter 6 in class as a class today Complete questions Romanticism PowerPoint Complete the notes as we discuss how this applies to Frankenstein. Ted Ed: Poetry Ted Ed: Poetry Homework: Read Chapter 7 for Monday, study for vocabulary and chapters 1-6 quiz. Poems are due next Tuesday. Typed or handwritten.
Honors World Literature August 17 th, 2015 Chapter questions : Let’s look at #3 today. 1-6 quiz/Grade quiz When you finish the quiz, go ahead and read Chapter 8 Review Chapter 7 and 8 as a class. Let’s mark the vocabulary for Chapters 7-12 for the next quiz Read Chapter 9 as a class Poetry questions anyone? Homework: Poems are due next class. Chapter 10 is due next class. Next quiz is over Chapters 7 -12 this Wednesday.
Honors World Literature August 18 th, 2015 Poetry Share: Anyone want to present? Just a reminder: When someone else is speaking, you should show respect for their courage to share their work. Just a reminder: When you present your work, present like you deserve respect by avoiding the goofy or giggly behavior. NEVER introduce your work with “This is probably wrong” or “This is really bad, but.” Pre-Test: Research and Documentation – Timed (10 minutes) If you do not know, leave it blank. Themes in the Novel handout Directions and clarification for 5 th question. Find ONE quote so far in the book that applies to each specific topic. Yes, of course, you may work together on this part. Yes, of course, you only have 15 minutes. Grade the Chapters 1-6 quiz. Homework: Quiz over Chapters 7-12 with vocabulary is Wednesday.
Honors World Literature August 19 th, 2015 Journal: What is the dominant image in the cartoon? Why? What is significant about the secondary images and text in the cartoon? What is the cartoonist’s point of view about his subject matter? What is your opinion about the subject matter introduced by the cartoon? After considering both cartoons and your opinion, write a thesis statement that supports, opposes, or argues a point about genetic engineering. Chapter 10 Review. Let’s make sure all the questions are answered from the packet. Read Chapters 11 and 12 as a class. Don’t forget about the Themes in the Novel handout. Can you add any more quotes from today? Complete the next handout as we read. Complete the Simple/Compound/Complex handout. Homework: Quiz over Chapters 7-12 tomorrow. Review the vocabulary, also.
Honors World Literature August 20 th, 2015 Journal: Using your vocabulary from chapters 7-12, write three sentences that use the three most challenging words for you. Self/Paired review of Chapters 7-12. You may quiz each other on the vocabulary for a few minutes. Chapters 7-12 quiz/Grade quiz When you finish the quiz, finish working on the compound/complex sentences handout. The annotated bibliography (See handout) What is it? What’s the point? Let’s read through the directions together. Establish a position today. Based on the Themes in the Novel handout, what would you like to prove? Brainstorm---What type of an article will you need to prove your point? If time, you may begin reading Chapters 13 and 14 in class today. Homework: Meet here tomorrow. We will be in the media center most of class period on Friday. Your annotated bibs could be completed by Friday, but they are not due until next Tuesday. Homework: Work on your annotated bibliographies. They are due on Tuesday. Finish Chapter 13 and 14 for Monday.
Honors World Literature August 21 st, 2015 Media Center The media specialist is going to show you how to use EasyBib and a few other sites. If you already know how to use these sites, that’s great. Others do not have your wisdom, so be quiet and let others learn. It will be a great review, too! Reminder 1: Nothing makes me more upset than when my students are rude or disrespectful. I brag about my students, so don’t make me look like a liar. Reminder 2: AFTER Mrs. Cochran is finished with her presentation, you may wear headphones while you work IF they do not distract you from your actual work. If you can’t hear me over your music, that means you are distracted. Do not claim you did not hear directions when you are choosing to wear headphones. If others can hear your music, it is too loud. Reminder 3: DO NOT PRINT ANYTHING UNTIL YOU HAVE PERMISSION! Reminder 4: BOTH annotated bibs are due Monday at the end of class. If you get them both done today, hand them in to me before you leave. We will go back to the media center on Monday. This is an IN-CLASS writing assignment. “I am going to do this at home” does not fly. Consider this a timed-write. Homework: Finish reading Chapters 13-14 by Monday, If you do not finish your annotated bibliographies today, they are due on Tuesday.
Honors World Literature August 24 th, 2015 Media Center Step 1: Now that you have found two articles that support your theme, you may print them off. IF THE ARTICLES ARE MORE THEN 5 PAGES, SEE ME FIRST!!! Step 2: You may now begin the process of writing your Annotated Bibliographies. A. Read the articles B. Answer the questions from the handout to create your annotated bib. Type your annotated bibliography. If you need help with the format, just ask. Attach your two articles to your finished annotated bibliographies. If either of your sources is a book, attach a copy of the page(s) you will be using. Step 3: If you are not finished today, do not leave the media center today with questions. Be sure you understand what you are doing. If you do not complete your annotated bibliographies in class today, you will have to finish them AND print them on your own. Homework: Finish reading Chapters 13 and 14 for Tuesday.
Honors World Literature August 25 th, 2015 Annotated Bibliography: If you did not turn your in final draft with articles, please do so now. First 10: Active and Passive Voice: Practicing Better Writing As a class, let’s remind ourselves about the difference between active and passive voice. As a class, let’s do the first two numbers for each section together. Next 10 minutes, work together to complete the remaining sentences. Review Chapters 13 and 14 Complete the applicable questions as we read. Themes in the Novel handout Continue to find quotes as we read to add to your list. Chapter 15: Read in class as a class. Last 10: In pairs or on your own, answer applicable questions for chapter 15. Homework: Chapter 16.
Honors World Literature August 26 th, 2015 First 10: Do either or both… Themes in the Novel: 10 minutes to work together to share or add/find quotes. Complete the top two questions from the packet, if you did not get finished yesterday. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement: Practicing Better Writing Review Chapter 16 Read Chapter 17: Complete the questions from the packet after reading. Postcard: Wish you were here. Begin: Monster “Postcard”: Wish you were here, Doctor… Write a postcard from the monster to Dr. Frankenstein Use specific information from the story to make your letter sound realistic and in-character. The image on the front of your postcard should represent the location of the monster. If you are printing an image, it needs to be here tomorrow! No larger than a 4 X 6 image, please. (That’s the size of a large notecard.) Homework: Chapter 18 Quiz over Chapters 13-18 tomorrow.
Honors World Literature August 27th, 2015 First 10: Paired Review Review the vocabulary and chapters 13-18 prior to the quiz Chapter 13-18 quiz Subject Verb agreement handout after the quiz Postcard assignment: Complete your postcard in class today. Hand in your postcard before you leave today. If you finish, please read Chapter 19 for tomorrow. Homework: Chapter 19.
Honors World Literature August 28 th, 2015 First 10: Video clip As you watch, find at least 5 ways the 1964 movie is different from the book. (Begin at 20:30-28:00) (Begin at 20:30-28:00) Postcards are due. Please staple your postcard to the front of the rough draft. Quiz (Grade from yesterday) Paired Learning 11-16 handout ---Complete the remaining questions with a partner 17-21 handout ---Complete the Personal Response and Question 1 – Analyzing Literature Vocabulary words for the next Chapters 19-24. Please review your vocabulary over the weekend. Reviewing the night before or right before the quiz is not working for many students. Chapter 19: Review Chapter 20 as a class. Last 10: Individual Reading: Begin Chapter 21 on your own. Homework: Finish Chapter 21 for homework. Quiz over Chapters 19-24 will be Tuesday.
Honors World Literature August 31 st, 2015 First 10: Active Reading Handout: Complete the front page as a class Review Chapters 20 and 21. Complete remaining sections of the Active Reading handout Pair with another student for about 10 minutes to complete the handout. Chapters 22 and 23 as a class Last 10: Individual reading time for chapter 24. Homework: Chapter 24 on your own. Final quiz is Tuesday.
Honors World Literature September 1 st, 2015 First 10: Review for quiz Quiz/Grade quiz Let’s mark the vocabulary for the test. Introduction to the Criminal Profile ---Follow along with the handout Complete the “rough draft” handout today. When we go to the lab on Friday, you can complete it online. Final product is not due until next Wednesday. Last 10: Word find for bonus points! Homework: Test is Thursday. Going to the media center on Friday.
Honors World Literature September 2 nd, 2015 First 10: Bonus Points handout ---The result are in! (You may not use more than 5 bonus points on any given test.) Review Day: 45 minutes with a group --- This review can and will be done silently if you choose to waste your team’s time, your time, and most certainly my time. Please make intelligent choices with your behavior. Pre-selected groups of 4: Step 1: There are four quizzes in each folder. Go through your old quizzes to see what you missed. If it is vocabulary, check to see if it is the vocab that will actually show up on the test. Step 2: As a group, complete the crossword review handout. I will give you five hints for each side. First group of 4 that correctly finishes both sides of the crossword receives 5 bonus points for each member. Step 3: Frankenstein review sheet. Read the review sheet. Complete the character (1-14) and terms section (1-15) as a group. Frankenstein Bingo You may choose between bonus or candy. Last 10: Review questions: Let’s confirm your review notes. Homework: Test on Thursday. Video of Criminal Minds is Thursday. Finish video on Friday. Media Center on Friday (last hour).
Honors World Literature September 3 rd, 2015 First 10: Review your vocabulary and review sheet with a partner. Frankenstein Test – You may not have anything except a pencil on your desk. You may not talk to anyone during the test or after you have turned in your test. If you need to use the restroom, you may go after you turn in your test. When you finish the test, please continue to work on the rough draft of your criminal profile. Criminal Minds video Last 10: Discuss answers to video questions and clarify any assignment issues. Homework: Rough draft should be done for the dossier for tomorrow.
Honors World Literature September 4 th, 2015 First 10: Review requirements for Criminal Profile Finish Criminal Minds video Media Center Work on the dossier. Go to my blog at Go to the FILES section and find the Dossier template. Save this template to a flash drive or some place you can access it at home. Work on your questions Do not sit beside anyone who will get you off track. This is a work day! Homework: Final dossier (your level) is due next Thursday. Have a wonderful break!
Honors World Literature Tuesday, September 8 th, 2015 Substitute Day Substitute will hand out the following Manilla folder for your profile Card for your video reflection Tests to students who were absent for the first round. Frankenstein Video Homework: Frankenstein Criminal Profile due on Thursday.
Honors World Literature Wednesday, September 9 th, 2015 First 10: Let’s discuss what is on your cards from last class. What were some of the greatest differences? What were some of the minor differences? Finish remaining part of the Frankenstein video On the back of the card, write the following phrase: “If I were the new creator and director of a Frankenstein movie, I would… Be clear in your answer. You are a 10 th grade Honors student, so I expect your answers to be worthy of your placement. Hand them in to me before we begin our last 10 minutes. Last 10: Q and A Let’s look at the requirements for the criminal profile. Let’s go through the directions step by step. Homework: The profile must be ready to go next class period. You should not be gluing, coloring, printing, stapling, etc… I will pick them up first thing tomorrow. BTW, I have no paper, so you can’t print here anyway…
Honors World Literature Thursday, September 10 th, 2015 First 10: Project Run-Down Take out your criminal profiles. Make sure all items are in your folder (if you used the folder). Make sure your name is one your questions, your profile sheet, and your folder (if used). Pass up your folders to the front person in your row. Themes Handout: Time to get started on the research paper. 15 minutes with a partner: Using any of your handouts and your Frankenstein book fill in the remaining quotes for the themes. Lead-in practice, TQEET format, and the start to your research paper. Let’s read through the lead-in handout together. Next, you will need a sheet of paper. Choose ONE really good quote from your theme handout. Using this quote, write three separate lead-ins for this quote. Choose another quote. Repeat directions from above. You should have a total of 6 practice lead-ins/quotes to turn in to me. Turn in your lead-ins. TQEET format handout: Introduction to the research paper. Last 10: Miss South Carolina --- Her speech should convince you that being prepared with a format is a good idea. Homework: Bring your writing brain tomorrow. We start composing the first body paragraph tomorrow. You will get your annotated bibs back tomorrow for research.
Honors World Literature Friday, September 11 th, 2015 First 10: Video clip – Writing your paper Not like this - Or like this --- And PLEASE do not come to me like this --- (This just means you are totally unprepared…) Annotated Bibliographies Refresh your memory. What was valuable enough in these articles that you felt they were worth analyzing? Find the quote or quotes you found worthy of repeating in your paper. High-light these quotes. Claim statement: How do I write a good one? Let’s look at completing the template. TQEET body paragraph 1 The first paragraph will be focused on the theme within the novel Frankenstein. Using your themes handout, pick two quotes you believe will work perfectly with your first body paragraph. On a separate sheet of paper, write down WHAT the quote is “actually saying” and then write down WHY the quote perfectly supports your theme. Now, go back to the TQEET format handout. Begin filling in the format with a topic sentence, lead-ins, your quotes, and well-written explanations. BTW: For the future: The second paragraph will be focused on the overlapping theme from Frankenstein to modern day. Think: How and why does this theme still resonate with the modern world? Last 10: Let’s share a few TQEET paragraphs on the ELMO. This is a great time for Q and A. Homework: Typed claim statement with your first body paragraph is due Monday. Final paper is due next Friday. Nope, I’m not joking.
Honors World Literature Monday, September 14 th, 2015 First 10: Body paragraph Round 1 Assessment High-light your two lead-ins in PINK. High-light your two quotes in yellow Circle your parenthetical documentation Using a red pen, put a box around your two explanation sentences. Using a red pen, put an X on overused words like “many, a lot, very, really, great, bad, good, said/says. Using a red pen, put an X on first person pronouns. (I, me, my mine, we, us, our… Hand in to me today. You will get them back tomorrow. Second body paragraph: Let’s look at your quotes from the articles you found. Find three quotes you think are amazing for your topic. Write them on the blank paper and then tape them to the colored paper. Don’t forget to write the title of the article after you write the quote Take a “Quotes Walk” to steal any quotes you think are better than yours. Write any quotes down you think might work for your topic, even if they aren’t under you’re theme. If you decide to use a quote from a new source, you must find the source, print it out, and turn it in with your final paper. Last 10: Time to write your 2 nd body rough draft. Focus on topic sentence, first quote, and explanations. Homework: First and second body paragraphs are due on Wednesday. We will write introductions and conclusions on Tues/Wed.
Honors World Literature Tuesday, September 17 th, 2015 First 10: Top 5 Good, Top 5 Need Helps and Top 5 Yikes! with the papers Review paragraph 1 – Go back and do some rewrites today before you move on to paragraph 2. Paragraph 2: Using the wisdom you now have from your first paragraph, write a draft of your 2 nd body paragraph. Please, oh please, do not ask “Can you read this and tell me if it is ok?” or “Ami I doing this right?” Please, oh please, do not say “I don’t know where to start.” or “I have no idea what I am doing,” You have the format that tells you where to start. You have the quotes, themes handout, posters around the room, the novel, and your annotated articles that give you an endless amount of information regarding your topic. Your analysis comes from your brain, not mine. It’s your paper. Show me you know what you are talking about. Last 10: Let’s talk about how you are going to complete your homework: Example format. Homework: Type out your claim statement, your 1 st body paragraph, and your second body paragraph. Double space, Times New Roman, Size 12. Use an MLA heading. We will self-assess tomorrow.
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