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Presentation on theme: " Irene Stillings Executive Director San Diego Regional Energy Office METCOGEN New York City October 7, 2004 The Energy Show in California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Irene Stillings Executive Director San Diego Regional Energy Office METCOGEN New York City October 7, 2004 The Energy Show in California

2 “Governator” Newest Action- Adventure Epic to Hit California

3 The Power Picture Titanic”  “Titanic”:The Energy Crisis of 2005-06? Twins”  “Twins”: Inadequate Supply & Transmission Congestion Back to the Future  “Back to the Future?” - Restructuring? True Lies”  “True Lies”:The CA Performance Review Red Heat”:  “Red Heat”: Executive/Legislative Relations

4 The Cast  CA Energy Action Plan  Procurement  Energy Efficiency  Self - Generation  Demand Response  Resource Adequacy  Renewables and RECs

5 A Few Key Players  PG&E/SCE/SDG&E/SoCalGas/Duke/Calp ine  TURN/ UCAN/Alliance for Retail Markets  LADWAP/SMUD/San Francisco/San Diego  SDREO/EHC/SEMPRA/Anaheim  NRDC/ Sierra Club/SDCWA/SVMA  CPUC/CEC/ORA/Cal-ISO/CMTA  WEM/SESCO/IEPA/CalSEA/

6 Their Roles  The Energy Action Plan: crafted by the CPUC, CEC & CPA. Establishes “loading order”  Procurement: IOUs file bi-annual plans  Energy Efficiency: Goal to meet 55-59% of incremental energy needs for next 10 yrs.  Self-Generation: $125mm/year through 2007 for PV, fuel cells, CHP, microturbines, etc.

7  Demand Response: 2007 goal is 5% of peak demand met through DR – 2600 MW; advance metering pilot near end  Resource Adequacy: 15 – 17 % reserve margin by ’06 or ’08  Renewables & RECs: 20% renewables by 2017; who owns RECs?

8 The Ending is a Cliffhanger!  Will decisions on the proceedings be delayed by changes at the Commission?  Will new Commission appointments bring peace to the CPUC?  Will the CEC survive?  Will the election change the balance of power in the legislature?  Will the Governator be able to pursue his vision?

9 Stay tuned for “Governator II” To be released in October 2005

10 Thank You! Irene Stillings, Executive Director San Diego Regional Energy Office 8520 Tech Way, Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92123 Tel: 858.244.1177 Email: Internet:

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