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TCA VENet | evaluation Dietmar Paier Center for Education and Economy, Research & Consulting Graz, Austria 3rd project meeting 15. 05. 2006, Werl.

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Presentation on theme: "TCA VENet | evaluation Dietmar Paier Center for Education and Economy, Research & Consulting Graz, Austria 3rd project meeting 15. 05. 2006, Werl."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCA VENet | evaluation Dietmar Paier Center for Education and Economy, Research & Consulting Graz, Austria 3rd project meeting 15. 05. 2006, Werl

2 2 the goals of this session  9 month project = 9 month evaluation  Now: brief overview on some results  Midterm report after the meeting  Change in the evaluation team:  Retirement of Gerd Beidernikl  Dietmar Paier takes over evaluation tasks

3 3 the goals of this session  Topics  Feedback questionnaire of the last meeting  The project development  Gender Mainstreaming  Products and concepts  Overview on the upcoming steps in the frame of the evaluation at the end of the meeting

4 4 project meeting 1 and 2

5 5 meetings  2 prior meetings with certain advantages and disadvantages  Quality of the meetings has clearly improved. Findings from the second meeting (Gerd) as well as results of the feedback questionnaire.  Separate moderation – good decision with improvement in the discussions  Equal representation of the delegations  Higher satisfaction of the partners with the environment of the meeting and the quality of the meeting regarding content and discussions  (nearly) no side-discussions in German

6 6 1st meeting2nd meeting Your overall assessment of the meeting 44% excellent88% excellent Satisfaction with organization of the meeting 66% completely100% completely Satisfaction with moderation of the meeting 44% to a large extent 100% to a large extent Satisfaction with information received and decisions made regarding the VENet model 33% completely83% completely Satisfaction with information received and decisions made regarding the dissemination work 66% to a large extent 100% to a large extent meetings

7 7 1st meeting2nd meeting Satisfaction with information received and the decisions made regarding Gender Mainstreaming 22% to a large extent 71% to a large extent Extent to which there is mutual understanding of aims and objectives of the TCA 44% to a large extent 100% to a large extent Satisfaction with outcomes of the meeting 77% to a large extent 100% to a large extent Equal participation / integration of all partners 33% to a large extent 100% to a large extent meetings

8 8  On all levels obvious improvements.  Much higher satisfcation, especially with  The VENet model  The GM concept  Results in higher satisfaction with the outcomes and descisions of the meeting.  Clarification of visions and perceptions at the second meeting. Mutual understanding of aims and objectives grows.

9 9 project development

10 10 project development  The workflow in the 2nd project stage proceeded well  Good coordination work by the TCA secretary  Clear and efficient project management resp. project controlling  Most of the tasks could be fullfilled as scheduled!  Most of the To Dos of the 2nd meeting completed!  Some minor delays with no relevance to the overall project development.

11 11 project development  Delays especially in the area of mainstreaming work  National mainstreaming strategies  TCA mainstreaming strategy  IMPORTANT: observable delays / problems concerning the implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in the project.  Implementation of GM goals and subgoals still not fullfilled as discussed at the 2nd meeting.  Therefore on the agenda at the 3rd meeting.  GM-perspective should become evident!

12 12 Gender Mainstreaming  GM-guidelines for content work regarding the website prepared by Judy.  GM check in the frame of the content evaluation  Additional GM-papers by Julia.  Good basis to start from  Formulation of GM goals still owing  Integration of GM aspects as well into the mainstreaming strategy  Products of the TCA should include transparent GM perspective!

13 13 structure  One discussion at the 2nd meeting: integration of steering group members into the TCA based upon the social network survey  Especially steering group members from Cyprus appeared to be integrated poorly.  Some kind of role clarification since then. Julia as transnational gateway to Cyprus.  Continuity regarding involved persons  Information transfer within the national context

14 14

15 15  One main dissemination product: VENet website  Discussions on construction at the last meeting  6th April draft version  13th April online  Analysis of the usage statistics  visitors of the website (average, by countries)  top pages, top referrer, search strings  downloads, most freqeuently visited pages  By now only a glimpse at some results. Will be inportant when dissemination work starts.

16 16

17 17  Other aspects (content level) of the website will be assessed in the next evaluation steps.  A website is never finished! Periodical need for updating information and interaction with users.  Important topic still seems to be open:  Who is responsible for the maintenance of the website regarding the content?  A lot of work was done by Judy although website responsibility is at Cyprus.  How to proceed?  Who is the target group of the website?

18 18 next steps of the evaluation

19 19 Upcoming steps

20 20 Upcoming steps  Mid-term report in May/June 2006  Summary of all evaluation steps to this date  Start of the product & content evaluation  According of the progress regarding each product  Start of the evaluation of the dissemination work  Incl. Usage of the internet platform  Social network survey in autumn 2006

21 21 interviews  Meetings as a good possibility to get in depth information from the partners  Therefore: qualitative interviews with the project managers of each country during/accompanying to this meeting.

22 22 feedback questionnaire  As at every meeting: short feedback questionnaire at the end of the meeting  Will be handed out by Judy and send to the evaluator

23 23 Thank you! In case of questions: +43 / 316 / 72 17 44 -11

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