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Obtaining Help for Pharmacy Issues and Submitting Enhancements 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Obtaining Help for Pharmacy Issues and Submitting Enhancements 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Obtaining Help for Pharmacy Issues and Submitting Enhancements 1

2 Sign up for the Pharmacy ListServ Send a message to DO NOT add a subject. Send from the email address from which you want to subscribe. In the body of the message, type: SUBSCRIBE IHSRX your full name 2

3 Sign up for the Pharmacy ListServ Alternately, visit the web interface to sign up for the list and see what others are available: From here you can also see the list archives to see if there is already an answer to your question 3

4 How to get technical help IT help is offered in a tiered system. It is VITAL that the tier process is followed to get the most efficient assistance. Failure to follow the tiers can lead to significant delays. 4

5 Step One to get technical help Check locally! If you have a Pharmacy Informaticist on staff, try them first. The Pharmacy or EHR ListServs can often be helpful. If these do not resolve the issue, contact YOUR site manager. Many Areas have specific “Help Desks” set up that you can contact via phone or email, or even a Web interface 5

6 Step Two to get technical help If the site manager cannot resolve the issue, THEY will contact the next tier. This is usually the Area level IT support persons. Generally, the user (i.e. YOU) would NOT contact the Area IT support. 6

7 Step Three to get technical help If the Area or second tier cannot resolve the issue, it will be elevated to the next tier. This is the National OIT Help Desk. AGAIN, the user would NOT be the one to make the request, although they will often be listed as the local contact point if the OIT Help Desk, the assigned technician, or contractor has questions 7

8 But, prevention is the key! Sign up for and read through the messages on the Pharmacy ListServ. Announcements of new patches, known issues, etc all come through that list. READ and take the necessary steps outlined in the new patch release documents. Keep up with the pharmacy package maintenance. Maintaining a few entries each day will be easier than trying to update 1000 entries all at once in the future. 8

9 Submitting Enhancements Users often find ways that RPMS could be improved: Processes streamlined Confusing screens reorganized Reports improved 9

10 Where to Submit Requests =feedback&option=add&newquery=1 =feedback&option=add&newquery=1 10

11 Questions 11

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