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A Model for Improving Operations through Archived Data 2005 ITS America Annual Meeting Mark Carter – SAIC Robert Haas - SAIC May 2 nd, 2005 i Florida’s.

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Presentation on theme: "A Model for Improving Operations through Archived Data 2005 ITS America Annual Meeting Mark Carter – SAIC Robert Haas - SAIC May 2 nd, 2005 i Florida’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Model for Improving Operations through Archived Data 2005 ITS America Annual Meeting Mark Carter – SAIC Robert Haas - SAIC May 2 nd, 2005 i Florida’s Central Florida Data Warehouse and Its Potential for Improving the Safety, Security, and Reliability of Central Florida’s Transportation System

2 Presentation Overview Overview of the i Florida Model Deployment Overview of the Central Florida Data Warehouse (CFDW) Planned Uses of the CFDW Planned Evaluation of the CFDW

3 Overview of the i Florida Model Deployment

4 The i Florida Deployment Orlando highways and key arterials Travel time and video data Road-specific weather data DMS, Variable Speed Limit, 511, and traveler information Website Traffic incident data

5 The i Florida Deployment Florida Intrastate Highways Traffic and video data at 54 monitoring stations Road-specific weather data 511 and traveler information Website Traffic incident data

6 Overview of the Central Florida Data Warehouse

7 The Central Florida Data Warehouse

8 Storing “raw” data Loop detector data Travel times from License Plate Recognition/AVI processor Current and predicted weather conditions Traffic incident information from Highway Patrol and from Regional TMC operators Airport and transit information from Airport Authority and Transit Provider Road construction information

9 The Central Florida Data Warehouse Storing processed data from the Condition Reporting System (CRS) 511, Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), and Variable Speed Limit (VSL) messages CRS recommendations for 511, DMS, and VSL messages

10 The Central Florida Data Warehouse Processing data Clean loop detector data Generate travel times from loop detector data Generate travel time predictions Generating origin-destination information from License Plate Recognition/AVI data (under consideration)

11 Planned Uses of the Central Florida Data Warehouse

12 Metropolitan Planning Use: METROPLAN Orlando will experiment and evaluate how CFDW data can be used to improve regional planning and decision-making. Data: To be determined, but will include traffic counts and, if they are available, origin-destination data. Status: Scope of work and institutional agreements being developed. Expect contract execution in June 2005.

13 Network Reliability Use: Region wide application of the Florida Reliability Method. Data: Travel times on Orlando roads. Status: Scope of work nearly complete. Obtaining agreements from other stakeholders to use data for this project. ITN to be released soon. Details: Reliability is defined as the percentage of time that travel times during a peak demand period are below the expected (median) travel time, plus an acceptable additional time.

14 Travel Time Predictions Use: Use of historical travel time values to produce predictions of future travel times. Data: Travel time data. Status: Travel time predictions are part of the CFDW project, which should be completed in July 2005. Details: The original concept was for the CFDW to provide 24-hour travel time predictions. This scope has been reduced to 5-, 10-, and 15-minute predictions because of concerns that longer range predictions would be inaccurate.

15 Evaluation of the Central Florida Data Warehouse

16 Data Quality and Reliability Approach: The evaluation will review the accuracy and reliability of the i Florida data by extracting data from the CFDW and testing that data. Data: Most CFDW traffic data, including field measurements and processed and cleaned data. Details: Raw and processed data will be extracted and tested in a number of ways, such as comparing to independent measurements, searching for outliers, determining the fraction of time that “good” data is available, etc.

17 Data Accessibility Approach: The evaluation will review interfaces for accessing CFDW data and will exercise those interfaces to collect data for the evaluation. Data: Most CFDW traffic data, including field measurements and processed and cleaned data. Details: Documented CFDW interfaces will be reviewed and compared to the needs of potential CFDW users. The CFDW interfaces will be used to collect data for evaluation. The business practices used to encourage use of and control access to the CFDW data will be documented.

18 Data Privacy and Security Approach: The evaluation will identify approaches taken to ensure the privacy and security of CFDW data. Data: Business and data management practices and procedures. Details: The business and data management procedures will be reviewed to determine how privacy and security issues are addressed.

19 Impacts of the CFDW Approach: The evaluation will assess the quantitative and qualitative benefits of the CFDW Data: Interviews with operations and planning staff. Details: The evaluators will investigate and document the benefits of the CFDW in: Leading to improved operational strategies and conditions Supporting predictive travel times Reducing costs associated with the planning process Improving the fidelity of the planning process Other unanticipated uses as they evolve

20 Utility as an Evaluation Tool Approach: The evaluation will use the CFDW to perform an assessment of many of the other elements of i Florida Data: CFDW traffic count and travel time data. Details: The evaluators will use CFDW data to compute measures of the impact of iFlorida on traffic conditions. In this way, the evaluation is a de facto test of the ability of the CFDW to support performance measure calculations.

21 Summary

22 The CFDW will be a central reservoir for road condition data for Orlando and the State of Florida The CFDW will provide public- and private-sector access to the data Several uses of this data are already planned FDOT expects other uses to evolve as the data becomes available

23 Thank You !

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