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Hello class !.... And how do you do, today ? Great ! Good to know !...

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Presentation on theme: "Hello class !.... And how do you do, today ? Great ! Good to know !..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello class !...

2 And how do you do, today ?

3 Great ! Good to know !...

4 Now that we know how we are right now... So...

5 And now that we already know how to express what is presently happening in our lives...

6 Maybe it would be time to start thinking a little bit about...


8 And more precisely...

9 What are things that YOU would like to do, in the future ?

10 Or in other words... What are some DREAMS you could have for the future ?

11 And... Just like we write « to-do » lists for the most commonplace things of our daily life...

12 Why not to make a to-do list for our dreams, for a change ?

13 But before you start writing your own to-do list...

14 Why not to take a look at...

15 John Smith's to-do list !...

16 In the future, I want to... - buy a new tractor - build an extension to my pigsty - find some time to sit down and just relax ! John Smith's to-do list

17 But what if you have a few « more girlie » dreams ?

18 Well, in this case... Let's just take a look at Deborah's to-do list !...

19 Deborah's to-do list In the future, I want to... - find the man of my dreams - learn how to knit - travel in Europe

20 Now that you know how to do a to-do list for dreams... So...

21 What about doing YOURS !?!...

22 Just do like John Smith !... So in order to start it...

23 « In the future, I want to... » And just start your list by writing...

24 And then... Just write at least 2-3 things you would like to do !...

25 In other words, your to- do list should basically look just like this...

26 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) _____________________ In the future, I want to...

27 GOOD JOB !...

28 So... Now that you know what your intentions are for the future...

29 Why not to decide to make them... a REALITY !....

30 All you have to do in order to do this, is to add just a little word before your verb, in your sentence... And it's easy !

31 For example... Let's just see how John Smith does it !...

32 John Smith's to-do list (revisited) In the future, I... - WILL buy a new tractor - WILL build an extension to my pigsty - WILL find some time to sit down and just relax !

33 And what about Deborah's ?

34 Deborah's to-do list (revisited) In the future, I... - WILL find the man of my dreams - WILL learn how to knit - WILL travel in Europe

35 In other words...

36 What word do you need in order to indicate the future tense, in English ?

37 That's right !.... WILL !...

38 And by the way... In your opinion, to what kind of word does WILL belong, in fact ?

39 And more precisely, is it... A) a NOUN B) a VERB C) an AUXILLARY or MODAL (verb) ?...

40 BINGO ! And now that we think of it...

41 What exactly does a modal do ?

42 What are modals used for ? Or in other words...

43 So why not to see what experts have to say about it !...

44 By going just right there !... ar/modalverbs.html

45 And, judging from these sentences... How exactly do we use modals ?...

46 I will do that for you. I would love to eat some cake for dessert ! You should come with me. You could become the best !...

47 THAT'S RIGHT !... Just like this !...

48 Subject + MODAL + Verb

49 And, coming back to the word « will »... Isn't it interesting to see that this word also means :

50 Will : « The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action » (Free Online Dictionary)

51 And by the way... Don't we say that... « Where there's a will, there's a way » ?...

52 If you want something to happen, in the future... So in other words...

53 Just decide that it WILL be so !...

54 Now, if you feel ready to decide what your future will be like... Well, let's just go for it, then !...

55 So... Getting back to business...

56 Can you REWRITE your to-do list, using the future tense ?

57 So your new list should look a bit like this...

58 In the future I... - Will.... -Will... (...) My to-do list


60 And now... What about sharing all this with your partners ?...

61 And it's easy ! In fact, your dialogue should simply sound a bit like this...

62 (So let's just open and go through the document called « Future Plans » !...)


64 And now... Did you know that from now on, you can actually conjugate ANY verb in the future tense ?

65 So.... Why not to give it a try...

66 ...And conjugate the following verb in the future tense ?


68 And what about putting it in the negative form ?....

69 Or the abbreviated form ?...

70 And what about the negative abbreviated form !?!...

71 GREAT JOB !...

72 And what about getting some more practice of all this ?

73 So let's just get to this site !... http://www.englisch- ts.htm

74 And while we're at it... Did you know there was another way to indicate the future, in English ?

75 And in order to find it... Just look at the following examples !...

76 Tomorrow, I am going to shop at the shopping centre. You are going to be famous... I know it !... Rihanna's fans are going to like her new album. Today, we are going to learn English together... For real !... What are you going to do, tomorrow ?

77 What is the other way to indicate the future, in English ?... So, apart from using « will »....

78 EXACTLY !... The form « BE GOING TO » !...

79 And judging from the previous examples... Can you find out how it should actually be used ?

80 Tomorrow, I am going to shop at the shopping centre. You are going to be famous... I know it !... Rihanna's fans are going to like her new album. Today, we are going to learn English together... For real !... What are you going to do, tomorrow ?

81 EXACTLY !.. And in other words, just like this !..

82 Subject + BE (Conjugated) + GOING TO + Verb

83 And now... Do you believe you can conjugate ANY verb by using this form ?

84 Well, then... Let's just try it !...

85 And let's just try to conjugate the following verb with the form « BE GOING TO » !...


87 And what about the negative, contracted, and negative contracted forms ?

88 ... Great ! And by the way...

89 But there are certain situations in which these two forms tend to be used more specifically. Most of the time, WILL and BE GOING TO can be used interchangeably.

90 Which of course leads us to the following question...

91 How can we know when to use « WILL » or « BE GOING TO » ?...

92 Great question indeed !... So let's just ask the experts about it !...

93 By going just right there !... esson.html

94 And now that you have already acquired a new tool to express yourself about the future...

95 Why not to put this new knowledge into practice... While just having a little chat !..

96 Let's just get to the next dialogue in the document « Future plans » !... So...

97 EXCELLENT WORK !... And now, if you look at the next few examples...

98 Can you figure out what is the special form in which the construction « be going to » is most commonly used nowadays in informal contexts, and thus in conversation ?

99 Tomorrow, I'm gonna shop at the shopping centre You're gonna be famous... I know it !... Rihanna's fans are gonna like her new album. Today, we're gonna learn English together... For real !... What are you gonna do, tomorrow ?

100 YES ! The form « GONNA » !...

101 And indeed, to use that form, when speaking about the future... All you have to do is to replace « going to » by... which word, already ?

102 YES !... GONNA !...

103 And with this new understanding... Why not to see if you can conjugate a verb (let's say DO), but this time while using the form « gonna » ?...

104 And of usual... Let's see if you can conjugate that verb in its positive and negative, as well as its contracted and negative contracted forms !...


106 And just before we end... Did you know that there was still one last way to indicate the future, in English ?

107 And, by chance... Could you actually know what it is ?

108 And if not... Let's see if you may spot it among the following sentences...

109 The necessary time shall be set aside for washing and for cleaning. We shall take appropriate measures when the time comes. We shall pay particular attention to this issue. The Fundamental Rights Platform shall be coordinated under the authority of the Director.

110 YES !... SHALL !...

111 But of course, there are certain situations in which SHALL tends to be used more specifically. In principle, WILL and SHALL can also be used interchangeably.

112 And judging from the next examples, can you guess the first of the two main reasons for which SHALL may still be used ?

113 Shall we dance ? Shall we begin dinner? Shall we move into the living room ?

114 YES ! For polite suggestions, and notably invitations !

115 And finally... What about finding the second of these two main reasons for using SHALL, again by looking at a few more sentences !

116 Man shall explore the distant regions of the universe. These procedures shall be subject to accountability. We shall overcome oppression.

117 YES AGAIN ! For formalized language, and especially for important or official statements !

118 Let's just not worry too much about it, since SHALL is quite rarely used, nowadays, probably because of what is usually perceived as its overly formal connotation ! But you know what ?

119 And before we end this great lesson... Why not to try applying this new understanding, and more precisely our knowledge of the modal WILL, to a somewhat more practical situation, namely...

120 Ordering food at a... RESTAURANT !....

121 And for this... Let's just open the document titled « Restaurant »... And there we go !...


123 And now... It just looks like that's it for today !...

124 So, let's just wish each other...


126 And as a part of this... Let's just see each other again for next class !...

127 So... FAREWELL !...

128 Mister Tremblay cours d'anglais All rights reserved Tous droits réservés

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