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Presented By: Sheena Joslyn Secretary to Mr. Robert Seale-Associate Superintendent for Finance MAC/SHARS Contact Provider: Medicaid Finance & Consulting.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Sheena Joslyn Secretary to Mr. Robert Seale-Associate Superintendent for Finance MAC/SHARS Contact Provider: Medicaid Finance & Consulting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Sheena Joslyn Secretary to Mr. Robert Seale-Associate Superintendent for Finance MAC/SHARS Contact Provider: Medicaid Finance & Consulting Services (MFCS) A Division of Houston ISD

2  Booklet Pages  Logging in  How, when & what to bill  Screen Shots

3  Page 1  Eligibility Criteria  Page 3  Policy  Page 29  Evaluation + Therapy  Billable Time  Page 50  Reminders

4  Implemented 2011-2012  Once a year, on first login requirement  After login (see slides 8-10):  Ensure all data is correct for your profile  Type in, exactly as it appears, your name to the “sign here” text box at bottom  Click “View SA Form”  Print it, sign and date it, fax it to Houston  ALL original forms come to Sheena Joslyn in the administration building  IF the SAF doesn’t show up, just click the “Profile” tab in eSHARS, choose the “My SA Form” option (print, sign/date, fax, send original to Sheena)




8  UserID = email address  Login = from Houston  5 Tabs  Birdville = Live data  Training = Fake data  Communication 1.Sheena Joslyn  Any Questions 2.Houston ISD 1.Add a Visit from Scratch 2.Review Pending Approval of Visits ONLY supervisors see 3.View your Visit History 4.View Student Info. 5.View Student Logs 6.View My Caseload 7.View My Appeal List




12 1. Caseload 2. Service 3. What would you like to do

13  “View My Caseload” ( blue box)  Allows you to add students to caseload  Place checkmark next to students you need in your caseload  Click “Add”  Pages of students, scroll to bottom  Removing a student (On right-side of screen)  Place a checkmark next to their name and click “Remove”  Click “close” or click the “Visit” tab


15 Left Side = Medicaid eligible students @ your assigned campus(es) Right Side = The billable students you see and bill for Expands


17  Highlight student and choose service  In this example we’re creating a Speech Evaluation Service  “Add a Visit From Scratch” (3rd, blue box)  Choose: 1.Location 2.Date ( Defaults to current date) 3.Visit Start Time ( Defaults to current time) 4.Length of visit  “Next”  Next screen = 2 questions  Before this Evaluation, was this Student Special ED?  After this Evaluation, will this Student be Special ED?  “Create, Save & Close”

18 2 nd Date 3 rd Start Time 4 th Length 5 th NEXT 1 st Location


20 Evaluations only billable if the student has an existing Special Ed. label or qualified for one.


22  Highlight student and choose service  In this example we’re creating a Speech Therapy Service  “Add a Visit From Scratch” (3rd, blue box)  Choose: 1.Location 2.Date ( Defaults to current date) 3.Visit Start Time ( Defaults to current time) 4.Length of visit 5.Individual or Group Session  “Next”  Primary Activity  Student Observation  Targeted IEP Objective  “Save, “Copy,” “Delete” and “Close”

23 Conversion information on page 44 of eSHARS booklet



26  Click the date(s) you wish to copy to  Cannot copy to future dates  If you click the wrong date, select it from right side and click “remove.”

27 Click “Next

28  Highlight Student from caseload  “Review Pending Approval of Visits” (3 rd box)  Choices:  Ready To Bill  Reviewed but Failed  Review Later  “Save “ and “Close”

29  Highlight Student from caseload  To see all visits, SKIP to next bullet  “View Your Visit History” (3 rd box)  Copied visits: “open” visits and edit them  Also delete any billed visits  EXCEPTION:  EXCEPTION: If the billing status reads “Bill Process Completed, Bill File Created” = Email Sheena Joslyn



32  Tabs are:  Visit History  Log (Optional Feature)  ARD History  Medicaid History  Campus History  Visit History (Delete, View, and change billing status) * ALERT: If not ready to bill, put into Completed-DO NOT BILL Status  ARD History (Modify and/or Add an ARD) *CAUTION: There may be services already present that need to stay within the active ARD *The ARD date can overlap the most recent ARD, but cannot overlap an existing Visit

33 A.Johnny’s ARD was scheduled for March 1 st, but was held on March 16 th A.You will NOT have any visits billed from March 1-March 15 B.You will “Add an ARD” to read March 16 th ending March 16 of the next year B.Lula’s ARD was scheduled for April 6 th, but was held on March 31 st A.You will “Edit” existing ARD to end on March 30 th B.You will “Add an ARD” to read March 31 st ending March 31 of the next year


35 Note: The previous ARD end date is one day prior to my current ARD Date


37  Communication via phone or BISD email  Add students via Sheena Joslyn  Parental consent forms  Setup a billing schedule  6 week maximum  Make sure student has ARD/IEP

38  Sheena Joslyn  (817) 547-5735   Training presentations, updates…  MAC/SHARS Website MAC/SHARS Website  Houston ISD  (800) 381-6334 

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