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Finish Start Fun Facts 1 Anatomy Life Cycle Finish Start Fun Facts Anatomy Life Cycle.

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2 Finish Start Fun Facts 1 Anatomy Life Cycle

3 Finish Start Fun Facts Anatomy Life Cycle

4 This game will take you through (insert purpose of the game). Click on the first box. Read through the information on the screen, and click on the BEST of the choices. Be careful, though. If you choose the wrong answer, you’ll be taken back to the initial screen, and you’ll have to start over! HAVE FUN! Click here to go back and get started.

5 Is a ladybug and insect or a reptile? Insect Reptile

6 A won't fly if the temperature is below Above 75 degrees Fahrenheit Below 55 degrees Fahrenheit

7 What begins to fade away on a ladybug as they get older Shell Spots

8 What do ladybugs feed on during hibernation? Fruits Stored fat

9 Who is usually smaller a male or female ladybug? Female Male

10 Go to Anatomy

11 What does the ladybug use to touch, smell and taste. Larvae Antennae Legs

12 What protects the ladybugs wings? Elytra Spots Head

13 Eye Shell Leg

14 What is the arrow pointing to? Leg Eye Antennae

15 What is the arrow pointing to? Elytra Wing Head

16 Go to Life Cycle

17 What stage is shown? Egg Larval

18 How long does this stage last? 2 to 5 days4 to 6 hours

19 What stage of the ladybugs life cycle is shown? AdultPupa

20 4 hours7 days About how long does the pupa stage last?

21 Pupa Larval Egg Which stage lasts the longest?

22 Finish

23 Now you are ready for more ladybug adventures Visit the following website to play a cool ladybug game.

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