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CHIPIX65/RD53 collaboration

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1 CHIPIX65/RD53 collaboration
Involvement in CHIPIX65/RD53 collaboration Sara Marconi, Pisana Placidi, Jorgen Christiansen

2 OUTLINE Introduction Global optimization and simulation framework
Requirements VEPIX53 architecture Input stimuli Applications of the framework Simulation of a test case Architectural study on buffering resources Architectural studies at implementation level Synthesis/P&R level implementation issues (ongoing) Conclusions

3 Context of the work: Introduction
RD53 Collaboration (CERN, Universities and Research institutes in EU and USA) CHIPIX65 Project (Collaboration among INFN and Italian Universities) Focussed R&D programs to develop pixel chips for extreme rate and radiation (ATLAS/CMS phase 2 upgrades) Extremely challenging requirements for ATLAS/CMS: Small pixels: 50x50um2 (25x100um2) and larger pixels Large chips: ~2cm x 2cm Hit rates: 2(3) GHz/cm2 Radiation: 1Grad, neu/cm2 Trigger: 1MHz, us (~100x buffering and readout) Low power - Low mass systems Baseline technology: 65nm CMOS Plans: CHIPIX65 demonstrator end of RD53 full scale demonstrator pixel chip end of 2016 Pixel Unit Cell (PUC) [L.Rossi et al.]

4 Involvement in the simulation working group:
Global optimization and simulation framework – Requirements (I) Involvement in the simulation working group: Goal: Development of dedicated verification and simulation framework for optimization of next generation pixel chips Requirements of simulation and verification framework [J. Christiansen, M. Garcia-Sciveres, RD53 proposal, 2013] Large sets of automated and flexible stimuli to be provided Automated verification functions Simulation of alternative pixel chip architectures at increasingly refined level as design progresses (Transaction, Behavioral, Register Transfer Level, Gate Level, …)

5 Global optimization and simulation framework – Requirements (II)
Framework needed for complex design optimization at all levels of the architecture Example: Combined increase in trigger latency and hit rate  ∼100 times higher buffering requirements (strong impact on area and power consumption) A track crossing the sensor hits a group of pixels Efficient processing of hits by grouping pixels in pixel regions (PR) where buffering logic is shared Different architectures to be evaluated to compare buffering resources needed interaction point sensor

6 Design Under Test (DUT)
Global optimization and simulation framework – VEPIX53 architecture test library TEST SCENARIO top UVC virtual sequencer analysis UVC TESTBENCH hit UVC reference model hit generation and injection monitoring of pixel chip input and output conformity checks and statistics collection scoreboard output UVC trigger UVC sequencer subscriber sequencer driver monitor driver monitor subscribers monitor hit_if trigger_if analysis_if output_if Design Under Test (DUT) TOP MODULE TLM port TLM export TLM analysis port/export Top-module: system (DUT) connected to environment through a set of interfaces Testbench: UVM (re-usable) Verification Components (UVCs) Test Scenario: defines configuration of verification components and the tests to be run during simulation

7 Global optimization and simulation framework – Input stimuli
Different categories of input stimuli: Internally generated hits External hit patterns ROOT format (from CLIC) (N. Alipour Tehrani) Text files, ASCII format (from CMS) (E. Migliore, M. Musich, M. Bilal Kiani, A. Tricomi) Minimum bias events with variable pixel size, thickness and pileup Emulation of digitization + clustering: energy deposit converted in electrons with variable threshold, full scale, electrons/ADC count and digitizer bits Non-clusterized data can be requested to CMS; converging to a unique ROOT file format Combination of the two

8 Applications of the framework: Simulation of a testcase
Test case for full-chip simulation: Design Under Test: ATLAS FEI4 (reference chip) at RTL description level Automated verification: (re-)use of reference model and scoreboard

9 Applications of the framework: Simulation of a testcase
Test case for full-chip simulation: Design Under Test: ATLAS FEI4 (reference chip) at RTL description level Automated verification: (re-)use of reference model and scoreboard Good scalability of the framework observed in terms of simulation time Software tool: Cadence Incisive Enterprise Simulator 13.2 Submatrix size Compilation time Elaboration time Simulation time (15,000 clock cycles) 10x336 2.04s 40.77s 35.83s 20x336 2.64s 1m 18s 1m 9s 40x336 2.84s 2m 16s 2m 56s 80x336 7.3s 6m 59s 7m 13s Hardware platform: Intel Xeon E312xx 2.6 GHz single-core processor

Applications of the framework: Architectural study (I) Architecture optimization: 3rd generation pixel architecture 95% digital (FEI4 like) Charge digitization 160k pixel channels per chip Pixel regions with buffering Data compression in End Of Column Focus so far: LATENCY BUFFERING ARCHITECTURES at behavioral level

11 Applications of the framework: Architectural study (II)
Different architectures evaluated at behavioural level to compare results on buffering resources Architecture A: fully shared hit packet buffer trigger matching logic in PR fully shared logic in PR Architecture B: shared hit time buffer (latency counters) distributed approach for hit information (hit charge buffer in each PUC) memory management unit

12 Applications of the framework: Architectural study (III)
DUT: digital blocks to be inserted in the complete system Identification of metrics of interest whose statistics will be collected through subscribers (deadtime, buffer occupancy..) Simulation run for 500,000 cycles, hit rate of 3 GHz/cm2, clusters with hit pixels on average Comparative plots on the buffer overflow probability as a function of the buffer depth produced

13 Architectural studies at implementation level
Plans (ongoing/future) : Acquire more confidence with RTL compiler and Encounter Digital Implementation tools starting from the pixel region RTL of the FE65P2 prototype Evaluate impact of using different buffer size Evaluate impact of bigger gate size Evaluate impact of clock gating Evaluate impact of bigger PR size (i.e. 4x4) Evaluate different architectures (possible collaboration with Torino for CHIPIX demonstrator) Evaluate impact of using Triple Module Redundancy (TMR) In parallel evaluate performance in terms of: Area Power Average Peak: definition/which tools to use under discussion SEU Tolerance

14 CONCLUSIONS VEPIX53 versatile simulation and verification environment implemented: use of UVM standard class library provides re-usability and configurability generation of stimuli (internal and imported) and automated verification test cases: simulation of ATLAS FE-I4 architectural evaluation on trigger latency buffering logic Further developments/ongoing: further architectural studies on different blocks (e.g. column arbitration, data compression,…) design optimization at implementation level (area, power, radiation tolerance, …)

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