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Submission February 2010 Don Sturek, PG&ESlide 1 Submission Title: [OpenSG San Francisco Bootcamp – Network Interoperability] Date Submitted: [February.

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Presentation on theme: "Submission February 2010 Don Sturek, PG&ESlide 1 Submission Title: [OpenSG San Francisco Bootcamp – Network Interoperability] Date Submitted: [February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Submission February 2010 Don Sturek, PG&ESlide 1 Submission Title: [OpenSG San Francisco Bootcamp – Network Interoperability] Date Submitted: [February 1st, 2010] Source: [Don Sturek] Company [PG&E] Address [77 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA 94105] Voice [+1 619 504 3615], E-Mail:[] Re: [OpenSG Communications Bootcamp – Network Interoperability] Abstract:[Bootcamp Presentation on Network Interoperability] Purpose:[Bootcamp Presentation]

2 Submission February 2010 Don Sturek, PG&ESlide 2 Network Interoperability Draft Scope/Charter document for discussion at SF face to face Draft requirements document outline for discussion at SF face to face Since we are using IP, draft requirements document needs to address the following types of issues as they apply across platforms: –Collection of RFCs used (from SE 2.0 TRD) –Security protocols and cipher suites (from SE 2.0 TRD) –Application support protocols (from SE 2.0) –Policies, procedures and other considerations (eg firewalls, etc.) that are needed for cross platform deployments –What else?

3 Submission February 2010 Don Sturek, PG&ESlide 3 Network Interoperability From the draft Scope/Charter: –Identify and articulate premise Network Interoperability requirements. Engage with Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) and vendor consortiums to realize realize implementation specifications and conformance programs based on the requirements. –Premise networks cover commercial, industrial and home area networks employing OpenSG requirements specifications. Ensure that the Network Interoperability requirements cover all market segments. –Align all premise Network Interoperability requirements with the NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Guidelines (Version 1.0 and any subsequent updates).

4 Submission February 2010 Don Sturek, PG&ESlide 4 Network Interoperability Proposed deliverables: –Creation of a Network Interoperability System Requirements Specification for premise platforms employing multiple physical network interfaces; –Outreach and engagement with SDO’s and vendor consortiums embracing and deploying the Network Interoperability System Requirements to realize standards and conformance programs based on the requirements; –The Network Interoperability Task Force will create, distribute and maintain a schedule and roadmap detailing the tasks and milestones that comprise the group's work; –The Task Force shall assist the Conformity Task Group in their job in defining the test plans and protocol interchange conformance statements (PICs) to apply certification to the components in its charter..

5 Submission February 2010 Don Sturek, PG&ESlide 5 Network Interoperability System Requirements Specification: –Requirements for certification of single interface platforms MAC/PHY requirements (IEEE 802.2 compliant, IETF RFC 1042) Network requirements (RFCs for: IPv6, ICMP, UDP, TCP) Platform requirements (RFCs for HTTP 1.1, REST architectural description, W3C EXI) –Internetworking requirements Edge routing requirements (RFCs for: OSPF, RIP, etc.) Avoid pairwise interface internetworking requirements –Policies, Best Common Practices, etc. Commissioning, Configuration and Maintenance Edge firewalling (aligned with SG-Security) Design for conformance test (aligned with SG-Conformity) Software/firmware update (aligned with OpenHAN) Security provisioning and revocation (aligned with SG-Security)

6 Submission February 2010 Don Sturek, PG&ESlide 6 Network Interoperability Call for participation: –Please e-mail: Don Sturek, Process: –Update/approve the draft Scope/Charter –Submit to OpenSG TC for approval –Review the Requirements Specification Outline, update/approve and begin work –Outreach to SDO’s, vendor consortiums: IETF, IEEE ZigBee Alliance, HomePlug Alliance Other SDO’s and vendor consortiums working on SE 2.0

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