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Teaching broadcast journalism: issues of pluralism Dr. Sholpan Kozhamkulova KIMEP University College of Social Sciences Department of Journalism and Mass.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching broadcast journalism: issues of pluralism Dr. Sholpan Kozhamkulova KIMEP University College of Social Sciences Department of Journalism and Mass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching broadcast journalism: issues of pluralism Dr. Sholpan Kozhamkulova KIMEP University College of Social Sciences Department of Journalism and Mass Communication UNESCO International Conference Alma-Ata+20 October 2012

2 Teaching Broadcast Journalism at KIMEP University

3 Defining pluralism Harvard University scholar Diana Eck developed four basic starting ideas to examine pluralism

4 Dr. Eck defined pluralism as: “energetic engagement with diversity” “energetic engagement with diversity” “active seeking of understanding across lines of difference” “active seeking of understanding across lines of difference” “ encounter of commitments ” “ encounter of commitments ” “ dialogue which reveals both common understandings and real differences” “ dialogue which reveals both common understandings and real differences”

5 Pluralism as Dynamic Involvement/Engagement

6 Pluralism as Search for Understanding in a diverse society

7 Pluralism as the cross roads of commitments

8 Pluralism as Constructive dialogue

9 Comments? Questions? THANK YOU! E-mail:

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