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Imperialism: American Style U.S. Foreign Policy at the Turn of the Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism: American Style U.S. Foreign Policy at the Turn of the Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism: American Style U.S. Foreign Policy at the Turn of the Century

2 Essential Question:  How and why did the United States take a more active role in world affairs?  Copy text in beige or white not black

3 Imperialism  Expansion by acquiring ownership /control over colonial areas/protectorates for economic, military, religious, or nationalist reasons.

4 Reasons for…  Invest surplus capital – ½ Billion by 1900  Obtain raw materials  Control Export Markets  Establish naval and military bases  Send missionaries to make converts  Compete for world power

5 Philosophy of American Imperialism  Monroe Doctrine, 1823  Manifest Destiny, 1840’s  Political Darwinism  Racial Superiority  Spread of Democracy  Roosevelt Corollary—hemisphere policemen  Building World Class Navy

6 Influence of Sea Power Upon History  Book by Alfred T. Mahan – President of Naval War College, 1885 – Thesis—the great imperial nations of the past had gained their power & prestige through naval supremacy  1880 fleet—142 wooden vessels  1900 fleet—3 rd in world

7 U.S. Territorial Acquisitions  Alaska, 1867—Seward’s Ice Box  Midway Islands, 1867  American Samoa, 1878  Annexation of Hawaii, 1893-1898 – Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, 1878 – Queen Liliuokalani – Dole Revolution – Republic then annexation

8 U.S. Foreign Policy  Perry Ends Japanese Isolationism, 1853  Hay’s Open Door Policy with China, 1898  Spanish American War, 1898  T.R.’s Big Stick Diplomacy

9  U.S. Instigated Revolt in Panama, 1904  Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy in L.A, 1909  Completion of Panama Canal, 1914

10 Causes: Spanish American War  American investments & tariffs  Cuban revolutionaries  The Butcher-General Valeriano Weyler  Yellow Journalism  De Lome Letter  Remember the Maine!

11 The “Splendid Little War”  War correspondents  Naval Victory at Manila Bay  Rough Riders

12 Effects of War  Cuban Independence, but  Platt Amendment  Annexation of Philippines, but  Filipino Insurrection  Acquisition of Puerto Rico & Guam  Growth of Nationalism




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