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November 2007 Living Lakes Survey Adaptation to Climate Change Introduction In October 2007, GNF sent out a short questionnaire by email to the Living.

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Presentation on theme: "November 2007 Living Lakes Survey Adaptation to Climate Change Introduction In October 2007, GNF sent out a short questionnaire by email to the Living."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 2007 Living Lakes Survey Adaptation to Climate Change Introduction In October 2007, GNF sent out a short questionnaire by email to the Living Lakes partner organisations. The aims was to get a general idea about the degree of awareness concerning the issue of climate change and adaptation in relation to wetlands and lake regions, to assess the vulnerability to climate change in these regions and to compile potential adaptation measures and strategies as well as information on implementation experiences. The questionnaire built on a draft survey on climate, adaptation and water resources which was prepared by an expert group on Water and Climate to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. GNF broke this comprehensive survey up to five key questions. By mid November 2007, we received feedback from 23 partner lakes, which is a response rate of 50 %.

2 November 2007 Survey Response 1.Bolgoda Lake, Sri Lanka 2.Broads, UK 3.Columbia River Wetlands, Canada 4.Dead Sea, Israel, Jordan, Palestine 5.La Nava, Spain 6.Lake Constance, Germany 7.Lake Fuquene, Colombia 8.Lake Paliastomi, Georgia 9.Lake Tengis, Kazakhstan 10.Lake Võrtsjärv, Estonia 11.Mahakam, Indonesia 12.Mar Chiquita, Argentina 13.Milicz Ponds, Poland 14.Mindelsee, Germany 15.Mono Lake, USA 16.Pantanal, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraquay 17.Poyang Lake, China 18.Pulicat Lake, India 19.Taal Lake, Philippines 20.Titicaca Lake, Boliva – Peru 21.Victoria, East Africa 22.Wilson Inlet, Australia 23.Wular Lake, India (Kashmir)

3 November 2007 1. Has your organisation already dealt with Climate Change adaptation issues in relation to your lake or wetland?

4 November 2007 Question 1: Comments Fields of Activities Research and monitoring in relation to adaptation Awareness Raising and Environmental Education No Activities (yet) Other threats (e.g. changes in land-use) are rated more critical and urgent than long-term climate changes No capacities for occupation with adaptation strategies General Conclusion Most partners have been active in relation to climate change and impacts, next step will be adaptation

5 November 2007 2. What is the degree of awareness among decision makers in your lake region concerning the issue of Climate Change impacts and adaptation requirements?

6 November 2007 Question 2: Comments Awareness of Decison Makers Most decision makers recognize climate change as an issue requiring attention in lake regions Only weak or no intentions of policy makers to implement climate mitigation or adaptation policies and regulations. No specific Climate Change adaptation information, models or planning schemes available NGOs start their own awareness campaigns

7 November 2007 3. To what degree do you consider your lake region vulnerable to climate change?

8 November 2007 Question 3: Comments Vulnerability High vulnerability of the lake due sensitivity of ecosystem and existing man made impacts. Vulnerability in relation to expected impacts: –Floods and extreme drought –Water salinisation / salt water intrusion –Increase of water temperature –Increase of water plants –Change of lake level –Alteration in hydrologycal and sedimentation dynamics

9 November 2007 4. To what degree is more research and information needed on a.) effects of climate change concerning your lake region?

10 November 2007 Question 4 a: Comments Research on Effects of Climate Change Rarely systematic research and data compiling in place More research needed at regional level

11 November 2007 4. To what degree is more research and information needed on b.) adaptation to climate change concerning your lake region?

12 November 2007 5. Adaptation measures: Which are planned or have been implemented in your lake region as a response to climate change concerns? No adaptation measures implemented yet solely as a response to climate change Plans for Adaptation (Comments from Living Lakes Partners):  Plans for Reforestation in the lake region  Anticipation measures of translocating villages during extended floods  Plans for regulation of water level to mitigate influences of climate change  Shoreline Management Plans are drafted to consider 50- 100 years

13 November 2007 5. Adaptation measures (continued) Adaptation Measure overlapping with other programmes  Building controls / restriction of settlement  Restrictions on watering / programmes to improve agricultural practises  Flood control dykes

14 November 2007 Conclusion - Role of NGOs 1. Step: Increase Awareness Create awareness of risks (and opportunities) of climate change Initiate research at local level or transport research findings to public and decisionmakers Link communication of risk to communication of possible adaptation measures 2. Step: Development of Adaptation Strategies Start or get involved in development of Adaptation Strategies Critical review of adaptation regulations, policies and planning schemes (impact assessments) Focus on adjusted low cost solutions (e.g. expansion of natural retention space instead of new dykes)

15 November 2007 Conclusion concerning the Role of NGOs 3. Step: Implementation of Adaptation Measures Implementation of pilot adaptation measures by NGOs Communication of need and benefits of certain adaptation measures Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation measures Challenge for NGOs: Development of balanced communication and awareness strategy (Balance between Mitigation and Adaption Message)

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