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Impacting Communities, Organizations, VISTAs and You.

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Presentation on theme: "Impacting Communities, Organizations, VISTAs and You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impacting Communities, Organizations, VISTAs and You

2 ? “What sustainable change do you hope to create in your community as a result of your VISTA project?”

3 Impacting Communities, Organizations, VISTAs and You By the end of this session, you will be able to: o Identify the training objectives for the Supervisor Orientation (SO) o Use the working agreements to ensure SO is a supportive and productive learning experience o Describe how the VISTA project will impact you, your community, your organization, and your VISTA o Establish the importance of the member/ supervisor relationship for the success of the project 3

4 Managing Your VISTA Project Webinar Recording /view.php?id=13298 4

5 Four Facets of VISTA Supervisor Role

6 Mission of VISTA VISTA builds capacity in nonprofit organizations and communities to help bring individuals and communities out of poverty. 6

7 How VISTAs Change: 66% of VISTA alumni say that their service experience was a defining professional experience 72% of VISTA alumni reported that service helped them see they can make a difference in my community 84% of VISTA alumni reported developing their leadership skills 90% reported developing their problem-solving skills 90% of VISTA alumni experienced personal growth From: CNCS: Understanding the Participant Experience Survey 7 90% 84% 72%

8 Benefits for Workplace Mentors  Stronger perception of career success  Higher job satisfaction and organizational commitment  Faster promotion rates  Higher incomes  Personal gratification From: Designing Workplace Mentoring Programs: An Evidence-based Approach 8 Mentoring others is related to:

9 Supervisor Learning Community Resources VISTA Campus Forums Webinars 9


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