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HAMP The Microwave Package on the upcoming HALO (high altitude and long range) research aircraft Mario Mech 1,2, Susanne Crewell 1, Gerhard Peters 2, Lutz.

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Presentation on theme: "HAMP The Microwave Package on the upcoming HALO (high altitude and long range) research aircraft Mario Mech 1,2, Susanne Crewell 1, Gerhard Peters 2, Lutz."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAMP The Microwave Package on the upcoming HALO (high altitude and long range) research aircraft Mario Mech 1,2, Susanne Crewell 1, Gerhard Peters 2, Lutz Hirsch 2, and Thomas Rose 3 1 University of Cologne, Germany 2 Max-Planck Institute Hamburg, Germany 3 Radiometer Physics, Bonn, Germany

2 What for? Using active and passive instruments in combination for a more comprehensive view on the cloud and precipitation structure Validation for GPM Use in conjunction with the other instruments operated on HALO...

3 buisiness jet GulfstreamG550 transformed into research platform for airborne atmospheric science and Earth observations High Altitude and LOnge - new aircraft of the German atmospheric science community Oberpfaffenhofen 10000 km one way UTLS

4 HALO - Microwave Package basic instrumentation GOMAS CIWSIR

5 Cloud Radar MIRA-36 frequency36.5 GHz sensitivity-48 dBZ vert. res.30 m along track res.250/50 m across track res.50 m variablesZ,v doppler,LDR provided by University of Hamburg

6 preparative work for the cloud radar Hamburg 2007/05/13 (Bauer and Goersdorf, 2007) removing atmospheric plankton (LDR, structure, T)

7 PMW radiometer specifications K,V G

8 simulated brightness temperatures CRM - Méso-NH CRM - Méso-NH 5 hydrometeor categories - cloud, cloud ice, snow, graupel, rain 5 hydrometeor categories - cloud, cloud ice, snow, graupel, rain CRM - Méso-NH CRM - Méso-NH 5 hydrometeor categories - cloud, cloud ice, snow, graupel, rain 5 hydrometeor categories - cloud, cloud ice, snow, graupel, rain 1-D, plan-parallel RT model 1-D, plan-parallel RT model spherical particles with frequency-dependent density/size modification (Staelin, 2008) spherical particles with frequency-dependent density/size modification (Staelin, 2008) emissivity ([l] maps,[o] model) emissivity ([l] maps,[o] model) 1-D, plan-parallel RT model 1-D, plan-parallel RT model spherical particles with frequency-dependent density/size modification (Staelin, 2008) spherical particles with frequency-dependent density/size modification (Staelin, 2008) emissivity ([l] maps,[o] model) emissivity ([l] maps,[o] model) OceanLand

9 simple retrieval by mutliple regression problems with smaller rain water path amounts

10 Summary & Outlook cloud radar and selected microwave frequencies seems to have interesting information content cloud radar and passive microwave components are prepared - to be tested on ground late 2009 belly pod with MW components will be mounted on the aircraft 2010 first missions

11 Thanks!

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