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Team Initiated Problem Solving Workbook Cabarrus County 2013.

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1 Team Initiated Problem Solving Workbook Cabarrus County 2013

2 Turn and Talk Take two minutes each to discuss problem-solving models you’ve used before. What worked with these models? What could have been better? Activity

3 Team Meeting Practice  Hold a brief team meeting to practice meeting foundations.  Minute taker takes minutes.  Complete the problem solving steps for one problem (15 minutes).  Use that problem as a start up point for the practice “meeting” in this activity.  Build solution and evaluation plan.  Complete TIPS Fidelity of Implementation Checklist for this meeting (10 minutes).  Give completed checklist to Beth TIPS II Training Manual (2013) 3 Activity

4 Debrief from Team Meeting  What worked?  Is next meeting clearly outlined?  What barriers were encountered?  Are you set up for your next meeting? TIPS II Training Manual (2013) 4 Activity



7 Elementary School with 150 Students Compare with National Median 150 / 100 = 1.50 1.50 X.21 =.32 TIPS II Training Manual (2013) 7 SW Summary Statement: Our rate of problem behavior has been above the national median for schools our size the last 7 month this year. With an increasing trend all year & peaks in Nov, Feb, & April

8 Elementary School 465 students (465/ 100 = 4.6 X.21=.97 SW Summary Statement: Our rate of problem behavior has been above the national median for schools our size every month this year. There has been a decreasing trend since December TIPS II Training Manual (2013) 8

9 9 SW Summary Statement: Last year we had an increasing trend during first 3 months. (.5-2.2/day above national median).5-1.0 per day above national median for remainder of school year. Develop a SW Summary Statement

10 Stop and Jot  Map your assessment data for your school.  Academic: Literacy and Math  Social  What holes do you see? Activity

11 Anecdotal /ABC Event Recording : Frequency Event Recording: Frequency/Inte nsity Event Recordin g: Duration DBRTime Sampling Scatter Plot Discrete behavior - definite beginning and ending XXXX Ongoing behavior XXX Infrequent behavior X Behavior that varies in severity X Safety Concern XXX Narrowing down behavior of concerns XX Identifying context/settings XXXXXX Incentive/Self- Management X

12 Hole Filling  What holes have you identified in your school’s behavior data collection capacity?  On your team’s Action Plan, generate next steps for filling these holes.  Be specific: who, will do what, by when? Activity

13 Evaluate This Precise Problem Statement and Improve It Many 3rd and 4th graders ( Who ) are engaging in Defiance ( What ), between 11:45am and 12:00pm, near the end of their 30-minute recess period ( When ), with most these instances occurring on the Playground, in Class, or in the Hall ( Where ), because the students want to avoid the upcoming Classroom instructional period ( Why ). Activity

14 Evaluate This Precise Problem Statement and Improve It Activity ElementsWhat do you see? How could you make it better? Who What When Where Why

15 Primary to Precision  Defining problems with precision  What, how, who, where, when, why  Social and academic  Discriminate primary from precise  Morph Primary Statements into Precision Statements  Your first case…  large numbers of third graders have too many ODRs  third graders are generating the majority of the school’s ODRs in the cafeteria  third grade’s Case 21 fall assessment scores were the lowest in the school Choose one statement and take 5 minutes….. Be ready to share Activity

16 Develop a goal for the problem in the previous activity.  Write the precision problem statement on meeting minute form  Define current level of problem  Define goal for solving the problem  What will the data look like when problem is resolved?  What evidence will show that the goal has been met?  How and when will data be recorded/entered?  When will progress be measured ? TIPS II Training Manual (2013) 16 Activity

17 Intervention Mapping  Using the chart provided, begin mapping the possible academic and social interventions your team could put in place for individual students.  Use the following links to assist your work:  378n3ejfl9rm/Summary%20of%20 IP%20Review.docx 378n3ejfl9rm/Summary%20of%20 IP%20Review.docx  kaielp4yomf10t/ArwWLPHFPO kaielp4yomf10t/ArwWLPHFPO  http://www.interventioncentral. org/behavioral-intervention- modification http://www.interventioncentral. org/behavioral-intervention- modification  http://www.challengingbehavio http://www.challengingbehavio  / /  Activity

18 Identify Solution(s) Use the following precision statement to complete the following:  Determine a goal.  Discuss possible solution options.  Precise Problem: Many 3 rd and 4 th graders are engaging in Disrespect between 11:45am and 12:00pm, near the end of their 30-minute recess with most of these instances occurring on the Playground, in Class, or in the Hall because the students want to avoid the upcoming Classroom instructional period. 18 Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B. Version 2 (2012). The Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Training Manual. Educational and Community Supports, University of Oregon, unpublished training manual. Activity

19 ElementSolution IdeaImpactFeasibility Prevent Teach Reward Extinguish Correct Safety Activity

20 Fidelity of Implementation  With your team, complete a quick “Plus/Delta” on your fidelity of implementation.  Consider the implementation of actual school-wide solutions as well as the team’s use of meeting foundations.  Use these questions to guide this discussion:  What are we doing well and with fidelity on this team?  What could we change to do better?  “Even better if…..” Activity

21 Progress Monitoring With your team mates, discuss the following:  What data will you use to monitor the effectiveness of various solutions?  How will you ensure fidelity of implementation?  What barriers do you foresee with implementation fidelity? Activity

22 Elevator Speech  Pair up with someone from another team.  Write a two minute spiel to answer the following questions.  What is TIPS?  What does TIPS stand for and look like?  Why should people use TIPS?  Take a turn to tell your overview of TIPS to your partner.  Makes notes on what to change. Activity

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