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ALICE ADVANCED USERS TRAINING April 10, 2012. Welcome and Introductions  Alice for Advanced Users  FCADV Staff Support for Alice  Email address for.

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Presentation on theme: "ALICE ADVANCED USERS TRAINING April 10, 2012. Welcome and Introductions  Alice for Advanced Users  FCADV Staff Support for Alice  Email address for."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome and Introductions  Alice for Advanced Users  FCADV Staff Support for Alice  Email address for questions:  IT support  What to call Infocus for

3 Training Agenda  Addressing Errors  Using Reports  VOCA example  FCADV Report overview  Quality Assurance  Setup Concerns  Additional Q&A

4 Addressing Errors  Multiple centers identified some common errors that can easily be addressed with staff training:  Activities not placed in the correct categories: Setup and definitions  Client records put in the incorrect tab: Transferring records  Multiple ID numbers for the same client: Combining files  Entering activities on departed files: Setting a protocol

5 Addressing Errors  Forgetting to add activities after entering a case note  Forgetting to input “tracking” information and “surveys” upon departure  Forgetting to enter safety plans in tracking  Forgetting to enter referrals in referrals tab  Creating a training checklist: suggest that you create an Alice user checklist for file creation and use for staff

6 Addressing Errors  Questions regarding staff errors?

7 Reporting  Alice can provide the vast majority of reporting that most centers need: query process

8 Reporting  Screen Shot of the reports tab and Activities Reports

9 Reporting  Examples of the VOCA Report  Staff-based reports: VOCA generally pays specific staff that operate the program, can run staff reports

10 Reporting  Screen Shot of the Staff Activities Report Type

11 Reporting  Service site: Create a VOCA service site and then run by that specific query  Activity Report Screen Shot

12 Reporting  Service Site Report PDF Service Site Report PDF

13 FCADV Report Overview  The FCADV Report guide in the Alice Help file gives an excellent overview of the set up and roll up for statistics.  Please refer to the Florida DV Service Report PDF Florida DV Service Report PDF

14 FCADV Report Overview  There are some areas on the report that numerically do not match, not because the reporting is incorrect, but because the reporting is not designed to match.  Refer to page two of your most recent FCADV Report.  Intakes and services will not match on this page because it counts clients randomly in one of the categories, and some may have both, which will throw off the numbers.

15 FCADV Report Overview  Some other key things to note:  If you have intakes in any programs that are NOT DV or SA, they will not roll up to the report.  If you do not count safety plans on the data tracking tab, they will not roll up to the report.  If your activities are not reflected in the correct services type association, they will not roll up.

16 FCADV Report Overview  It is critical to review the help guide if you feel that your FACDV report is incorrectly pulling your statistics. Alice is not intuitive, and must be set up according to the specific outline Mark has given in the guide.

17 FCADV Report Overview  Questions on the FCADV report?

18 Other Reporting Tips  Mark is working to create a “point in time” report that would give a snapshot of all active clients on a single day and for a specific time period.  Configurable reports can be helpful in setting up demographic-based reporting, especially for local grants that need specific demographic overviews: Refer to SHP Report PDF example SHP Report PDF

19 Other Reporting Tips  Other Reporting questions?

20 Quality Assurance  Alice is great for doing quality assurance.  Run individual staff reports to track inputting of activities (refer to Staff Hours Report PDF)Staff Hours Report PDF  Run multiple activity queries to determine if staff are inputting activities correctly.  Event reports can show if staff are correctly logging training and community awareness events.

21 Quality Assurance  Alice vs. paper records:  The reality is that staff make just as many, if not more errors in paper reporting as they do in electronic reporting: They are just easier to spot in Alice!  Either method of reporting requires time-consuming follow-up and a level of professional trust.

22 Set Up Concerns  Several centers indicated that there are ongoing issues related to set up that they cannot resolve.  Looking at the FCADV Guide can help with most of these.  Running Alice as a remote service is also the best way to ensure that setup is correct, and that updates are completed correctly, timely, and get critical patches into the system. Example: City and County typos

23 Set Up Concerns  Set Up questions?

24 TA Ongoing for Alice  FCADV is committed to providing the centers ongoing, timely TA on Alice related questions using the email  FCADV is also working closely with Mark to ensure that as changes need to be made, the system reflects the correct needs of the state.  FCADV is working to provide a few onsite technical assistance visits for those centers with critical issues.  FCADV is working to create a technology plan that may include hosting services for Alice. Please let us know if you would be interested.

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