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Populations. I. How Populations grow A. Describing populations 1. Geographic Range- Space where it lives.

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Presentation on theme: "Populations. I. How Populations grow A. Describing populations 1. Geographic Range- Space where it lives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Populations

2 I. How Populations grow A. Describing populations 1. Geographic Range- Space where it lives

3 2.Density-# of individuals of a species per unit area

4 3.Distribution-shows how organisms are spread across their range

5 4. Growth Rate- tells whether a population is getting bigger, smaller or staying the same

6 5.Age structure-#s of males and females in different age groups of a population

7 B.Population Growth-changes based on how many individuals are added or removed 1. How? a. Birthrate/death rate b. immigration/emigration


9 C.Exponential Growth-the larger a population grows, the more quickly it grows—graph looks like a J

10 D.Logistic growth-a growth pattern in which a Population’s growth rate slows down or stops following a period of exponential growth---graph shaped Like an S

11 E. Carrying Capacity 1) the greatest number of individuals an Environment can support 2) the degree to which a population is limited in size by its resources


13 II. Limits to Growth A. Limiting Factors Anything that causes the growth Of a population to decrease Ex: food, predators

14 1. Density-Dependent Limiting factors a. Depends on population size 1. predator-prey cycle

15 2. herbivores

16 3. Parasites and disease

17 4. Competition

18 5. Overcrowding

19 2. Density Independent Factors Affects populations regardless of size Ex: weather, natural disasters

20 III. Human Population growth A. Historical Overview

21 B. Patterns of Human population Growth 1.Demography - the scientific study of human populations

22 2. Demographic Transition- A change from high birth rates and death rates to low birthrates and death rates

23 3.Age structure

24 4. Future Population growth

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