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A) a rose and a carnation B) a zebra and a horse

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1 A) a rose and a carnation B) a zebra and a horse
1. In which of the following pairs do both organisms belong to the same population? A) a rose and a carnation B) a zebra and a horse C) two residents of New York City D) two similar species of monkey

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3 2. Which of the following populations has a random dispersion?
A) herd of sheep B) clover in a field C) school of fish D) mountain lion

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5 A) more birds die than are hatched
3.The growth rate of a population of geese will probably increase within a year if __________. A) more birds die than are hatched B) several females begin laying eggs at a younger age C) most females lay two eggs instead of three during a nesting season D) some birds get lost during migration.

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7 4. Which factor contributed the most to the exponential growth of the human population?
A) higher fertility rates B) more food, better hygiene C) increased immigration D) higher birth rates

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9 5. A population will most likely deplete the resources of its environment if the population
A) must share resources with many other species. B) moves frequently from one habitat to another. C) grows beyond carrying capacity. D) has a low reproductive potential.

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11 6. Which of the following would cause a population to decrease in a region.
A) increased survivorship B) increased fertility rates C) decreased emigration D) decreased immigration

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13 7. Which of the following is an example of coevolution?
A) wolves that compete with each other for territory B) bacteria that suddenly mutate in a lab C) flowers that can be pollinated by only one species of insect D) rabbits that invade a new habitat

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15 8. Which of the following has the highest reproductive potential?
A) spiders B) bacteria C) polar bears D) cats

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17 9. An example of a population is
A) all the animals in the pond B) all the plants and animals in the pond C) all the bass in the ponds of Maryland and Pennsylvania D) all the bass in a pond

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19 10. Which countries have Type I survivorship?
A) the most developed countries B) the least developed countries C) countries in the second stage of demographic transition D) countries in the first stage of demographic transition

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21 11. In this century, the world population is likely to
A) remain the same. B) continue to grow exponentially. C) stabilize after fertility rates fall below replacement level. D) decline rapidly because fertility rates are below replacement level.

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23 12. Educating women worldwide has lowered birthrates partly because
A) educated women are stay-at-home moms. B) educated women use family planning techniques. C) educated women bear many children to ensure some will survive. D) all of the above

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25 13. An example of a cause of death that is density independent is
A) disease. B) predation. C) earthquakes. D) limited resources.

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27 14. When a resource is consumed at the same rate at which the ecosystem produces the resource, it is called the A) final resource. B) carrying resource. C) capacity resource. D) limiting resource.

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29 15. A tree has moss growing on its bark. This relationship is known as
A) predation. B) commensalism. C) mutualism. D) competition.

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