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Bell work 10-11-11 The political cartoon depicts population growth over the past two thousand years. Which statement best describes this illustration?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work 10-11-11 The political cartoon depicts population growth over the past two thousand years. Which statement best describes this illustration?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell work 10-11-11 The political cartoon depicts population growth over the past two thousand years. Which statement best describes this illustration? a. Human population has decreased gradually since 1800. b. Human population has increased gradually since 1800. c. Human population has decreased rapidly since 1800. d. Human population has increased rapidly since 1800. D is the correct answer. Explain why?

2 Essential Question How do you interpret a population pyramid?(7.3.21)

3 What percentage of the population do you represent in this graph?

4 What is a population Pyramid? A visual representation of the population of a country. It is a graph that displays a population's age and gender composition show numbers or proportions of males and females in each age group reflects a country’s birthrate and death rate reflects population growth or decline

5 POPULATION STRUCTURE The population pyramid displays the age and gender structure of a country or given area Population in Five Year Age bands Usually, but not always, Given in a percentage to make for easier comparisons between countries FEMALES To the right MALES To the left

6 Population pyramid of a less developed nation Population Pyramid of Nigeria (1995)

7 Interpret a Population Pyramids A TRIANGLE SHAPED POPULATION PYRAMID MEANS: Birth rate is high and Death rate is high high Infant mortality rate Low Gross Domestic Product Low quality of life, such as little medical care, inadequate food supply or poor water quality.

8 Population pyramid of a developed nation Population Pyramid of Sweden (1995)

9 Interpret a Population Pyramids A DIAMOND SHAPED POPULATION PYRAMID MEANS: BIRTH RATE IS LOW AND DEATH RATE IS LOW Low infant mortality rate High GDP High quality of life, such as access to health care, plentiful food supply and good water quality

10 let’s practice drawing one together. AgeMaleFemale 0-191514 20-3916 40-5912 60 & Over79 Australia

11 Compare Schofield Barracks, Hawaii to Bella Vista, Arkansas. What are some potential reasons that might cause the ages to be distributed in this way?


13 World War I 1914-1918 1.7 million military dead December 1934 Stalin began a period of purging and terror that lasted until 1939 and was marked by the execution of virtually the entire political and military elite. How old do you assume these people would have been in 1939? Soviet Union

14 How would you determine how World War I impacted the male population? What age group was impacted by Stalin’s purges?

15 Homework Marvin the Martian just received a population pyramid, but he does not know how to read it. In a letter, explain to Marvin how to interpret a population pyramid. Please include the basic components of a pyramid and the difference in the diamond and triangle shaped pyramids.

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