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FIA MADRID Preparatory Meeting Brussels, 15 September 2008.

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1 FIA MADRID Preparatory Meeting Brussels, 15 September 2008

2 Tentative Agenda  1. Opening remarks (JdS/MC)  2. Madrid event – Overall structure, invitation of plenary speakers and MS representatives (ALL) – Final discussion and approval of BO sessions (ALL) – Update on organisation and logistics (UPM)  3. Prague event – Status update (JdS/MC) – Scientific publication and appointment of scientific committee (ALL) – Criteria for the selection of high level speakers (ALL)  4. Bled declaration, status update of endorsing projects; (JdS/MC)  5. Web sites FI+FIRE (EURESCOM)

3 FIA Madrid Key Features  Review progress since Bled – Strengthen synergies across domains and clusters  Need to keep momentum - Check progress still this year, building up on sectorial events – Towards a more structured approach  Offer the known National Initiatives an opportunity to explain their intentions, objectives, goals, milestones and funding (selection?)  Outcome expected: further progress on the structuring of R&D efforts in Europe. In preparation for a follow-up event in Prague, including a one day political event.  Towards evaluation of FIA process

4 From 19 May FIA-OC Meeting  By end of June WG/ETPs to provide ideas for FIA sessions following defined format  23 Proposals received from all groups  EC to consolidate a proposal by end of July – 5-6 proposals to be selected – Coverage of all cross-cutting aspects to be ensured DONE

5 Session Proposals Received Trust & Security NetworkServicesContentIoTTINEMISI TS1 (scalable trust for an open FI) N2 (future content networks) S1 (managem ent and governanc e within FI) C1 (media driven networks) IoT1 (communit ing things) TI1 (use scenarios for the FIRE facility) NEM1 (vision towards future media internet) ISI1 (the emergency internet) N1 (FI socioecon omics) S2 (architectu res and infrastruct ures) C2 (physical- based virtual worlds) IoT2 (personali sed services and content) NEM2 (content) ISI2 (the mankind internet) N3 (real world internet) S3 (trust at scale and high granularity ) C3 (identity mgmt for both users and content) IoT3 (trust at scale and high granularity ) NEM3 (user- generated content) N4 (self manageme nt) S4 (lifecycle engineerin g for FI apps) C4 (cognitive and visual sensor networks) NEM4 (multimedi a content delivery)

6 EC Proposed Groupings Management and Governance Future Content Network(s) Real World Internet Socio Economic s IoT3 IoT1 S3 TS1 S4 S2 S1 N4 N3 N2 NEM 2 N1 TI1 NEM 4 NEM 3 NEM 1 ISI1 IoT2 C1 C2 C3 C4 Identity and Trust ISI2 Future Internet Service Offer Usage of facilities based on use cases

7 December 9, 2008 9.00 – 10.30 Plenary introductory session (Welcome, status and way forward, national initiatives) 11.00-13.00 Future Content Network(s) (1) Real World Internet (1) Identity and Trust in FI (1: identity) 14.00-16.00 Future Content Network(s) (2) Real World Internet (2) Identity and Trust in FI (2: trust) 16.30-18.30 Future Internet Service Offer (1) Management & Governance (1) Socio-Economics December 10, 2008 9.00-11.00 Future Internet Service Offer (2) Management & Governance (2)Usage of Facilities based on Use Cases 11.30 – 13.00 Plenary session (achievements, session papers, way forward) Proposed Sessions Layout

8 Way forward, pending issues  Final agreement on sessions and event structure – FIRE/Eurescom request for inputs towards other sessions?  Confirmation of caretakers, interfacing between session proponents (who leads what)  Projects participating to sessions identified, caretakers to finalise list of participating projects.  Caretakers to push for input papers (from projects/ETPs) towards the sessions  Input papers to be published on the FI portal. Eurescom to provide guidelines for working groups on the use of the web portal. No news from last mtg?  Defining content of Plenary session, day 1 (national work..)  Confirming that logistic arrangements can fit the proposes session layouts (UPM)  Setting up a registration mechanism (UPM)  Decoupling web sites? mixes Service Wave and FIA  Session rapporteur, will provide a session summary report to be uploaded on Eurescom site  Exceptional “non project” participation, max 5 per session, to be proposed by caretaker, final decision with EC

9 Milestones from Bled to Madrid  Mobile Summit 2008, 10-12 June, Stockholm, S –  DEBS event 2-4 July 2008, Rome, I;  i2010 Conference, 9 Sept, Paris, F  FIRE launch event, 10 Sept, Paris, F –  FIS 28-30 Sept, Vienna, A –  Seminar WG Trust & Security AB, Sept, Brussels, B  EPoSS Annual Forum 2008, 1-2 October  Internet of Things, 6-7 October, Nice, F –  WWRF Conference, 14-15 October, Stockholm  NEM Summit 2008, 13-15 Oct. St.Malo, F –  4th International FOKUS IMS Workshop, 6-7 Nov 2008, Berlin, Germany  ICT Conference 2008, FI session, 25 – 27 Nov, Lyon, F –  CONEXT- 9-12, Dec, Madrid, ES –  ServiceWave 2008, 10-13 Dec, Madrid, ES – Reminder to FIA OC/caretakers to use these events as preparatory platforms: sent on 27 June by Dir F  Make sure message is received by constituency at large

10 Other Milestones from Bled to Madrid  Ministerial Conference, 6 October, Nice  Communication on Future Networks and Internet & Public Consultation on Internet of Things to be launched end of September 2008;  ICT Directors meeting, FI Working group, 25 Sept 2008. To be presented at Nice ICT conference

11 Beyond Madrid: Prague  Status update – Date, Location, Logistics, CZ Presidency support  Event Structure – One day high level political conf, 2 days FIA workshops. Bled Model  High value Scientific publication – based on project “advanced” papers – Urgent to send call for paper to projects (caretakers)  “Splash” event, beyond Bled Declaration

12 Prague Open Issues (short term)  Day one structure – Sessions: at this stage, could possibly include one high profile policy session with key notes, one economic/social session (in the wake of the Seoul declaration), one technology oriented session – Selection of speakers/Criteria. Informal approach need to start shortly – What to move beyond the Bled Declaration? Policy profile document endorsed at the appropriate level thought  Scientific publication – Caretakers expected to: Trigger request towards projects, with objective of selecting 5 papers per area Provide 5 names of recognised peer reviewers (Scientific Ctee) Write a paragraph to introduce the area in the book  Sponsorship for day one: Industry interfaces towards marketing/event sponsoring people needed

13 Moving Ahead, Prague  Higher EC logistic involvement planned  Sponsorship, EC can help as “pointers”  EC to take care of proceedings, posters, webcasting (if not done by CZ) project compendium, rapporteur, journalist.  Scientific publication (a book, with papers of scientific value) taken care of (budget/timing);  Local facilities ensured by the local organiser  Posters, demos only for sponsors if deemed necessary

14 In Summary… The Critical role of the caretaker:  Madrid: – Finalise list of projects attending sessions – Push for input papers, as discussion issues; – Propose non FP project participation  Prague: – Call for scientific papers contributing to the book; – Provide 5 names as peer reviewers; – Write paragraph to introduce area in book

15 Web Site Issues  Web site may benefit from improvements  Should be easy to: – Quickly access FIA documents – Quickly access key FI conference presentations and documents – Quickly access key FI initiatives in the EU – Quickly access key events, updated list  Mobile summit speeches?  EU-Japan link in several steps?  Maintenance and update of Bled declaration  Synergy between FI/Fireworks sites would be highly desirable  …

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