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CEOS WGISS 26 Meeting, Boulder, September 2008 Lorant Czaran, UNHQ Wyn Cudlip, BNSC WGISS26 Boulder, September 2008 Global Datasets now an Interest Group.

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Presentation on theme: "CEOS WGISS 26 Meeting, Boulder, September 2008 Lorant Czaran, UNHQ Wyn Cudlip, BNSC WGISS26 Boulder, September 2008 Global Datasets now an Interest Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEOS WGISS 26 Meeting, Boulder, September 2008 Lorant Czaran, UNHQ Wyn Cudlip, BNSC WGISS26 Boulder, September 2008 Global Datasets now an Interest Group

2 CEOS WGISS 26 Meeting, Boulder, September 2008 Global Datasets IG Aims To encourage and support the creation and use of global datasets through the co- operation of CEOS members Past successes include global AVHRR map products and the GLOBE global 1km DEM Currently contributing on goal to create a globally consistent and accurate 30m DEM, in collaboration with WGCV and GEOSS.

3 CEOS WGISS 26 Meeting, Boulder, September 2008 Areas and Initiatives of Interest Global food crisis, drought, climate change etc. - international focus increasing (including in the UN System), high-level task forces set up Core Global Datasets identified as needed by community of experts, including UNGIWG How could space-based data or related services assist: -Global Roads dataset (priority!) -Global coastline dataset at 100K or better scale; using sat imagery to develop data faster, still need gap-filling in cloudy areas after Earthsat work… (priority!) -Global DEM at 30m. and related data services (links to GEO task DA-07-01) -Datasets/services for global flood monitoring, trends over years, and over larger areas/regions for decisions Ongoing liaison with Global Map (& ISCGM)‏ Link to Land Surface Imaging activity? note new Landsat availability, Google support via

4 CEOS WGISS 26 Meeting, Boulder, September 2008 UN-SPIDER Programme the budget of the Programme was approved by the UN General Assembly in 2007, providing funding for new staff and resources for the programme to be implemented starting in 2008 Stands for “United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response”, and it has a lot of focus aimed at UN mediation in support of those developing countries that need space-based data, information and services most in their disaster-related efforts... Coordination from UNOOSA in Vienna, other offices in Bonn, Beijing and Geneva on track Lorant Czaran will be heading the Bonn Office of UN-SPIDER See

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