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1/20 ea technology MicroCHeaP: Month 24 meeting Athens Work Package 4 presentation 21 September 2006 Presented by Yvonne Dickson Partners in power asset.

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Presentation on theme: "1/20 ea technology MicroCHeaP: Month 24 meeting Athens Work Package 4 presentation 21 September 2006 Presented by Yvonne Dickson Partners in power asset."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/20 ea technology MicroCHeaP: Month 24 meeting Athens Work Package 4 presentation 21 September 2006 Presented by Yvonne Dickson Partners in power asset management

2 2/20 MicroCHeaP WP4 Presentation Title: Micro-CHP in an electricity network Presentation Summary: EA Technology company structure STP Module 5 programme of projects Distributed Generation (includes micro-CHP) Module 5 scope & objectives Module 5 projects in September 2006 Publication of project results

3 3/20 Company Structure EA TECHNOLOGY Consultancy Products Technical Services

4 4/20 Software Solutions Network Asset Management Technology Forums New Energy Technologies Strategic Asset Management Strategic Technology Programme CONSULTANCY

5 5/20

6 6/20 Distributed Generation Module Strategic Technology Programme STP Module 5 = The Strategic Technology Programme (STP) provides research, development and technology to Electricity Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) in the UK and Ireland

7 7/20 All generation connected to an electricity distribution network (up to 132kV) potentially selling surplus electricity back into the network, including: – Small-scale plant that supplies electricity to a building, industrial site or community – Microgeneration, ie small installations of solar panels, wind turbines or biomass/waste burners that supply one building or small community Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant, including: – Building or community level CHP plant – Micro-CHP plant that effectively replaces domestic boilers, generating both electricity and heat for the home What is “Distributed Generation”?

8 8/20 Growth in UK electricity generation from renewable sources [DTI June 2006]

9 9/20 Distributed GenerationSecurityReliability Capacity OperationMaintenance Design StabilityReinforcement Island Mode Active Management New Network Design Concepts Ancillary Services 400/275kV 11kV 6.6kV 400V PowerPowerPowerPower PowerPowerPowerPower PowerPowerPowerPower PowerPowerPowerPower

10 10/20 STP Module 5 Distributed Generation 2006/07 MEMBER COMPANIES CE Electric Central Networks EDF Energy Electricity Supply Board Networks Manx Electricity Authority ScottishPower Scottish & Southern Electricity United Utilities Co-ordinator: EA Technology

11 11/20 Module 5 - Distributed Generation Key issues Fault Level Stability Protection Metering Quality of Supply Security of Supply Voltage Control Earthing

12 12/20 STP Module 5 Distributed Generation ↓ Networks for Distributed Energy Resources FUNDED BY MEMBER COMPANIES MODULE STARTED IN YEAR: 1997/08 BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2006/07: €400000 Co-ordinator: EA Technology

13 13/20 Module 5 – 2006/07 Module Title “Networks for Distributed Energy Resources” Addition to Module Scope Moving to lower carbon network designs and the development and operation of distributed resources, the following are within scope: Network design, distributed generation, demand-side management, storage and active network management Implications for distribution networks of the Government’s low-carbon strategy Approved in January 2006

14 14/20 Module 5 Objectives 1.To facilitate increased understanding between all participants on technical and commercial and regulatory issues and develop effective solutions to these issues 2.To ensure that all participants optimise network design, financial and operational performance as the levels of storage, managed-demand and distributed generation increase on the distribution networks 3.To maximise the opportunities to the module participants arising from active network management and low-carbon networks, with regard to network reinforcement and network security 4.To reduce the costs associated with network connection

15 15/20 Module 5 project stages running in September 2006 DG = Distributed generation DNO = Distribution Network Operator Planned dates for large multi-stage projects: S5147 “Microgenerator clusters” Feb 2006 - April 2008 S5149 “Active voltage control” Jan 2006 - July 2008

16 16/20 S5147 Micro-generator Clusters S5140 Domestic Combined Heat & Power Potential (Sep2004 ) concluded that short term impact of dCHP on a national scale will be small - but clusters of dCHP units (e.g. a whole new build housing estate) could have significant impact locally (e.g. networks coping with new situations such as reverse power flow) Lovell Homes are building ~500 homes on a brown field site in Manchester. All houses will have 1kW WhisperGen CHP units supplied by Powergen S5147 is a more complete study of the effects of dCHP clusters on load and voltage profiles providing real measured data for low voltage network design with microgeneration - to be written into a national Engineering Recommendation

17 17/20 WhisperGen in the home

18 18/20 S5149 Active Voltage Control The objectives of the project are: To understand the technical and commercial advantages and disadvantages of voltage control equipment when connecting different types of DG To understand how different types of DG and AVRs can aid voltage profile on an electricity distribution network DG = Distributed Generation AVR = Automatic Voltage Regulator

19 19/20 S5149 Active Voltage Control Stage 2 Interim report delivered November 2005 Stage 3 Review workshop held December 2005 Stage 4 Desktop studies of real case studies & potential voltage control solutions – in progress Stage 3 workshop Simplified Network incorporating key issues. Real case studies Evaluation and comparison of different voltage control schemes on simplified network. Comparison guide. Trial of most appropriate schemes on real case studies Recommendations for field trials STAGE 4

20 20/20 21 > 24 MAY 2007 VIENNA AUSTRIA Papers on both ongoing large projects are expected to be chosen for presentation/publication at the CIRED Conference (Session 4: Distributed Generation) - S5147 “Microgenerator clusters” - S5149 “Active voltage control”

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