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Our Journey HPHS-HPH-ENSH Inverclyde Hospital HPHS Seminar 21 st March 2007 Tommy Harrison HPH Mental Health Hub Coordinator Forensic Project Nurse Mental.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Journey HPHS-HPH-ENSH Inverclyde Hospital HPHS Seminar 21 st March 2007 Tommy Harrison HPH Mental Health Hub Coordinator Forensic Project Nurse Mental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Journey HPHS-HPH-ENSH Inverclyde Hospital HPHS Seminar 21 st March 2007 Tommy Harrison HPH Mental Health Hub Coordinator Forensic Project Nurse Mental Health Partnership

2 Aim Of Presentation I will give a brief account of how mental health services identified the need for health improvement. How we utilised the Health Promoting Health Service Guidance. Where we are now with HPH and future plans.

3 Background Forensic services established 1997. Continuing Care Facility For Under 65’s. Staff issues/Redeployment. Limited health-promoting activities. Client mix and expectations.

4 How We Got Started Ask users what they want/need re questionnaire. Benchmarked existing programmes. Start with ONE activity. Have a champion. Patience/Perseverance. Include activity within care plan Staff Fundraising Activities.

5 Some of the Pitfalls Not seen as a Nursing Remit by some staff No Financial Rewards Favoritism of Users and Staff. Some talk a good game/Mean Well. Slow Progress. Training Requirements. No Evaluation by staff Unforeseen Barriers- Budget/Clinical Activity Red Tape/Protocols/Health and Safety.

6 Early HPHS Examples in Scotland Developing the concept of HPHS Framework across Ayrshire and Arran Health Board. Promoting Breastfeeding in Inverclyde. Improving the environment at Bourtreehill HC Irvine. Setting a Standard in Hand washing in Dunfermline. Promoting Healthy Eating in Greenock. Tackling Staff Smoking at Kirklandside Hospital, Kilmarnock.

7 Health Scotland HPHS Framework 2001-2004 National Impact Site Increased Knowledge base Restructuring Activities Used as a Guide Allowed Networking Collaboration Patient Focused Raised Profile Benchmark Evaluation

8 Development of a Benchmarking Tool HPHS 2004 Physical Health Care Gender Based Health Care Nutrition Patient Activity Drugs and Alcohol Smoking Spiritual Care Staff Health

9 Overall Scoring (HPHS Pilot) Out of a possible 68 Questions Boulevard (47) (42) - 5 Ward 6 (48) (59) +11 Ward 5 (41) (52) + 11 Campsie Whitehouse (38) (42) +4 Riverside (28) (27) - 1 Ward 2 (35) (42) + 7 Orchard 1 (29) (38) + 9 Orchard 2 (36) (36) 0 Orchard 3 (30) (35) + 5 2004 collective score= 54.3% 2005 collective score= 61.1%.1%

10 Glasgow Forensic Services Smoking Questionnaire (Benchmark Oct 2004 + June 2006) Total in-patient Complement 47 (49) Total no completed questionnaire 89% (94%) Total no raised in Greater Glasgow 81% (na) Total no who smoke 81% (77%) Total no who do not smoke 19% (23%) Total no who want to stop smoking 48% ( 54%) Total no with Decap Score 7 66% Total no with Decap Score 6 11%

11 HPH Leverndale Hospital 2005-2008 National Mental Health Hub Steering Group/Sub Smoking Cessation & Harm Reduction Smoking Cessation Pilot Physical Health Nutritional Health Two HPHS Trainers Membership Psychiatric Task Force Joint Working (Smoking) National ENSH Pilot

12 WHO HPH Standards NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Mental Health Services were recently asked to assess Standard 2 Patient Assessment criteria to make it more mental health specific. This piece of work was submitted in Jan 2007 and will be presented to the WHO in Vienna April 2007 for consideration

13 Milestones in Evaluation (The Journey) Forensic Service User Questionnaire 1999 HPHS Framework Impact Evaluation Pilot 2001-04 Forensic Have a Braveheart Questionnaire 2001 Forensic Patient Activity Benchmark 2002 HPHS Local Pilot Checklist 2004 HPHS Health Improvement Benchmarking Tool 2004 Forensic Patient Smoking Habits Questionnaire 2004 & 2006 Benchmark of National Programme City-Wide 2005 Benchmarking Smoking Concerns 2005 WHO HPH Standards 2006 MH Smoking Cessation Coordinator Pilot 2007 ENSH Benchmarking Audit Tool 2007

14 Thank-You HPHS Awareness HPH Annual Conference

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